LittleBigPlanet 2 Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Downloadable LittleBigPlanet 2 Cheats
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Jun. 08, 2012
Unlock Trophies
10 Minutes of Create (Bronze) - Spend 10 active minutes in Create mode.
10 Story Versus Wins (Bronze) - Win 10 Story mode Versus games against at least one other player offline.
25 Online Versus Wins (Bronze) - Win 25 Versus mode community levels against at least 1 other player.
40 Yays or Boos (Bronze) - Give 40 positive or negative votes on community levels.
50 Unique Players (Bronze) - A level you published was played by 50 unique players.
100% Complete (Platinum) - Earn all LittleBigPlanet 2 trophies to unlock this platinum trophy.
160 Yays or Boos (Gold) - Give 160 positive or negative votes on community levels.
1,440 Minutes of Create (Gold) - Spend 24 active hours in Create mode.
A Game A Day Keeps The Doctor Away (Silver) - Play LittleBigPlanet 2 on every day of the week.
A Dip In The Stream (Bronze) - Play a level from your Recent Activity.
A Series of Tubes (Bronze) - Use a Level Link to link two of your published levels together.
Ace Story Mode (Gold) - Ace every level in the story mode.
Aces in Spades (Bronze) - Ace 10 different Story levels in a row.
Actually Quite Good (Bronze) - Place in the top 25% of players in 5 community level scoreboards (with at least 50 other players in them).
Community Spirit (Bronze) - Publish a level to the community.
Complete Avalonia (Bronze) - Complete the main path of Avalonia.
Complete Story Mode (Silver) - Complete the main path of the story mode.
Complete The Factory Of A Better Tomorrow (Bronze) - Complete the main path of The Factory Of A Better Tomorrow.
Complete Da Vinci's Hideout (Bronze) - Complete the main path of Da Vinci's hideout.
Complete Eve's Asylum For The Mentally Alternative (Bronze) - Complete the main path of Eve's Asylum For The Mentally Alternative.
Complete Victoria's Lab (Bronze) - Complete the main path of Victoria's Lab.
Custom Badger (Bronze) - Create a custom badge for your level from a PlayStation Eye photo or an in-game photo.
Dive In 25 (Bronze) - Dive in and play 25 random levels with other players, and don't immediately leave!.
Grapple Hooked (Bronze) - Create a chain of 4 players grappling each other.
Journalistical (Bronze) - Write a review.
Play 5 Versus Levels (Bronze) - Play 5 unique community Versus levels.
Play 75 Community Levels (Silver) - Play 75 unique cooperative community levels.
Prize Collector (Bronze) - Collect 50% of Story prize bubbles.
Scoreboard 25% (Silver) - Place in the top 25% of players in the online scoreboard for a Story level.
Scoreboard 50% (Bronze) - Place in the top 50% of players in the online scoreboard for a Story level.
Snappy Dresser (Bronze) - Change your costume.
Step into my Arena (Bronze) - Publish a Versus mode level.
Teacher's Pet (Bronze) - You watched all the tutorials! Take a gold star, go to the top of the class.
Just... One... More... Go... (Bronze) - Play LittleBigPlanet 2 after 9pm.
Long Term Publisher (Bronze) - A level you published has been published for 7 days.
Monster Masher (Bronze) - Kill 20 monsters in Story levels.
Mortal Coil Shuffler Extraordinaire (Bronze) - Accumulate 20 deaths in one Story level.
Multiplier 10x (Bronze) - Score a 10x multiplier in a Story level.
Multiplier 5x (Bronze) - Score a 5x multiplier in a Story level.
Paparazzo (Bronze) - Upload a photo.
Play 25 Community Levels (Bronze) - Play 25 unique cooperative community levels.
The Votarator 5 (Bronze) - Rate 5 brand new community levels (less than 10 plays).
The Votarator 50 (Silver) - Rate 50 brand new community levels (less than 10 plays).
Turbo Slapper (Bronze) - Slap more than one player at once.
U Know U A Playa (Silver) - Spend 5 hours playing community levels.
Uber Prize Collector (Silver) - Collect 100% of Story prize bubbles.
Who Needs Breakfast? (Bronze) - Play LittleBigPlanet 2 before 9am.

Additionally, there are eleven Move Pack DLC trophies:

Ace In The Pack (Silver) - Ace all the Story levels in the Move Pack.
Accomplished Mover (Bronze) - Complete 25 community levels that require the Motion Controller.
Avid Collector (Silver) - Collect 100% of Move Pack prize bubbles.
On A Roll (Bronze) - Complete Fast Food without losing a ball.
On The Ball (Bronze) - Complete The Tail of Claude The Field Mouse without dropping a ball.
Path To Success (Bronze) - Use the Motion Recorder to record your movements.
Diploma In Creation (Bronze) - Complete all the tutorials in the Move Pack.
Feel The Earth Move (Bronze) - Publish a Motion Controller enabled level to the Earth.
Locksmith (Bronze) - Unlock all the Move Pack minigames.
Self Portrait (Bronze) - Use a painting as your avatar.
Stick It To The Man (Bronze) - Destroy the boss in Just Desserts.

Additionally, there are seven The Muppets Premium Level Pack DLC trophies:

Big Top! (Bronze) - Achieve a score of 2,500 or higher in Gonzo's Endless Cannon Run Ride!
Captain Pig-ard (Bronze) - Achieve a score of 4,000 or higher in Pigs In Elevators (In Space)!
Beakers We Can (Silver) - Complete 'Muppet Labs!' using no more than 40 Beakers.
Dancing On The Ceiling (Bronze) - Travel 17.5 metres on the walls and ceilings.
Muppet Mastery (Bronze) - Complete The Muppet pack's story.
Standing Ovation! (Gold) - Ace all 5 Muppet Story levels.
Stick Together (Bronze) - Play 5 community levels containing Attract-O-Gel.

Additionally, there are seven DC Comics Premium Level Pack trophies:

Drop the Bald (Bronze) - Defeat Lex Luthor.
High Score Hero (Bronze) - Achieve a score multiplier of 70 or higher in Hero Race.
Just-Ace League (Gold) - Ace every story level in the DC Comics Premium Level Pack
League of Friends (Bronze) - Play any level in the DC Comics Premium Level Pack with one or more friends.
Super Collector (Silver) - Collect 100% of the Prize Bubbles in the DC Comics Premium Level Pack.
The Greatest Cape (Bronze) - Stay airborne with the Hero Cape for 15 seconds.
What A Bounder! (Bronze) - Perform 10 Wall Jumps without touching the ground.

Unlock Secret Pins
These special pins do not appear normally in the pin list (and do not count towards your pin total):

Amy's Birthday Pressie - Play on Amy's Birthday (July 29th)
Awesomesauce - Congratulations! You are more awesome than awesome!
Contraption Challenge Winner - You won a Contraption Challenge!
Daniel's Birthday Gift - Play LittleBigPlanet 2 on Daniel's Birthday. (August 2nd)
Festive Spirit - Wear a Christmas costume on Christmas Day.
Group Hug of 20,000 - Play online at the same time as 20,000 other players
Halloween Hauntings - Wear the Pumpkin Head costume on Halloween.
I went to a LittleBigPlanet™ Meetup! - Thanks for coming!
It's Tom's Birthday! - Tom gets one year older and wiser. (Log into on July 1st)
LittleBigLand - A pin awarded by LittleBigLand
LittleBigNetwork - A pin awarded by LittleBigNetwork.
LittleBigPlanetarium - A pin awarded by LittleBigPlanetarium.
LittleBigPlanet™ Central Contest Winner - A pin awarded by LittleBigPlanet™ Central
Master of the Internets - Run an awesome LBP2 fansite!
Mm Picked! - Have one of your levels feature in Mm Picks.
Mm's Birthday - Play LBP2 on Media Molecule's birthday. (January 4th)
Molecule - Get a job at Media Molecule. Good for you.
Platinum Club - Own the Platinum trophy for LIttleBigPlanet 2.
Royalty - You are awarded a Crown (LBP1 or LBP2).
Sackie Award Winner - You've won a prestigious Sackie Award!
See What I Did There? - Make and distribute an awesome tutorial video or level.
Spaff Appreciation Day - Today's the day to appreciate everything Spaff! (September 17th)
Special Friends - Be a jolly nice game developer-love from the folks at Mm.
Thanksgiving Turkey - Wear the Turkey Head costume on Thanksgiving.
Touching Royalty - "High Five" Media Molecule's Alex Evans.
Valentine Roses - Attach the Red rose from the Valentine's Pack to another played on Valentine's Day.
Who's Who - Watch the credits all the way through.

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