World Series Baseball 2K3 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these World Series Baseball 2K3 cheats and stay cool!
Stealing home
If you have a fairly fast runner on third base, start to steal home. Go back when the throw to third base goes home. You will be safe almost always.

Easy fly ball catches
When you are in the outfield and are not sure where the ball is going to land because of the wind, the outfielder will lock on the ball to make an easy catch. Note: This only works under the rookie difficulty setting.

Easy homerun
While batting, press [Start] button and switch teams. Resume the game and the other team will be batting. Make sure that the ball is in the center (rookie mode), then switch back to your original team. Swing the bat and you will have a good chance of a homerun.

Easy base stealing
If your runner is on first base and has decent speed, take two or three lead off steps. As soon as the pitcher's arm moves to throw, press [Up] + [Square]. If the pitcher throws to first base, once the ball gets to the first baseman press [Circle] to go back. If he does not throw, you should be safe at second base.

Building a good team
Start a franchise or season. When you get to the season, go into the "Edit" category and select your player. Choose to move the player to another team. You then can have any desired star on your team. After your first season you will lose some players due to the fact you will be over budget, but you can do this trick again. To get better ratings for other players, do the same thing by selecting a player and then editing the desired category up or down.

Start a franchise. For example, if your team is the Brewers and you would like to trade a bad player for the Red Sox's Pedro Martinez, go to "Setup". Go to "Edit Rosters" and scroll to your team (Milwaukee). Edit any player desired (for example, Glendon Rusch) and boost all his stats to 100, except the walk ratio which should be set to 20. Then, scroll to the Red Sox and lower all of Pedro Martinez's stats. Go back to your schedule and sim at least a week. Then, go back to "Setup" and go to the Red Sox. Notice that because his ratings are horrible Pedro Martinez has been demoted to the minors. Go back to "General Manger" and trade your beefed up player (Glendon Ruch) for Pedro Martinez. Once you get him, go back to "Setup" and "Edit Rosters". Go to your team (Milwaukee) and bump up all of Pedro Martinez's stats (walk ratio to 20 and everything else to 100). Then, go to the Red Sox and lower Glendon Rusch's stats.

Use the following trick to re-sign created players for less money. Play a franchise and then go to "Setup" before you start your schedule. Select "Import Players" and import your created players. Go to "General Manger" and sign him. He will sign for one or two batting points for about two to three years. Then, play. As your player is going into his last season of his two or three year contract, sim that season until you get to the World Series game (whether you are in the series or not). Go to "Setup" and to "Edit Roster". Go to your team and lower all of your created players' attributes to 40. Then, go back and play or sim the World Series. Next, go to the off season and your player will file for free agency. Do the coaches, draft, until you get to free agency. Select your created player and make an offer. He will sign for 1 budget point again for two to three years Sign your player, then when the season is about to begin go back to "Setup" and "Edit Rosters". Bring your players' stats back up again. This works with any player on your team.

Get ejected
Hit a player while pitching three or four times and you will be ejected.

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