Overlord II Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Check out these Overlord II cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
100% Clear (Platinum) - Unlock all Trophies available in Overlord II.
Adversary (Bronze) - Kill an opposing Overlord 20 times in one versus match.
Crystal Collector (Bronze) - Collect 50% of all Dark Crystals.
Dark Emperor (Silver) - Kill Solarius.
Gnome Grinder (Bronze) - Kill 1000 Gnomes.
Green Grabber (Bronze) - Find the Green Minions.
Industrious Magic (Bronze) - Achieve 50 kills by overcharging your Evil Presence Spell.
Kitted Out (Bronze) - Forge the Infernal helmet and armor.
Master Builder (Bronze) - Build 50% of the Tower buildables.
Mayhem Maker (Bronze) - Cause mayhem during the Prelude.
Armed and Dangerous (Bronze) - Forge one weapon.
Big Chopper (Bronze) - Achieve 50 melee kills.
Blue Bringer (Bronze) - Find the Blue Minions.
Blue Steel Look (Bronze) - Forged the Elemental helmet and armor.
Conqueror (Bronze) - Win one Dominate map.
Minion Captain (Bronze) - Rescue all the Minion crew from the spider webs.
Minion Lover (Silver) - Gather 5000 Lifeforce orbs.
New World Order (Silver) - Enslave both Nordberg and Everlight.
Minion Gatherer (Bronze) - Gather 250 Lifeforce orbs.
Minion Harvester (Bronze) - Gather 10 Lifeforce orbs.
Minion Hoarder (Bronze) - Gather 1000 Lifeforce orbs.
Perfect Horde (Silver) - Fully upgrade all 50 Minions in your Horde.
Slaver (Bronze) - Enslave one Town.
Snatcher (Bronze) - Win one Pirate Plunder map.
Pillager (Bronze) - Win ten Pirate Plunder maps.
Red Rescuer (Bronze) - Find the Red Minions.
Rescuer of Kelda (Bronze) - Rescue Kelda from Nordberg.
Scrooge (Silver) - Collect 50,000 gold.
Seal Slayer (Bronze) - Kill 100 baby seals.
The Big D (Bronze) - Win ten Dominate maps.
Tyrant of Nordberg (Bronze) - Complete full Tyranny over Nordberg through either Domination or Destruction.
Tyrant of the Tower (Silver) - Build 100% of the Tower buildables.
The Destructor (Silver) - Achieve a 100% Destruction Tyranny rating.
The Dominator (Silver) - Achieve a 100% Domination Tyranny rating.
Town Razer (Bronze) - Destroy one Town.
Ultimate Collector (Silver) - Collect 100% of all Dark Crystals.
Walking Apocalypse (Silver) - Destroy both Nordberg and Everlight.
Weapons Nut (Bronze) - Forge three weapons.

Gnome Means Gnome
Need to commit gnome genocide in a hurry? Finish reclaiming the green hive quest from Everlight Facility. Return there and use the gnome gates to increase the levels of your minions, get life force and treasure (gems), and complete this tedious quest.

Gold Mine For Your Three Gold Diggers
After defeating the spider boss in Everlight Temple you will get back out using the elevator. Once you have the Netherworld Gate to this zone unlocked, return and open the secret room at the top of the stairs (using the Overlord switch). The treasure chests inside this secret room will give you an average of 1000 or more gold each visit. You will need to warp to another gate to reset the map. Try Nordburg Town gate 3, as there are four or five treasure chests right next to the Tower Gate. Rapidly cycling these two maps should inflate your treasury with plenty of gold.

Dominating Perfection
When dominating towns completely, use the weapons produced by the enthralled villagers to increase the attack power of your horde to the maximum. If you have the maximum horde size of 50 minions and manage to hit the maximum attack power, you will earn the Perfect Horde trophy or achievement.

Ladies' Man Trophy
In order to get the Ladies' Man Trophy, you have to purchase two items for each lady -- one for the private chambers and the other in the throne room. You also have to have the Overlord Banner. For example:

For yourself: Overlord Banner.
For Lady A: Bed + Throne.
For Lady B: Curtains + Statues.
For Lady C: Candles + Alcoves.

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