Tony Hawk's Underground Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these Tony Hawk's Underground cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Tony Hawk's Underground Cheats
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Feb. 10, 2010
Primary Collection of Cheats
Perfect manuals
Select "Cheat Codes" at the options menu, then enter "keepitsteady" as a code. Alternately, get all 129 goals.

Perfect skitches
Select "Cheat Codes" at the options menu, then enter "rearrider" as a code. Alternately, get all 129 goals.

Perfect rail balance
Select "Cheat Codes" at the options menu, then enter "letitslide" as a code. Alternately, get all 129 goals.

Moon gravity
Select "Cheat Codes" at the options menu, then enter "getitup" as a code. Alternately, get all 129 goals. Note: This does not work when driving.

All FMV sequences
Select "Cheat Codes" at the options menu, then enter "digivid" as a code.

Play as T.H.U.D.
Select "Cheat Codes" at the options menu, then enter "NOOO!!" as a code.

Cheat mode
Successfully complete the game under any difficulty setting. Then, go back and complete all the goals to unlock all of the cheat options.

Pre-made skaters
Go to create a skater and change the name to one of the following entries. The character will change into the corresponding skater.
1337 "(Rulon Raymond)
"Akira2s "(C Surla)
"Alan Flores buffoon "(Pete Day)
"Alex Garcia
Andy Marchel
arrr "(Captain Cody)
Big Tex "(green skinned cowboy with a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, Hawaiian shirt, shoots, and a tribal tattoo)
"Chauwa Steel
Chris Rausch
ChrisP "(Chris Peacock)
crom "(Eric Grosser)
"Daddy Mac "(Dana MacKenzie)
"Dan Nelson
Dave Stohl
DDT "(Darren Thorne)
"deadendroad "(Ralph D'Amato)
"fatass "(Brad Bulkley)
"FROGHAM "(Kendall)
"GEIGER "(Jake Geiger)
Guilt Ladle "(Kevin Mulhall)
"Hammer "(Ted Barber)
"Henry Ji
Jason Uyeda
Jeremy Andersen
Joel Jewett
Johnny Ow "(Chum)
"leedsleedsleeds "(Wardy)
Mike Ward
moreuberthaned "(Mikey Ortai)
"M'YAK "(Rock)
"Noly "(Nolan Nelson)
"NSJEFF "(Jeff Morgan)
"POOPER "(Paul Robinson)
Stacey D
tao zheng
The Kraken
The Swink
THEDOC "(Adam Lippmann)
"Todd Wahoske
TOPBLOKE "(Dave Cowling)
"TSUEnami! "(Todd Sue)
"woodchuck "(Michelle Deyo)
Yawgurt "(Gary Jesdanun)
"ZiG "(Zac Drake)
Cool Specials
Get all 129 goals.

Kid Mode
Get all 129 goals.

Get all 129 goals.

Get all 129 goals.

Always Special
Get all 129 goals.

Hotter Than Hell level
Get the last goal (Kill Eric's Best Line) to unlock the Hotter Than Hell level, which features Kiss. You will also unlock the Helicopter FMV sequence.

Play as Gene Simmons
Successfully complete story mode under the normal difficulty setting.

Play as Iron Man
Successfully complete story mode under the beginner difficulty setting.

Play as T.H.U.D.
Successfully complete story mode under the sick difficulty setting.

Note: In the Neversoft FMV sequence at the start of the game, the boy that gets eaten is Eric. The thing that pops out to eat him is T.H.U.D.

Play as pedestrians
Clear all gaps in the game to unlock 26 playable pedestrians, including Eric Sparrow, Ollie The Magic Bum, the Chef Dude (makes you do the Boneless and No Complys), the rest of members of KISS, a drug addict, and a drug dealer.

The following is a list of all the pedestrians that are unlocked get when you find all of the gaps.
Eric Sparrow
Todd The Manager
Neversoft Chef
Jersey Bum
A Crack Addict
A Drug Dealer
Factory Worker
Security Guard
Street Warrior
Headstone Harry
A Buisness Man
Manhatten Cop
Construction Worker
State Trooper
Hotel Desk Clerk
Hotel Door Man
DJ Obert
Team Filmer
Leaf Blower Guy
KGB Member
Tank Guard
Paul from KISS
Peter from KISS
Ace from KISS
Easy bonus skaters
Start a game under the too easy difficulty setting. After you get to the part where you pick pro skaters for your team, only complete four objectives (do not do the Vancouver objective). Then, go to "Quit". When you are at the main menu, go to create a skater. Go to create a new skater then quit. Next, go back to story mode. You will notice that you cannot go back to continue story. Then, go to new story. Start your new game under the sick difficulty setting. You will be back on your old game except it will be under the higher difficulty. Finish the game and you will unlock Gene Simmons, Iron Man, and T.H.U.D. For you final objective (Vancouver), enable the "Moon gravity" cheat to spine easier and "Perfect manuals" cheat to score 200,000 points.

Create-a-deck mode
Successfully complete Slamma Jamma in story mode.

Kiss Concert FMV sequence
Collect all the letters that spell K-I-S-S in the Hotter Than Hell level. This will unlock the Kiss FMV sequence. Then, collect K-I-S-S again. This will start the KISS Concert.

Bails 1 FMV sequence
Collect three secret tapes.

Bails 2 FMV sequence
Collect six secret tapes.

Always Hard FMV sequence
Collect nine secret tapes.

Lost Footage FMV sequence
Complete the game under the too easy and beginner difficulty settings to unlock a new "Lost Footage Tape", in which instead of challenging Eric, you punch him and take the tape.

Alternate ending sequence
Successfully complete story mode twice or complete sick mode to view an alternate ending sequence.
Hawaii: Venice level bonus
In Hawaii, you can unlock the Venice level from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. From the large hotel you start at, follow the main road all the way around in either direction. When you find the strip of buildings that are opposite on the map from the hotel, you will find a large tiki head. Alternately, go out the front doors of the hotel and through the plaza all the way out the other side. Jump inside the tiki head's mouth to find a secret area. Skate down the tunnel until the end and boneless into the air to grab the unlock for the Venice level.

Note: Think of the map as a square. If the beach is at the bottom, the tiki head is on the top side of the map. It is much easier to get inside the tiki head's mouth if you dismount your board first.

Hawaii: Secret tape
Climb the hotel that you start at. Get to the roof and to the right of the pipe on the right is the side of the building. Grind that ledge onto the wire to get the secret tape.

Hawaii: Smoking tiki manual
Find the evil tiki where the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 bonus level can be found. Get on top of that tiki. The easiest way to do so is to get off your board and jump on top. Once on top, remount your board, but at the same time hold the Analog-stick [Back] so you do not move anywhere. Then, perform a manual on top of the tiki. The longer you hold it, the more smoke will start leaking out the top. If done correctly, you will hear a sound resembling scraping wood.

Hawaii: Last mission
Go around to the pool and look next to the vending machine for a door. It is an instant teleport to the roof. Note: You may need to first climb up to get the secret tape on the wire.

Hawaii: Secrets
Go to the hotel that you start at. Drain the pool then go to the vending machine next to the security guard near the two pools (one of which you have drained.) Go through that door and up to the roof. You can now Acid Drop into the pool by ollieing and pressing [R2] just off the jump. If you want to practice for when you make your own skate team, go to where the half-bowl on the roof is located and jump off the kickers there. Press [R2] immediately to do an Acid Drop. You should get Ludicrous Hotel Gap 1 of 4. Keep going straight and go off of the quarterpipe directly in front of you. When you get close to the top, press [R2] and you will get Hotel Gap 2 of 4. Then, Spine Transfer down the other side of the bowl and get Hotel Gap 3 of 4 and Spine Transfer over the two quarterpipes that are back to back to get Hotel Gap 4 of 4.

A secret area is found near the "Off The Walls" mission. Go to the evil tiki, then turn left following the road. Turn right when you get over the speed bump and you will get to a quarterpipe that says "Dead End". Spine transfer over the quarterpipe and you will get a gap that says "Welcome to Wallows." There is not much to do here, but there is a mission. If you jump up into the lawns, it sometimes says something like "Chihuahua Death!"

Hotter Than Hell: Secret tape
Get KISS once to unlock the video, then get it again to get the concert to start. When they are playing, use the doors on either side of the door that you can go through to the other side of the level. It will take you to the top of the level. You will see the secret tape in the air in front of you.

Make your way up onto the catwalks, where they cross over the Kiss stage. Jump down off of the catwalk and onto the top center part of the stage. Then, grind on the ledge that raises up near the center. When you reach the last part that it rises, jump and you will fly up and grab the tape. Once you land, you also will get the gap.

Hotter Than Hell: Freak show
Go behind the KISS stage to find a Freak Show stage. You will see things such as a human head, a man sticking swords down his mouth, a woman with a cinder block on her stomach, and a man with a sledge hammer.

Hotter Than Hell: 10,000 point gap
Find the Go-Kart. Drive the Go-Kart around until you find a huge ramp that goes over the center of the level. Drive off it as fast as possible and you will clear a gap that gives you 10,000 points.

Hotter Than Hell: "S" letter
When you are spelling the "S" for "KISS" and must go through the flames, there is a little skate pipe on stands under it. You will see that there is a ramp in the middle. Go up the ramp, then it goes up with you. When you go down, it stays up. Skate down it into the skate pipe, then jump through the flames and get the letter.

Manhattan: Secret tape
When you start, go down the street to the left of the worker with the jackhammer . At the end of the street is a lit up billboard with a ladder. Climb the ladder, then jump and grab the ledge. The tape is there for the taking.

Manhattan: Increasing stats in story mode
Enable the "Moon gravity" cheat in Manhattan in story mode. Jump onto the bridge that is above the waterfront. Go to the end of bridge that is opposite from the side with a quarterpipe. You should see a tunnel. Get off your board ([L1] + [R1]) and jump into the building on the left side of the tunnel. When you hit the wall, hold [Analog-stick Up] + [A] until you reach the top of the building. Get back on your board ([L1] + [R1]) and go right. Jump off the side of the building. Do tricks to build up you stats. If you jumped off the building far enough, you should bounce back up on top of the building.

Manhattan: Hitch a ride
When skating in Manhattan, it is possible to ride in the back of the DC trucks driving around the city. Skate behind one and jump into the back when you get a chance. Doing so will allow you hitch a ride around the block.

Manhattan: Leeds United logo
Skate over to the Brooklyn Banks. Look on the wall near the cars and you should see the Leeds United logo that the team use on their shirt.

Moscow: Secret tape
Go to the semicircle at St. Basil's (the building with a lot of spires), get off of your board, and walk up the ramp on the building. Next, jump and pull yourself up the wall. Get next to the center spire and double jump onto one of the corners. If done correctly, you will not slide down. Look up and you will see a bridge connecting the center spire to another spire. Double jump on the wall in front of you, move onto the bridge, and pull yourself up. The tape is on this walkway.

Moscow: Hanger level bonus
Find the place where there are a lot of tanks and a building that reads "AEHNH". Stand in front of the building to the left. Line your self with the brown ledge. Climb up it. Stand on the brown ledge that you are about to grind on. If you are in the correct location, to your left should be a tree and straight ahead should be a big red building palace-looking thing. Grind that ledge and jump toward the previous viewed window. You should go down a ramp. Where the ramp is located, is a ramp that goes up on the right, revealing the secret level as you went down the ramp.

Stand in front of the AEHN building, then jump on top and go to the left-most edge of the building's roof. Grind it going towards the big red building. Jump through the window immediately in your view. Inside is a room where the secret tape is located.

Moscow: Straight Outta Moscow goal
When you get left behind in Russia, find Kalo (the man who asked you to blind the cameras). He will give you a bag and say that nobody can see you with it. This mission is frustrating because of the nightvision goggles you have to wear. There is a ladder near the pay phone where you start. Climb it and turn right to find another ladder. Climb it, but be careful as a guard will walk by. After he is away from you, get off your board. There is another guard standing. Turn the camera and enable the "Moon gravity" cheat. Climb onto the ledge. Turn yourself so that you are straight with the statue in front of you. Jump once, then push yourself forward slightly. You should be on top of the statue. Jump over the guard and land back on the walkway. Walk all the way to the right and there will be another ladder (which will be flashing). Climb it then jump down into the quarterpipes. Walk out onto the castle. Look down and you will see Aleksander waiting. Jump down onto the ground and walk up to him.

In sick mode, at the end of the mission near Alexander if you have time remaining, jump out of bounds. Most of the time you will land near Alexander. When you land, go into a manual and get to Alexander.

Moscow: Fatality! gap
Ollie into the snowman's head to knock it off. Blood and snow will squirt from where his head was located.

Moscow: Strange dialogue
Go to the bowl with the glass on it and stand on the star. Turn the music volume all the way down to hear a man talking gibberish, and people cheering him.

At the start of the level, go to the area where there are a lot of tanks. Go in front of the brown building that reads "AEHNH". Go directly in front of the brown ledges. Get of your board ([L1] + [R1]) and climb the building. In front of you should be a red palace of some sort. To your left should be a thin rail. Grind the rail, then jump over the red wall. Then, you will see a strange half sphere-like building. Spine transfer into the building to break the glass windows. When you are in the building, stand over the red star in the middle. Point the [Right Analog-stick Down] at the star. You will start to hear cruel evil laughing.

New Jersey: School level bonus
In New Jersey, you can unlock the School level from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. Cross the bridge, then get on top of the large building immediately afterwards. Shimmy across the tall gate and pull yourself onto a ledge. It will be on the ledge alongside a tall building.

Have the station area unlocked. Go to the station area and get air off the middle quarter pipe in the back. You will see a floating icon marked "Tony Hawk 2". Run into it and the School 2 level from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 will be unlocked.

An easy way to unlock the School 2 level is as follows. Go to the roundabout near the train station, then grind the half pipe/ramp on the left-hand side. Then, enable the "Moon physics" cheat and grind around to just before you go under the little roof. Jump up and when you land in the little roof, disable the "Moon physics" cheat. Get off your board, then jump up the ledge. Next, walk around to the School 2 icon. Alternately, go into the train station then go to the ramp/half pipe underneath the School 2 icon. Then, enable the "Moon physics" cheat and jump up the half pipe/ramp to get the icon. Note: This may require several attempts.

New Jersey: Secret tape
Go under the bridge on the side that allows you to do so. The tape will be floating there for your taking.

New Jersey: Drive car
In story mode, after you complete the driving mission in Jersey, go up to the car to drive it.

New Jersey: Funny messages
Go to the station, then go down to the track area. Turn down the music all the way and listen to the intercom. You will hear messages such as, "Please step back from the track. You may lose appendages", "If you miss your train, tough luck", "Tickets will be void if not real", and many other funny things.

New Jersey: Familiar pedestrians
The pedestrians are all Ollie clones. Look towards the house where the last goal ends, and Alexandr will be walking around it.

New Jersey: Quacking ducks
Search the line of houses across the street from the drug dealer's house for a house with two dirt circles in the front, with ducks propped up in the circles. Skate and run over any of the ducks. They will drift along the ground. Every time the ducks bounces off the ground, it will make a quacking sound.

New Jersey: Eric runs before car wrecks
In the "Save Eric" mission, press [X] when it gets in the train lobby, when you see the car.

San Diego: Secret tape
When you first enter the level, go straight ahead until you reach the street. Follow the street until you get to your first left hand turn. After this turn you will see a set of stairs at the end of the road. Go to the top of the stairs and look directly ahead. There is a concert-like building in front of you. On the left upper side of that building, you will see the secret tape. Use the quarterpipe on the lower level behind the building to get up there. Then, just jump up the quarterpipe to get the secret tape.

School 2: Gary Coleman
You can find Gary Coleman at the courtyard, walking around.

Slam City Jam: Secret tape
Go to the vert ramp and get off your board. Climb up onto the lights hanging from the ceiling and walk over to the big four-sided television screen. Walk into it and the glass should break. The secret tape will be inside.

The secret tape is in the Jumbotron. You have to grind the rail that goes through it.

Slam City Jam: Tour title
On the big half-pipe on the railing, it will say "Boom Boom Huck Jam", which is Tony Hawk's tour title.

Slam City Jam: Music change
Skate over to the judges table. There is a DJ turntable just to the right of it. If you grind on this turntable, the music will change to a new song. Note: Grinding the turntable is also a gap.

Tampa: Secret tape
Go to the small building to the left of the cop car. Climb up the wire that is heading towards the tall building. The tape is in between the gap of the building at the top.

Go down to the big skate park. Enter the room across from where the contest was located and go through the chains. You will end up on the road. Take a right and drive down to the end of the road. There should be a house with a grind pole coming down into one of the corners of it. Get off your board and jump onto it. Get back on your board and ride up the big grind pole. Then, an Indy or another move to fall through the hole between the quarterpipes. You should fall onto the secret tape. If not, go off the jump down there then jump up to it.

Tampa: Goat
There is a goat behind the strip club. Jump off your skateboard ([L1] + [R1]) and walk behind the strip club. There will be police and a goat there.

Tampa: Got on top of the Tampa Am buildings
To get on top of the Tampa Am competition building(s), go into the fenced off area. Go to the place where Eric left you to impress Tony Hawk to get into the Tampa Am and look to your left. You should see an overhang. Get off of your board ([L1] + [L2]), jump up ([X]), and press [L1] to grab the edge of overhang. Pull yourself up, then do the same to the overhang to your left to get to the ladder that brings you up to the roof. Fall through the glass and down into the skate park if desired.

Tampa: Get into the skyscaper
To get into the skyscraper, get on top of the Tampa Am building(s), then grind one of the four cables that connect the two roofs onto the other roof. After you grind the cable, stop on the top of that roof. Press [Start] then go to "Options" then choose "Set Restart". By doing this, if you make a mistake you can press [Start], go to "Options" then "Custom Restart" to try again. Next, grind the quarter pipe (center roof) right, toward the skyscraper. Jump off onto the roof vent (over the orange pipes). Then, jump off the roof vent through the window on the skyscraper. To get out, go to the front doors and ride through them.

Tampa: Pole dancer
Go to the the strip club. Get off your skateboard and walk up the ramp on either side of the club. Grind on the ridges on the edges of the bubble on top of the strip club. This will cause the bubble to break. You can now get get to the top floor of the club. Inside the room are two businessmen and a stripper. There is also a little door in that same room. If you walk through it, you will exit out of the front door and the message "Four hours and four-hundred dollars later" will appear.

Tampa: Collecting donuts
When doing the goal where you have to collect donuts for the cops, enable the "Moon gravity" cheat. It will be much easier to move around and get over fences. Turn off the "Moon gravity" cheat on Mission: Revenge, as you will jump too far over the posters you have to grind.

Vancouver: Secret tape
Start at the entrance of the stadium (where the parked trucks are located, and where you get into the contest. From there, look at the tape. You should see it above the glass dome behind the subway-like spline entrance. Go down left from here and wait for a vehicle to drive out of the tunnel. Skitch it towards where you started from. Make sure you are on the left side of the car. When you are about to pass the subway entrance spline, get of the vehicle and spline the entrance from the side. This will launch you across the dome into the secret tape.

Start from the stadium behind the limo and enable the "Moon gravity" code. You can see the tape floating above the dome on the right of the building in front of you. Move right towards the hockey rink entrance that is covered by glass and has a pointy curved roof. Face towards the tape, go up the pointy roofed part and quickly Spine Transfer. You will end up landing on the side of the pointy thing on top, making a gap like the Pagoda Gap. Go down the quarterpipe and jump at the bottom of it before you fall off the edge. You should be sent flying through the air towards the tape. When you get near it, you can get off of your board to make it easier to maneuver to the tape.

Vancouver: Play hockey
Drive the leaf blower cart into the lower level in the center of the city. There is a hockey rink located here. Drive the leaf blower cart onto the rink and run into the puck. If you get it in the net, "GOAL!" will appear on your screen.

At the location of the hockey ring, you will see the glass that keeps people from getting in the ring. Grind on the glass so that it breaks. Note: You may have to jump over the goals. When you have enough speed, hit the hockey puck when you are supposed to jump over it. It should make a goal if you hit it hard enough.

Vancouver: T.H.U.D. sighting
Look at the back of the limo and you can see T.H.U.D.'s face.

Tear Up Eric's Best Line
On the final chapter in career mode, you will have to keep up with Eric on his line. If you miss one of the 41, do not start over. Go back and get it because he will wait for you. Note: Enable the "Perfect balance" cheat.

To skip the final mission in story mode, skip over the FMV sequence just before you talk to Eric "A-Face" Sparrow. Once you skip the video, you be taken directly to the Hawaii Footage video then to the credits.

Skip last goal
Play the game to the point where your character must McTwist over the roof gap. Complete the goal in one attempt without failing or restarting the goal. If done correctly, after the part where you film your skate team video your character will knock Eric out and steal the tape, thus completing the game without having to do the last goal.

Switch tricks
Riding switch is the opposite of what your rider is used to. If you have a regular stance rider, then switch would be the goofy stance for them, and vice versa. When you do switch tricks, you get more points than what you would normally get for doing it in regular/goofy form. For example, doing a Kickflip (regular) results in 100 points, but a Switch Kickflip gets 120 points. It makes a larger difference on bigger tricks such as specials.

Alternate tricks using pressure
When you press [L1], you will switch into pressure, or switch pressure (depending on if you are skating switch or regular). Once in this stance, when you jump a trick will pop up called "Pressure", and when you do a flip trick that is just [Up], [Down], [Left], or [Right], you will do a different trick from the usual pop shove-it, kickflip, heelflip, and impossible. You will be able to do toe flips ([Left]), 180 flips ([Right]), and FS and BS 360 flips ([Up] and [Down]).

Special moves
When jumping onto a grind, tap [Triangle]x2 to do extra grinds such as Salads, Darkslides, Hangten Nosegrinds,5-0 Overturns, Hurricanes, Double Bluntslides, Crailslides, and Nosegrinds To Pivots.

When manualing, press [Left], [Right], [Square] to do the Space Walk.

During the truckstand, press [Circle]x2 to do the Pogo To Hair Flip.

Jump higher
While off your skateboard (walking), when you jump the first time (press [X]), you can also jump a second time while still in the air (if you keep tapping [X]). This is very helpful for out of reach places. Note: You can only jump twice.

Enable the "Moon gravity" cheat and dismount your board. You can jump onto any building using the double jump method.

See legs and board spinning
Do a 1990 Invert ([Right], [Left], [Triangle]) on any halfpipe. Hold [Right Analog-stick Up] to see your skater's legs and board spinning.

hint: activate cheat code for perfect rail

Hold on trick
Enable the "Moon gravity" cheat and go to create-a-trick. For your first line, put in Front (or Back) flip. Then, switch it to 180 degrees. This will make your skater flip halfway. Set the duration between .4 and .7 seconds. On the next line, put an Other>Handstand. Have him hold it. This will make your skater flip halfway, get off his board, then hold on for dear life. This looks good if you get enough air.

Pushoff manually
To pushoff manually. go to the options menu and select "Edit Controls". Then, turn "Autokick" off.

Extra speed
If you come to a complete stop in a manual combo and need to get more speed to get somewhere, do the spacewalk. At a slow speed or at a complete stop, the spacewalk ([Left], [Right], [Square]) will propel you forward.

Boardslides and Lipslides
By holding [R1] or [L1] to 90 degrees while ollieing onto a rail, you can do a board/lip slide. To differentiate between the two, a lipslide is when your back wheels go over the object before you start the grind. In other words, if you are on the left side of the rail and want to do a FS lipslide, hold [L1] to 90 degrees then grind (your back wheels will go over the rail/barricade then you will grind). If you want to do a FS boardslide, hold [R1] to 90 degrees then grind (your front wheels will go over the rail/barricade then you will grind). On the right side, switch the [L1] and [R1] around and you will do BS slides.

Extra points
Do a trick off a vert ramp. Then, jump off your board. While the timer is still going, do tricks on your feet for extra points.

Go up on a quarterpipe or half and do a lip trick (hold [Up] or [Down] + [Triangle]) and tap different combinations using [Square], [Circle], and Triangle. For example, tap [Square] + [Triangle], [Triangle] + [Circle], [Square] + [Circle], etc. You can only tap two different buttons to do one trick.

Slow down, do a manual, and keep on doing freestyle tricks. For example, [Triangle]x2; [Circle]x2; or [Square]x2. You can also do the same thing during a lip trick. These can be extremely useful for the competitions or just when you need a good score.

Go up any ramp perfectly straight and press [Up] + [Triangle]. You should either be in a handplant or something else. Use the combos such as [Circle]x2 or [Square]x2, but do not press [X] or you will lose the combo. You should get a massive score when you are done.

In story mode, you can create a move which you can never land. Create your move and have it be more than two minutes. The longer the move, the most points you can get.

Fun crashes
Go to any quarterpipe with a rail/ledge above it (for example, at Headstone Harry's in New Jersey). Go up the quarterpipe. As you are on it, turn at an angle as if you are going to hip transfer. Hold a direction and [Triangle] + [Circle] (for example, [Down] + [Triangle] + [Circle] and your skater will try to do a tailgrab then a 5-0 grind), making your character crash. You can make your skater fly and land on his head. He will then get back up (note the realism). At Headstone Harry's, see if you can get your skater to go through the playground fence.

Getting to hard to reach areas
During any time that you can set a restart from the options menu (in game), you can use it to get to areas otherwise impossible to reach. Ollie then pause game play before you start coming down. Set a restart while in the air. Then, go to the restart, quickly Ollie again, then set the restart at the top of the Ollie again. By repeating this you will get higher and higher, and may be able to access rooftops and ledges (if you are close enough).

New logos
Unlock at least one secret skater. Then go to a level, pause it, and there should be a new "Pause" heading. Next, go to main menu and there should be a new T.H.U.G. heading. There is a different heading for each secret skater.

Easy competition wins
Enable the "Perfect rail balance" cheat, then go on a quarter pipe and do a lip trick. If done correctlym your skater should stay in place until you press [X]. Note: For first place, hold [Trick] until the point counter reads over 120,000 (about three minutes).

To get an easy win, just do a manual or lip trick then keep changing your tricks. After awhile, end the trick. In just thirty seconds you can get over 300,000 points, allowing you to get a 99 average from all judges.

Easier game completion
If you are stuck on the final mission, all you have to do is complete a total of 96 missions to finish the game. In order to unlock the bonuses, backtrack to an incomplete goal (for example, the first chapter), and you will see the videos. This works especially well if you are completing sick mode, considering the final challenge has a considerably shorter period of time to finish. Note: You must have completed the game once beforehand to be able to skip it the next time.

When defeating Eric Sparrow at the end, enable the "Moon gravity" code and get to the part where you have to jump from the bridge to the wire. Once you have collected the icon, switch it off then do the rest of the level.

Use any car used previously
After completing any goal that you had to use a car, you can find that car somewhere in that level as well.

Get skateboard back
If you have completed any of the vehicle goals for a level, and in the same level must do a goal without your skateboard, start the goal and jump into the vehicle. While still in the car (or other vehicle), restart the goal and you will have your skateboard back.

Scratched up deck
Create your own deck or get any pre-made one. Grind a lot with it by doing tailslides, noseslides, boardslides, and lipslides. After grinding for so long, your board will wear on the bottom and the picture will be all scratched up.

Strange expression
When you do a Double Bluntslide, move the camera to see the character's face. You will see an odd expression on the face. However, this only happens on a few characters such as the custom skater, Bob Burnquist, and Steve Cabellero.

When you are creating a skater, go to the "Pre-made Skaters" option. Go down the list until you see the name Daisy and choose it. It will be the same girl on the wall inside of the bedroom. Also, the shorts that she wears are called "Shorts-Daisy".

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 reference
The board used by T.H.U.D. is almost identical to the board used by Ollie the Magic Bum in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 reference
In the FMV sequence at the beginning of story mode where Eric comes up to your window and tells you about Muska coming to Jersey, you can see a Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 game box sitting on the desk when you slam the drawer closed.

Back To The Future 2 reference
After you complete the game in story mode, Gene Simmon's board is the hover board used by Biff in Back To The Future 2. Iron Man's board is the one that Marty uses.

Neversoft reference
When you are creating your skater in the beginning of story mode, look at the wall with the window that Eric shows up in. Look at the wall with the shelf where the mini-TV with the scramble and the booming stereo is located. You will see a banner with the Neversoft name and logo. If you have trouble finding it, it is at the top of the wall.

Abraham Lincoln created skater
Face: Light skin 5
Facial Hair: Honest Abe (Brown color)
Hats: Top hat
Shirt: Suit Coat (first color light brown) (second color black)
Pants: Suit pants (light brown like coat)
Shoes: Cowboy Boots (same as pants)
Avril Lavigne created skater
Head options
Face: Light Skin
Saturation: All the way to the left
Value: All the way to the right
Glasses: Casual O, use the default color
Hair: Long 2
Saturation: All the way to the left
Value: Middle

Torso options
Shirt style -Camo T-shirt
Accessories: Spike Band R

Leg options
Pants: Baggy
Saturation: All the way to the left
Value: All the way to the right
Shoes: 50s Shoe: Use default color

Scale options
Nose: X: Middle; Y: Close to right; X: Close to right
Jaw: X: Middle; Y: All the way to the left; Z: All the way to the left
Carmen Electra (from Daredevil) created skater
Face: Light skin 2
Hair: Long 2 (brown color)
Shirt: Halter top: (black color)
Accessories: Double wrist tape (black)
Pants: Jogger (black color)
Shoes: Boots (black color)
Eminem created skater
Face: Light skin 1
Hair: Buzzed
Hat: Do-rag (optional)
Shirt: Basketball jersey.
Pants: Baggy cargo:
Shoes: Rowley Vans XL2s
Future Trunks (from Dragon Ball Z) created skater
Head options
Face: Light Skin 2
Hair: Medium 5
Hair color: Set color to purple. Next make the hair very pale then make it slightly darker.
Glasses: Sunshades (with the red color in them) and turn them into a black color.

Torso options
Shirt style: Leather Jacket 1
Shirt main color: Dark Purple-blue
Shirt second color: Black

Leg options
Pants: Bunched Cargo
Pants color: Black (to match second shirt color)
Shoes: Tall boots
Shoe Color: Dark yellow-orange
Hulk created skater
Head options
Hair: Medium 1
Hair color: Black (but not too much)

Body options
Shirt style: Shirtless
Pants: Denim shorts
Pants color: Purple
Skin Color: Green
Shoes: None

Scale options
Everything all the way to the right except for "Nose".
Michael Jackson created skater
Head options
Face: Light skin 4
Skin color: The whitest
Hair: Long 1
Hair color: All black

Scale options
Nose: X: Almost all the way to the left; Y: All the way to the left; Z: Almost in the middle
Jaw: X: All the way to the left; Y: All the way to the left; Z In the middle
Michael Jordan created skater
Head options
Face: Dark skin 3
Hair: Bald

Torso options
Shirt: Basketball Jersey (first red and second black)
Accessories: Right arm band

Leg options
Pants: Denim shorts (Black)
Shoes: 50's shoes

Scale options
Body: All the way to the right
Chest: About center (more to the left)
Solomon Grundy (Justice League) created skater
Body options
Face: Light skin 5
Skin color: Grey
Hair: Medium 4 (leave color)
Shirt: SS open shirt (first color jade green) (second color light grey)
Pants: Cargo shorts (Light brown like coat)
Socks: High (Brown)
Shoes: Boots (Same brown as socks)

Scale options
Body: all the way to the right
Head top: X all the way to the right. Y and Z leave as they are
Head: X and Z all the way to the right. Y stays the same
Nose: Same as head
Jaw: All letters to the right
Chest: All letters to the right
Waist: About three quarters the way to the right
Biceps and forearms: All letters to the right
Hands, Thighs, and Feet: All letters to the right
Glitch: Shimmy anywhere
When shimmying anywhere and you reach the edge of the object you are shimmying so that you can either climb up or drop down, vibrate left and right repeatedly, but more towards the end of the object. You will soon be hanging from air and shimmying around. However, you can only shimmy in the direction line of the wall, and when you climb up or drop down, you will immediately fall.

Glitch: Jump walls
Enable the "Moon gravity" cheat and begin any level. Go over to any building and keep pressing [X] while holding in the direction towards the building. You will start jumping up the building. Note: You will have to be off your skateboard to do this.

Enable the "Moon gravity" cheat then get off your skateboard. Stand next to any wall and jump next to it while pushing the D-Pad toward the wall. Repeatedly press [Jump] and you will be able to climb any wall in the game.

Glitch: Manual forever
Press [Start] during game play to display the options. Go to "Control Setup" and "Auto-Kick Off". Hold [X] + [Square] to build speed, then release and manual. You will manual forever without slowing down.

Glitch: Slow motion
Enable the "Cool Specials" cheat, then go to any level. Do a McTwist in the air and land on a grind. The entire game will now play in slow motion. To disable this effect, do a McTwist and do not land on a grind; or go out of bounds.

Enable the "Cool Specials" cheat. Execute a special air trick, and as soon as the special is done, quickly grind something. This is best done with a ramp where you can spine transfer. When this is done, the game will be in complete slow motion. This will be stop when you bail, use another special air trick, or start a mission.

Glitch: Bounce off side of screen for huge spins
Go to create a park mode. Resize the park to its smallest possible size on all four sides. Then, go to the big pools and highlight one of the biggest pools, but do not press [X]. Press [Triangle] to delete the fence that goes around the park. Next, go to quarter pipes and make a half pipe so that you can go off the left or right of it to bounce off the side that now has no fence. Now go to "Test Play". You will be able to do huge spins off the halfpipe, bounce off the side, and land it. Note: Once you save the park and go back to it, this will not longer work because the game will put the fence back.

Glitch: Hangar: Stuck in roof
Enable the "Moon gravity" cheat. Go to the Old Skool level of the Hangar. Grind on the airplane blades in the halfpipe. This will open up a frozen area. Go to the far right corner and get speed. Spin into the wall. You will get stuck in the roof and you can do any trick.

Glitch: Hangar: Grind in mid-air
When you grind the chopper and turn it on, before it goes through the roof you can grind in mid-air as if you are still on the chopper.

Glitch: Hawaii: Holy Hotel Hop
Even if you do not 540 flip all the way across the gap, if you just hit the other wall, it will count as you doing it, but you will be on the ground. However, in the ending "Lost Footage" tape, you will make it.

Glitch: Hotter Than Hell: Lip trick in mid-air
Find the two-story half pipe with the mechanical quarter-pipe that goes up to the second floor when you skate on it. Next, go onto the mechanical part, and as soon as you launch off of the ramp, execute a lip trick. If timed correctly, the mechanical ramp will stay down, and you will be doing a lip trick in mid-air.

Glitch: Manhattan: Free shimmy
Go to the basketball court in The Banks. Go to the left of the goal then jump and press [R1] to grab the wall. Shimmy to the right slightly and lightly press [Down]. You should be off the wall but still shimmying. You can go anywhere desired, but if you fall you must go back and do it again.

Glitch: Manhattan: Team and shirt
When Stacy Perallta calls and tells you are on the team, you are already wearing the team shirt.

Glitch: Manhattan: Bust'n Out
When playing in two player mode, when player two does the Bust'n Out gap it appears on player one's screen, and they get the points instead.

Glitch: Manhattan: Teleport
Enable the "Moon gravity" cheat and try to jump on to the cash sign (wire to ledge). You will be instantly be teleported to the other side of the road.

Glitch: Manhattan: Cannot talk to Peralta
When Peralta askes you to do things for him in Manhattan, talk to the man who tells you about No Complys and Bonelesses first. When you complete the goal, go to where he was located. He will still be there with the arrow above his head, but you cannot talk to him.

Glitch: Manhattan: Bounce back from Boneless
There is a building next to the JP building, where the escalators are located. Enable the "Moon gravity" code and continue to wall jump on the side of the building going up. If you continue to do this, you will be able to go on top of this building. Once on top of the building next to JP, enable the "Moon Gravity" code and Boneless at the building where the McDonalds is located. You should be able to hit the invisible barrier representing the building and bounce back to the original building that you were on.

Glitch: Manhattan: Missing head
During the intermission sequence when the locals are skating the rail at the Brooklyn Banks, check the bystander at the right of the screen and the stairs to see that he has a head. At the time when the skater checks what he did on the camera, look carefully at the same bystander by the stair set, and he will no longer have a head.

Glitch: Manhattan: On JP terrace
When you start, go to JP. Get to the top floor where you can go in the elevator. When you are at the level, get some speed and face the quarter pipe. Note: When you are in position, the elevator will be on the left side. Enable the "Moon physics" cheat. Go up the quarterpipe and do a boneless. You will end up on the terrace of JP.

Glitch: Manhattan: Enter buildings
In the level, there are a few buildings in a lot that you normally cannot enter. Enable the "Moon physics" cheat, then get off your skateboard and face the wall of one of the locked buildings. Jump repeatedly until you get to the top. You will then fall into the small room.

Glitch: Manhattan: Blood and skateboard from car
From the start of the level, go straight until you get to the construction site. Turn left at the construction site and get in the parked car by the worker. Next, try to run over the woman in the blue suit that is walking around the building on the left. She could be anywhere on the sidewalk around that building. When you run into her, she will hit you and your skateboard will fly out of the front of the car. Blood will fly from the roof of the car. The sound of the hit will keep repeating and will not stop. You can now run over your skateboard with the car.

Glitch: New Jersey: Go underground
While you are skating, find a vault ramp and go up it while holding [X]. When you have cleared the ramp, wait a split second before you hit the ground and you should perform an Indy Backflip. You will go straight through the ground. Retry to return to normal.

Glitch: New Jersey: Eric exits
After you rescue Eric, closely when you crash into the car. Eric does not come out of the car. He instead comes out of the doors in front of the car.

Glitch: New Jersey: Ride car like skateboard
After completing the game, go to New Jersey and drive the car. Park it under the bridge that you had to jump over at the start of the game. Pause game play and go to the "Watch Cut Scene" option. Watch the scene where you defeated Eric the last time. Resume the game and you should see yourself standing halfway inside the car. You can drive the car as usual, but you should see yourself riding it as a skateboard.

Glitch: School: See character's breasts
Play as a female skater. After unlocking the School level from Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 open up the gym area by grinding down the "opensezme" rail. To find it, turn right at the start of the level and go down the ramp taking you to courtyard with the lockers in it. At the bottom of the ramp, turn left and grind the things to your left to help you stay on track. When you get off the things, keep going straight and there will be a rail in front of you. This is the "opensezme" rail. Grind it and it should be a gap. The door to the gym should now be open. If not, keep grinding the rail until the "opensezme rail" message appears. Then, go to the pool in the gym and position yourself in the center, facing the three diving boards leveled on each other. Liptrick on one of the diving boards (the middle one recommended) to center yourself out and make you go straight. Jump off the diving board and jump out of the pool (straight up and not "out" of the pool). If you go high enough, you will stop in the air due to a glitch. When you stop, position the camera in the middle of your character. Slowly turn your character around and you should be able to see the inside of her, revealing her breasts which are censored with stars.

Note: If you get stuck in the air, press [L1] + [R1] to get off your board and you will go to the ground.

Glitch: School 2: Stuck in air
Unlock the gym by grinding the "Opeasium rail" (grind down one of the stair rails to find it) then enter it. Then, turn left towards the pool. Enable the "Moon gravity" cheat and go into the pool. Go up on any part of the pool, and your skater should be in the middle of the camera. If you do not get stuck in the air, keep trying. Note: Go up the vert and try to keep as straight as possible; you will move in the air if you go at an angle. Also, if you go over the corner of the pool, you will fall. You can also get stuck in the air in the basketball court area.

Glitch: Slam City Jam: Unlimited tricks
Go to the closest vert ramp next to the judge's table. Enable the "Moon gravity" cheat. You can do as many tricks as you want. When you are done with your tricks, press [L1] + [R1] to get off your board. The vert ramp is in the section where they hold the street contest.

Glitch: Slam City Jam: Exit level
Go to the "C" entrance. Face the entrance then jump and hang onto the rail to the left. Next shimmy down a bit until you are almost next to the glass. Climb up, and you will be in the stands. Then, head to the stairs, but do not walk thorugh the stands. Stay on the walkway. Notice the man sitting "in" the aisle. Continue up all the way to the wall. Go left and run until you see the Krux sign, Walk above the entrance on the ramp and continue. When you get to the Nokia sign, go up the ramp, turn right, and jump. You will be taken through the walls and can run out the doors to outside.

Walk up the stairs in the stands. Stop at the top step. Note: Enable the "Moon gravity" cheat. At the top of the stairs, you will see two staircases making a triangle shape. Normally you cannot get up these stairs. There will be a letter at the top and in the middle of the two staircases. Jump and double jump off of the letter. After you double jump, soar through the air while moving forward slightly. You should land on the floor in the middle of the two staircases. Go down the stairs and you can walk anywhere you want to. Note: Do not go into the seats or you will have to repeat the glitch.

Glitch: Tampa: Detached eyeball
Go to Tampa in story mode, Pause game play, then select the "Watch Cutscenes" option. Select "Tampa Cops". When your player is saying "We like cops", look at the eye closest to the ground. Look directly at the bottom of that eye (the closest corner of it to the ground). Notice that his eyeball pops out.

Glitch: Tampa: Rotating flowers
Go to the building where you get the secret tape. Go to the two quarterpipes in the front. Do a lip trick on either of the quarterpipes. Then, use the Right Analog-stick to look above your skater while on the lip. Move it around, and the flowers on the lip will start to move.

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