Shank Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Check out these Shank cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlock Extra Costumes
Complete the single player campaign once on any difficulty and then enter the following at the title screen:

[Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Circle], [X], [Start] - Various costumes.
[Up], [Square], [Down], [Circle], [Left], [Triangle], [Right], [X] - Death Spank costume.
Unlock Trophies
Making a name for yourself (Bronze) - Take out 100 enemies.
Grindhouse (Bronze) - 100 Chainsw kills.
And it continues (Silver) - Complete Single Player Campaign on Normal Mode.
Backstory (Silver) - Complete Co-op Campaign Mode.
The Wrong Guy (Bronze) - Defeat El Raton.
The Meating (Bronze) - Defeat The Butcher.
Scars from the past (Bronze) - Defeat Cassandra.
Revenge is Sweet (Bronze) - Defeat Cesar.
Just getting started (Bronze) - Take out 20 enemies.
Father forgive me... (Silver) - Defeat The Priest.
Mow 'em Down (Silver) - Take out 1,000 enemies.
I'm just that good (Gold) - Complete Single Player Campaign on Hard Mode.

Unlock Bonuses
2p Costume - Complete the game.
Concept Art #1 - Get 100 kills with the Shank.
Concept Art #2 - Get 100 kills with the Chains.
Concept Art #3 - Get 100 kills with Dual Pistols.
Concept Art #4 - Get 100 kills with the Katana.
Grindhouse Costume - Get 100 Kills with the Chainsaw. Mow 'em Down Costume - Get 1,000 kills total.
White Ninja Costume - Get a 100-hit Combo.
Red Ninja Outfit - Perform a 150-hit combo.
Wildman Shank (Logan/Wolverine costume) - Complete the Single Player Campaign on Hard Mode.

Unlock Gamer Pictures
Gamer Picture 1 - Get 100 Shotgun kills.
Gamer Picture 2 - Get 100 Dual Machete kills.

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