SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Check out these SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation Cheats
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Oct. 08, 2010
Aug. 27, 2010
Unlock Trophies
Admirable Service (Bronze) - Escort 25 VIPs to safety, defuse 10 bombs, extract 25 hostages, defend 10 control points.
Assault Rifle: 2nd Class (Silver) - 600 assault rifle kills, 7 assault rifle kills with 20% accuracy in one game, 50 kills with 5 different assault rifles.
Assault Rifle: 3rd Class (Bronze) - 250 assault rifle kills, 5 assault rifle kills with 15% accuracy in one game, 25 kills with 4 different assault rifles.
Assault Rifle: Elite (Silver) - 1000 assault rifle kills, 10 assault rifle kills with 25% accuracy in one game, 75 kills with 7 different assault rifles.
Bronze Star (Bronze) - 5 mvp awards, 25 kill assists, 300 kills, 35 headshots, 50 games on the winning side.
Confrontation Champion (Platinum) - Get all gold, silver and bronze trophies.
Meritorious Service (Silver) - Win 25 rounds via hostage rescue in Extraction, win 25 rounds via bomb defusal in Demolition, win 25 rounds via VIP Extraction in Escort.
MG: 2nd Class (Silver) - 100 MG kills, 6 MG kills in one game, 25 kills with 3 different MGs.
Demolitions Expert (Silver) - 10 grenade kills, 2 breaching charge kills, 2 claymore kills, 10 kills by blowing up cars or other explosives.
Distinguished Service Medal (Bronze) - Capture 10 control points, plant 10 bombs, extract 10 hostages, escort 15 VIPs to safety.
Expeditionary Medal (Silver) - Play 50 games as a mercenary, play 50 games as a commando/special forces.
Gallantry Medal (Gold) - 200 sniper rifle kills, 5 MVP awards on each map, 50 melee kills, special operators medal, superior service medal.
Good Conduct (Bronze) - Achieve 150 consecutive kills without killing a team-mate.
Legion of Merit Medal (Gold) - 50 MVP awards, 5000 kills, 250 headshots, 500 games on winning side, extract 150 hostages, plant 100 bombs, capture 125 control points.
Legion of Merit Medal: Continued (Gold) - eliminate 125 vips, silver star, military cross, gallantry medal, all service medals, all weapon specialties elite.
Marksman Medal (Silver) - Achieve 15 kills in a game with accuracy above 75% (explosive kills do not count).
Pistol: 2nd Class (Silver) - 100 pistol kills, 4 pistol kills with 20% accuracy in one game, 10 kills with 4 different pistols.
Pistol: 3rd Class (Bronze) - 50 pistol kills, 2 pistol kills with 15% accuracy in one game, 5 kills with 3 different pistols.
Pistol: Elite (Silver) - 150 pistol kills, 35 pistol headshots, 6 pistol kills with 25% accuracy in one game, 20 kills with 5 different pistols.
MG: 3rd Class (Bronze) - 50 MG kills, 4 MG kills in one game, 15 kills with 2 different MGs.
MG: Elite (Silver) - 250 MG kills, 75 MG headshots, 8 MG kills in one game, 60 kills with 3 different MGs.
Military Cross (Silver) - Extract 50 hostages,eliminate 50 VIPs,defuse 25 bombs,plant 25 bombs,capture 35 control points,meritorious service medal,distinguished service medal.
Pow Medal (Silver) - Play 50 games of Extraction without killing a hostage.
Purple Heart (Silver) - 50 kill assists.
Sniper Rifle: 2nd Class (Silver) - 200 sniper rifle kills, 4 sniper rifle kills with 35% accuracy in one game, 50 kills with 3 different sniper rifles.
Sniper Rifle: 3rd Class (Bronze) - 100 sniper rifle kills, 3 sniper rifle kills with 30% accuracy in one game, 25 kills with 2 different sniper rifles.
Sniper Rifle: Elite (Silver) - 350 sniper rifle kills, 75 sniper rifle headshots, 6 sniper rifle kills with 90% accuracy in one game, 60 kills with 3 different sniper rifles.
SMG: 2nd Class (Silver) - 600 SMG kills, 7 SMG kills with 20% accuracy in one game, 50 kills with 5 different SMGs, 3 SMG headshots in one game.
SMG: 3rd Class (Bronze) - 250 SMG kills, 5 smg kills with 15% accuracy in one game, 25 kills with 4 different SMGs, 2 SMG headshots in one game.
SMG: Elite (Silver) - 1000 SMG kills, 125 SMG headshots, 10 SMG kills with 25% accuracy in one game, 75 kills with 5 different SMGs, 4 SMG headshots in one game.
Shotgun: 2nd Class (Silver) - 100 shotgun kills, 6 shotgun kills in one game, 25 kills with 3 different shotguns.
Shotgun: 3rd Class (Bronze) - 50 shotgun kills, 4 shotgun kills in one game, 15 kills with 2 different shotguns.
Shotgun: Elite (Silver) - 250 shotgun kills, 60 shotgun headshots, 8 shotgun kills in one game, 60 kills with 3 different shotguns.
Silver Star (Silver) - 20 mvp awards, 1000 kills, 15 consecutive kills without taking damage, 100 headshots, 200 games on the winning side, bronze star, stealth medal.
Special Operators Medal (Bronze) - 75 sniper rifle kills, 15 kills in a row without dying, 25 melee kills, 3 headshots in a row.
Stealth Medal (Bronze) - 5 consec. kills w/ no damage,25 kills w/ suppress assault rifle,15 kills w/ suppress pistol,20 kills w/ suppress SMG,20 kills w/ suppress sniper rifle.
Superior Service Medal (Silver) - 1 MVP award on each map, 1 MVP award in each game mode, 200 kills as a mercenary, 200 kills as commando/special forces.
Tour of Duty Veteran (Bronze) - Play 25 games of each game mode, play 25 games on each map.

Additionally, there are six Cold Front DLC trophies:

Additional Firepower (Silver) - 500 kills with new cold front weapons, 50 kill assists with new cold front weapons, 25 kills while using a thermal scope.
Cold Front Tour of Duty (Bronze) - Play 25 games of arms run play, 25 games on each cold front map.
Cold Front Domination (Gold) - 200 wins CF maps, laun.100 missi.arms run,destroy 100 missi.arms run,250 mounted turret kill,25 melee kill,specia.veteran,add.firepower,CF tour of duty.
Mounted Destruction (Bronze) - 50 mounted turret kills, 5 mounted turret kills in one game.
Specialized Veteran (Silver) - Earn a gold star in primary weapon specialization, earn a silver star in secondary weapon specialization, 50 kills w/unlocked primary specialized weapon.
Specialized Weaponry (Bronze) - Unlock one of the specialization-specific weapons, 25 kills with unlocked primary specialization weapon.

Unlock Special Commando Weapons
Ameli Machine Gun - Choose Spain as your country.
GMP Submachine gun - Choose Germany as your country.
IW-80 A2 Assault Rifle - Choose U.K. as your country.
FAMAS G2 Assault Rifle - Choose France as your country.
SCFR-LW Assault Rifle - Choose U.S. as your country.

Unlock Weapons (Cold Front DLC)
Download the 1.6 patch/Cold Front DLC pack to unlock these weapons:

417 Assault Rifle - Choose Dutch KCT as your country's faction.
AG-94 Assault Rifle - Choose Russian Spetsnaz as your country's faction.
Alice - Primary weapon specialization set as assault rifle.
Gladys - Primary weapon specialization set as pistol.
Gloria - Primary weapon specialization set as machinegun.
Motoko - Primary weapon specialization set as sub-machinegun.
SPAS-15 Shotgun - Choose Italian Comsubin as your country's faction.
Tilly - Primary weapon specialization set as sniper rifle.
Vera - Primary weapon specialization set as shotgun.

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