Quizball Goal Cheats - PlayStation 3

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 3
Check out these Quizball Goal cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
Brick Wall (Bronze) - Win the World Cup without letting a single goal in.
Full Speed Ahead (Bronze) - Score a goal within 15 seconds from match start on normal or hard difficulty in a single player match.
Hat Trick (Bronze) - Score three goals in the same match on normal or hard difficulty with the same player.
Destroyer (Bronze) - Win a match by a margin of at least five goals at the normal or hard difficulty.
Football Einstein (Silver) - Answer all questions correctly in a single player match on hard difficulty.
Football Scholar (Bronze) - Answer five questions correctly in a row in Quiz Match mode on normal or hard difficulty.
Nerves of Steel (Bronze) - Win on penalty kicks during extra time on normal or hard difficulty.
On Tour (Bronze) - Play an online match.
International Player (Bronze) - Played a match with all teams.
Keep on Fighting (Bronze) - Score in the last five seconds of a match on normal difficulty.
Meeeedic!!! (Bronze) - Performed 100 sucessful tackles.
Quiz Trick (Bronze) - Answer six questions correctly in a row on normal or hard difficulty in a single player match.
World Cup Champion (Bronze) - Win the World Cup with 4 teams.
World Cup Master (Gold) - Win the World Cup with eight teams.

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