Saints Row: The Third Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Check out these Saints Row: The Third cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Phone Passwords
Enter the following codes in your phone:

Add Gang Notoriety - lolz
Add Police Notoriety - pissofpigs
Bloody Mess - notrated
Clear Skies - clearskies
Drunk Pedestrians - dui
Golden Gun - goldengun
Heavenbound - fryhole
Heavy Rain - heavyrain
Ifinite Sprint - runfast
Light Rain - lightrain
Mascots - mascot
No Cop Notoriety - goody goody
No Gang Notoriety - oops
Overcast - overcast
Pimps and Hos - hohoho
Give 45 Sheperd - givesheperd
Give Apocafist - giveapoca
Give AR 55 - givear55
Give AS3 Ultimax - giveultimax
Give Baseball Bat - givebaseball
Give Cash - cheese
Give Chainsaw - givechainsaw
Give Cyber Blaster - givecybersmg
Give Cyber Buster - givecyber
Give D4TH Blossom - giveblossom
Give Electric Grenade - Giveelectric
Give Flamethrower - giveflamethrower
Give Flash Bang - giveflashbang
Give Grave Digger - givedigger
Give Grenade - givegrenade
Give K-8 Krukov - givekrukov
Give KA-1 Kobra - givekobra
Give M2 Grenade Launcher - givelauncher
Give McManus 2015 - givesniper
Give Mini Gun - giveminigun
Give Molotov - givemolotov
Give Nocturne - givesword
Give RC Possesor - givecgun
Give Reaper Drone - givedrone
Give Respect - whatitmeanstome
Give Riot Shield - giveshield
Give RPG Launcher - giverpg
Give S3X Hammer - givehammer
Give SA-3 Airstrike - giveairstrike
Give Satchel Charges - givesatchel
Give Shock Hammer - giverocket
Give Sonic Boom - givesonic
Give Stun Gun - givestungun
Give TEK Z-10 - givetek
Give The Penetrator - givedildo
Give Viper Lazer Rifle - giveslm8
Spawn Challenger - givechallenger
Spawn Condor - givecondor
Spawn Estrada - giveestrada
Spawn Gat Mobile - givegatmobile
Spawn Knoxville - giveknoxville
Spawn municipal - givemunicipal
Spawn Nforcer - givenforcer
Spawn pheonix - givepheonix
Spawn Reaper - givereaper
Spawn Spectre - givespectre
Spawn squasar - givesquasar
Spawn Status Quo - givestatusquo
Spawn Taxi - givetaxi
Spawn Toad - givetoad
Spawn VTOL - givevtol
Spawn Ambulance - giveembulance
Spawn Anchor - giveanchor
Spawn Attrazione - giveattrazione
Spawn Bootlegger - givebootlegger
Spawn Challenger - givechallenger
Spawn Commander - givecommander
Spawn Condor - givecondor
Spawn Eagle - giveeagle
Spawn Estrada - giveestrada
Spawn Gatmobile - givegatmobile
Spawn Kanada - givekanada
Spawn Kenshin - givekenshin
Spawn Knoxville - giveknoxville
Spawn Korbra - givekobra
Spawn krukov - givekrukov
Spawn Miami - givemiami
Spawn Nforcer - givenforcer
Spawn Peacemaker - givepeacemaker
Spawn reaper - givereaper
Spawn Repaircar - repaircar
Spawn RPG - giverpg
Spawn Sandstorm - givesandstorm
Spawn satchel charge - givesatchel
Spawn Shark - giveshark
Spawn Sheperd - givesheperd
Spawn Spectre - givespectre
Spawn Status Quo - givestatusquo
Spawn Titan - givetitan
Spawn Toad - givetoad
Spawn tornado - givetornado
Spawn vortex - givevortex
Spawn VTOL - givevtol
Spawn Vulture - givevulture
Spawn Widowmaker - givewidowmaker
Spawn Woodpecker - givewoodpecker
Vehicles No Damage - vroom
Vehicles Smash - isquishyou
Weapons - letsrock
Zombies - brains
Unlock Trophies
A Better Person (Bronze) - Buy your first Upgrade from the Upgrade Store.
And Boom Goes the Dynamite (Bronze) - Complete all instances of Heli Assault.
Gender Equality (Bronze) - Play for at least 2 hours as a male character AND 2 hours as a female character.
Getting the Goods (Bronze) - Find 25% of all Collectibles.
Go Into the Light (Bronze) - Complete all instances of Guardian Angel.
Gotta Break Em In (Bronze) - Complete 'The Ho Boat'.
Hack the Planet (Silver) - Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the Stanfield district.
Hanging With Mr. Pierce (Silver) - Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the Downtown district.
Haters Gonna Hate (Bronze) - Kill 1,000 Gang Members.
Have A Reality Climax (Bronze) - Complete all instances of Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax.
Bo-Duke-En (Bronze) - Hijack 50 vehicles - Dukes style.
Bright Lights, Big City (Gold) - Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the entire city of Steelport.
Cowboy Up (Bronze) - Fully upgrade one Weapon in each slot.
Dead Presidents (Bronze) - Complete 'When Good Heists...'.
Double Dose of Pimping (Bronze) - Complete all instances of Snatch.
Everything is Permitted (Bronze) - Kill all of the hitman Assassination targets.
Fence Killa 2011 (Bronze) - Complete all instances of Mayhem.
Flash the Pan (Bronze) - Destroy all Gang Operations in Steelport.
Gangstas... In Space! (Silver) - Complete Act 3 in another way.
Gellin' Like Magellan (Silver) - Explore every hood in Steelport.
Love/Hate Relationship (Bronze) - Taunt AND/OR Compliment 50 gang members.
Mourning Stars (Silver) - Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the New Colvin district.
Mr. Fury Would Be Proud (Silver) - Complete Act 3 in one way.
Murderbrawl 31 (Bronze) - Complete 'Murderbrawl XXXI'.
Once Bitten... Braaaaaaains (Bronze) - Complete 'Zombie Attack'.
Opulence, You Has It (Bronze) - Complete 'Party Time'.
Ouch. (Bronze) - Complete all instances of Insurance Fraud.
Hi-Jack It (Bronze) - Steal and deliver all Vehicle Theft targets.
I Heart Nyte Blayde (Bronze) - Complete 'STAG Party'.
Jumped In (Bronze) - Create and share a character online.
kill-deckers.exe (Bronze) - Complete 'http://deckers.die'.
Kingpin (Platinum) - Unlock all Trophies in Saints Row: The Third.
Kuh, Boom. (Bronze) - Complete Act 1 in another way.
Life of the Party (Silver) - Find 100% of all Collectibles.
Ow My Balls! (Bronze) - Do your first nutshot AND testicle assault.
Pimped Out Pad (Bronze) - Upgrade one Stronghold to its full glory.
Porkchop Sandwiches (Bronze) - Complete all instances of Trail Blazing.
Shake and Bake (Bronze) - Complete your first Challenge.
Stay Classy Steelport (Bronze) - Kill 25 Gang Members each with 'the Penetrator' AND the Fart in a Jar.
Tank You Very Much (Bronze) - Complete all instances of Tank Mayhem.
The American Dream (Bronze) - Customize 10 vehicles.
The Welcome Wagon (Bronze) - Complete 'I'm Free - Free Falling'.
Third and 30 (Gold) - Spend over 30 hours in Steelport.
Titanic Effort (Silver) - Complete Act 2.
Tower Defense (Bronze) - Complete Act 1 in one way.
Tune In, Drop Off (Bronze) - Complete all instances of Trafficking.
We're Takin' Over (Bronze) - Complete 'We've Only Just Begun'.
Who Loves Ya Baby (Bronze) - Kill 50 brutes.
You're My Hero! (Silver) - Complete ALL Challenges.
You're the Best... (Silver) - Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the Carver Island district.
Your Backseat Smells Funny (Bronze) - Complete all instances of Escort.

Additionally, there are ten Genki Bowl VII DLC trophies:

C-C-C-Combo Breaker (Bronze) - Cause $150,000 worth of damage in a single Sexy Kitten Yarngasm combo.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Bronze) - Kill all of hte rooftop mascots (in a single instance of Sad Panda Skyblazing).
Cooked To Perfection (Bronze) - Roast 50 peds with the car's flamethrower (in a single instance of Super Ethical PR Opportunity).
Get Off My Back (Bronze) - Destroy 5 chase vehicles (in a single instance of Super Ethical PR Opportunity).
Murder in the Jungle (Bronze) - Finish both instances of Apocalypse Genki.
Feeding Time (Bronze) - Throw 5 mascots into the water (in a single instance of Apocalypse Genki),
Flame On (Bronze) - Fly through all of the rings (in a single instance of Sad Panda Skyblazing).
Genki Bowl Champ (Silver) - Complete all activity instances in Genk Bowl VII.
Stick the Landing (Bronze) - Land on Magarac Island (in Sad Panda Skyblazing).
Storm the Yarn (Bronze) - Destroy a mouse ATV during Sexy Kitten Yarngasm.

Additionally, there are ten Gangstas in Space DLC trophies:

Lights! Camera! Action! (Silver) - Collect all 6 hidden clapboards.
Pew! Pew! Pew! (Bronze) - Kill 35 Space Amazons with the Laser Pistol.
Revenge of the Navigator (Bronze) - Destroy 10 enemy spacecraft with the Aegean while filming.
C-List Celebrity (Silver) - Complete all missions for Gangstas in Space.
Do a Barrel Roll! (Bronze) - Perform all vehicle stunts with the Aegean.
First Contact (Silver) - Destroy all enemy spacecraft during the chase scene.
I Do My Own Stunts (Bronze) - Land on the Parachute Target during the rescue scene.
Union Buster (Bronze) - Kill 15 cameramen.
Warrior Princess (Bronze) - Kill 7 Space Amazons with melee attacks.
Xenaphobe (Bronze) - Kill Space Brutina.

Additionally, there are ten The Trouble With Clones DLC trophies:

B.A.M.F. (Bronze) - Defeat 15 enemies at Technicaly Legal using only melee attacks.
Send in the Clones (Bronze) - Kill a Brute using only melee damage while under the influence of Saints Flow.
Sting Operation (Bronze) - Destroy 5 Steelport Guard vehicles during mission 'Tour de Farce'.
Supaa-Excellent! (Bronze) - Shoot down a helicopter with a Saints Flow fireball.
Eye of the Bee-Holder (Silver) - Spray 25 rabid fans with the Swarmitron.
My Pet, Monster (Silver) - Complete all missions for 'The Trouble With Clones...'
Public Enemy #1 (Silver) - Destroy 45 Police and Swat Vehicles while protecting Jimmy's car.
The Johnnyguard (Bronze) - Prevent Johnng Tag from taking damage on the Magarac Bridge.
Tour de Farce (Bronze) - Complete mission 'Tour de Farce'.
Weird Science (Bronze) - Complete mission 'Weird Science'.

Unlock Gang Styles
Cops / SWAT - complete all instances of SNATCH for Kinzie.
Deckers - complete mission 37.
Hos - complete all instances of SNATCH for Zimos.
National Guard - complete all instances of TANK MAYHEM.
Space Saints - complete mission 47.
Luchadores - complete mission 43.
Mascots - complete all instances of Prof. Genki S.E.R.C.
Morningstar - complete mission 29.
Strippers - complete all instances of ESCORT for Zimos.
Wrestlers - complete all instances of TIGER ESCORT.

Unlock Prof. Genki Mascot
This is very rare and once you find an NPC with a Prof. Genki outfit, attack him immediately! Prof. Genki drops $300,000 once he is killed! He appears as an enemy on your radar. Warning: He has more health than a brute and will run once he sees you. If you attack him he will fight back and may or may not pull out his stun gun. Bring in at least one homie with you when confronting him to make the job easier.

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