Start the Party! Save the World Cheats - PlayStation 3

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 3
Check out these Start the Party! Save the World cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
Boom Shot! (Silver) - Shoot 5 bombs in a single game of Speedy Shootout.
Bomb Bounder (Silver) - Destroy 35 of Dr. Terrible's cloned helicopters in a single game of Bomb Bouncin'.
Civilian Saviour (Silver) - Protect every Civilian in a single game of Robo Blast.
Clear Winner (Silver) - Get a top score in any game in Free Play mode.
Highspeed Hero (Bronze) - Complete a game of Quickfire.
Home Sweet Home (Silver) - Help 6 cavemen get back home within a single game of Caveman Bounce.
House Party (Bronze) - Complete a game of Party mode.
Jelly Justice (Bronze) - Pop 10 jellyfish within a single game of Gone Fishin'.
Line em' Up (Silver) - Destroy 8 UFOs simultaneously in Alien Attack.
Manic Mechanic (Silver) - Repair every robot within a single game of Robo Repair.
Dinner Denied (Silver) - Prevent the monster from eating any Civilians in a single game of Chopper Rescue.
Dive For Five (Bronze) - Save 5 Divers Simultaneously in Super Sub Rescue.
Firefly Feast (Bronze) - Grab 40 or more fireflies within a single game of Jurassic Spark.
Fish Fever (Silver) - Catch 40 fish within a single game of Deep Sea Peril.
Flash Bash (Silver) - Don't let the bears crack the window in a game of Bear Bash.
Flying Fish (Bronze) - Catch 10 fish in mid-air in a single game of Deep Sea Peril.
Frenzied Fishin' (Silver) - Rescue every diver over 8 areas within a single game of Gone Fishin'.
Heli Hero (Bronze) - Save 3 Civilians simultaneously in Chopper Rescue.
Highscore Legend! (Gold) - Play every game in Free Play mode and get onto the Highscore Table in each one.
Quite the Catch (Silver) - Catch 25 Sailors in a row in a single game of Overboard.
Ready For Launch (Silver) - Build 6 rockets in a single game of Rocket Repair.
Safe N' Sound (Silver) - Rescue 25 divers from the clutches of the Octosquid in a single game of Tentacle Trouble.
Supermassive Black Hole (Silver) - Lure 4 UFOs into a Black Hole in Space Shootout.
Survival Expert (Silver) - Climb to the top of the Highscore Table in Survivor mode.
Survivor (Gold) - Survive for 4 minutes or more in Survivor mode.
Medical Marvel (Silver) - Collect 20 medi-packs within a single game of Manic Medic.
Packed Like Sardines (Silver) - Save 14 Divers in a single game of Super Sub Rescue.
Party Hero (Bronze) - Play every game within Start the Party!™ Save the World.
Party King! (Platinum) - Collect all other trophies for Start the Party!™ Save the World.
Party Marathon (Silver) - Complete a 'Long' game of Party mode play.
Production Line (Bronze) - Fix 20 robots within a single game of Robo Repair.
Quick Fix (Silver) - Fix every robot within a single game of Fixin' Frenzy.
There's No Space Like Home (Silver) - Help 10 Astronauts get safely to their rocket in Astro Bounce.
Top Row Rescue (Bronze) - Catch 10 Sailors using only the top row of windows in a single game of Overboard.
Trail Blazing (Silver) - Destroy a group of 9 Fireflies in one stroke in Fire Fight.
Trigger Happy! (Bronze) - Destroy 5 waves of UFOs without the use of the charged shot in Space Shootout.
Triple Blast (Bronze) - Destroy 3 UFOs with one charged blast in Robo Blast.
Tyrannosaurus Wreck (Silver) - Protect all the cavemen in a single game of Jurassic Spark.

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