Tales of the Abyss Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these Tales of the Abyss cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Tales of the Abyss Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlock Dragon Buster Costume
Press [L1]+[R1]+[Triangle] at the DB Title Screen Original Dragon Buster costume for minigame.
Original Dragon Buster costume in Tales of Dragon Buster
When you start a game of Tales Of Dragon Buster at Namco Isle, you can use the original Dragon Buster man character's costume. Doing so will give the minigame retro music and sound effects, too!

Unlock Abyss Replica Facility
The Abyss Replica Facility is a secret dungeon which can only be unlocked on your second playthrough. To gain access to it, you need to have saved Shiba and completed the Ortion Cavern (East) side quest. Go to Sheridan and talk to the two men in the northwest part of town, then Shiba, and you will be taken to the dungeon.

Unlock Bonuses
"Unknown" Difficulty - Beat the game once.
"Very Hard" Difficulty - Beat the game once.
Game Record - Available at title screen after beating the game.
Grade Shop - Save a clear file after beating the game, and you will be able to start a new game with the Grade Shop by loading it.
Sound Test - Available at title screen after beating the game.

Unlock the Secret Shop (Brillante)
In order to unlock the secret shop you must completely fill the collector's book in the game (this requires at least two playthroughs). Upon completion, speak to the man dressed in purple at the library in the Daath church to receive Jade's "Item Collector" title. Speak to the man again with the title equipped and the shop will appear near the Inn in Grand Chokmah.

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