Legends of Wrestlemania Cheats - PlayStation 3

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Check out these Legends of Wrestlemania cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Legends of Wrestlemania Cheats
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Jul. 15, 2010
Jul. 15, 2010
Jul. 15, 2010
Mar. 09, 2010
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter the following codes as a password to unlock the corresponding cheat function:

TheRoadWarriorAnimal - Animal's alternate costume.
BrutisTheBarberShop - Brutis Beefcake's alternate costume.
HawkFromLegionOfDoom - Hawk's alternate costume.
IronSheikCamelClutch - Iron Shiek's alternate costume.
WithManagerJimmyHart - Jimmy Hart's alternate costume.
TheBirdmanKokoBWare! - Koko B. Ware's alternate costume.
UnlockTheRockBottom - The Rock's alternate costume.
CobraClutchSlaughter - Sgt. Slaughter's alternate costume.
ShawnsSweetChinMusic - Shawn Michaels' alternate costume.
UndertakersTombstone - The Undertaker's alternate costume.
Unlock Trophies
Created a Legend (Bronze) - Make a Created Legend.
Chain Struggle (Silver) - Win using a Chain Struggle.
Dive Attack (Silver) - Successfully perform a dive attack from all four corners.
First Medal (Silver) - Obtain a medal in WrestleMania Tour Mode.
Grapplemania (Silver) - Win using only grapple attacks.
Invincible Created Legend (Silver) - Max out a Created Legend's attributes.
King of Kings (Gold) - Defeat the Favorite Legends Tier in Legend Killer Mode.
Legend Killer (Silver) - Obtain a medal in Legend Killer Mode.
Memory Serves Me Well (Silver) - Complete any match without pausing in the "Relive" section of WrestleMania Tour Mode.
Manager (Bronze) - Win using a manager in an Exhibition match.
Medal Collector (Gold) - Obtain all of the medals in WrestleMania Tour Mode.
New Legend (Silver) - Defeat 10 opponents with a Created Legend in a single tier in Legend Killer Mode.
Platinum (Platinum) - Obtain all other Trophies.
Royal Rumble Winner (Gold) - Win a 30-Man Royal Rumble.
Super Fast Legend Killer (Gold) - Become a Legend Killer in Legend Killer Mode in 30 minutes or less.
True Legend Killer (Gold) - Obtain all of the medals in Legend Killer Mode.
Tag Chain Struggle (Silver) - Win using a Tag Chain Struggle.
Technician (Silver) - Win by using five or more reversals in a single match.
WrestleMania Tour (Gold) - Clear all "Relive" matches in WrestleMania Tour Mode.
You're #1 (Gold) - Have your Created Legend reach the Top rank in Hall of Fame Mode.

Additionally, there are two secret trophies:

Manager (Bronze) - Win a match using a manager in an Exhibition match.
King of Kings (Silver) - Defeat the Favorite Legends Tier in Legend Killer Mode.

Unlock Match Types
Steel Cage - Win a match in Wrestlemania Tour Mode.
Hell in a Cell - Win two matches in Wrestlemania Tour Mode.
Ironman - Win three matches in Wrestlemania Tour Mode.

Unlock Animal's Alternate Costume
Successfully complete Legend Tier 1 in Legend Killer mode.

Fast Bloodshed
In a Steel Cage match, Irish Whip your opponent into the cage. He will bleed every time. This is a quick way to make him bleed.

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