Shank Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlock Extra Costumes
Complete the single player campaign once on any difficulty and then enter the following at the title screen:

[Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Circle], [X], [Start] - Various costumes.
[Up], [Square], [Down], [Circle], [Left], [Triangle], [Right], [X] - Death Spank costume.
Unlock Trophies
Making a name for yourself (Bronze) - Take out 100 enemies.
Grindhouse (Bronze) - 100 Chainsw kills.
And it continues (Silver) - Complete Single Player Campaign on Normal Mode.
Backstory (Silver) - Complete Co-op Campaign Mode.
The Wrong Guy (Bronze) - Defeat El Raton.
The Meating (Bronze) - Defeat The Butcher.
Scars from the past (Bronze) - Defeat Cassandra.
Revenge is Sweet (Bronze) - Defeat Cesar.
Just getting started (Bronze) - Take out 20 enemies.
Father forgive me... (Silver) - Defeat The Priest.
Mow 'em Down (Silver) - Take out 1,000 enemies.
I'm just that good (Gold) - Complete Single Player Campaign on Hard Mode.

Unlock Bonuses
2p Costume - Complete the game.
Concept Art #1 - Get 100 kills with the Shank.
Concept Art #2 - Get 100 kills with the Chains.
Concept Art #3 - Get 100 kills with Dual Pistols.
Concept Art #4 - Get 100 kills with the Katana.
Grindhouse Costume - Get 100 Kills with the Chainsaw. Mow 'em Down Costume - Get 1,000 kills total.
White Ninja Costume - Get a 100-hit Combo.
Red Ninja Outfit - Perform a 150-hit combo.
Wildman Shank (Logan/Wolverine costume) - Complete the Single Player Campaign on Hard Mode.

Unlock Gamer Pictures
Gamer Picture 1 - Get 100 Shotgun kills.
Gamer Picture 2 - Get 100 Dual Machete kills.
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