Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Check out these Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut Cheats
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Mar. 22, 2012
Jun. 02, 2010
New Game+
Complete the game once, then load your save file with the [Triangle] button.

Glitch: Max Out Swordian Device Points
Go to the Coliseum in Noischtat and select Definite Mode. Choose Lion and fight against the Cave Head on Hard or above. If you perform a Definite Strike against it (Garyuusen->Garyuu Meppa->Kuushuuken) and your entire party will gain Swordian Device Points, even though you are never supposed to receive any at all. It's a programming error, and it allows you to keep performing Definite Strikes to permanently max out your SD Points at 999 very early, no matter how low your characters' levels are! (Note: Hard mode yields 3 points, Evil mode yields 4, and Chaos mode yields 9).

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