Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameCube | PlayStation 2
Check out these Star Wars: Bounty Hunter cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Chapter 1
Enter "SEEHOWTHEYRUN" as a code.

Chapter 2
Enter "CITYPLANET" as a code.

Chapter 3
Enter "LOCKDOWN" as a code.

Chapter 4
Enter "DUGSOPLENTY" as a code.

Chapter 5
Enter "BANTHAPOODOO" as a code.

Chapter 6
Enter "MANDALORIANWAY" as a code.

Mission 1
Enter "BEAST PIT" as a code.

Mission 2
Enter "GIMMEMY JETPACK" as a code.

Mission 3
Enter "CONVEYORAMA" as a code.

Mission 4
Enter "BIGCITYNIGHTS" as a code.

Mission 5
Enter "IEATNERFMEAT" as a code.

Mission 6
Enter "VOTE4TRELL" as a code.

Mission 7
Enter "LOCKUP" as a code.

Mission 8
Enter "WHAT A RIOT" as a code.

Mission 9
Enter "SHAFTED" as a code.

Mission 10
Enter "BIGMOSQUITOS" as a code.

Mission 11
Enter "ONEDEADDUG" as a code.

Mission 12
Enter "WISHIHADMYSHIP" as a code.

Mission 13
Enter "MOS GAMOS" as a code.

Mission 14
Enter "TUSKENS R US" as a code.

Mission 15
Enter "BIG BAD DRAGON" as a code.

Mission 16
Enter "MONTROSSISBAD" as a code.

Mission 17
Enter "VOSAISBADDER" as a code.

Mission 18
Enter "JANGOISBADDEST" as a code. Note: This code will also unlock all other levels in the game.

Concept art
Enter "R ARTISTS ROCK" as a code.

TGC Cards
Enter "GO FISH" as a code.
Beast Pit: Close Encounters Of The Third Kind reference
Enter the Beast Handler's room to see the shape of Devil's Tower, Wyoming in his mashed potatoes, first seen in the movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind.

Beast Pit: Gladius reference
Enter the first changing room to find a sword and shield which belong to the Samnite from Gladius.

Break In: Rockets
When you start the mission in the ship, turn around and go through the door and up the ladder to the top of the ship. Once there, you will find three rockets.

Break Out: Second encounter with Meeko
In the Break Out, after jumping the bridges with missile launchers on them, you will go through a long rock tunnel. At the top are some convicts with lots of fire power. One is Meeko with another bounty on him.

Entertainment District: Easy bounties
Use the following tricks to get Republic Credits and bounties. While staying outside, look around for a circular platform. If there is a person on it, they most likely have a price on their head. Also, go inside the bar on one of the upper levels of this level. If there is a person inside yelling "There's no price on my head", you are in the correct location. That girl is not the girl you can capture; it is someone different.

Entertainment District: Easy Thug kills
When you get to the warehouse, kill the two thugs but do not cut through the grating door. Instead, hop up to the ledge above the door and fire a few shots at the walls. Then, drop down to the grate door and fire a few shots at it. There should be some thugs there, standing against the door. Go up the door and use your flamethrower. More will keep coming. Flame them all. If they stop coming, fire a few more shots to be sure. Then, go through the door and you should have eliminated most of the enemies until you catch up with Jervis again.

Entertainment District: More credits
To get over 12,000 credits, go to the Entertainment District and take out the ID Scanner. Scan every place there. Stop when a face appears on the left. Read under that for either "Wanted Dead Or Alive", "Wanted Dead", or "Wanted Alive". If it says "Wanted Dead Or Alive", see which one is worth more. Note: To claim the bounty press [Square] in the ID Scanner, do whatever is needed for capture, then press [Triangle].

When you mark your bounties and capture them, you can return to the level and collect the same bounties. They are still there, and are still worth as much. This is a fast way to earn credits.

Entertainment District: Invincibile bartender
When you get into the bar, shoot the bartender. He will not die; he is invincible.

Merchant Row: Shoot signs
You can shoot and destroy any sign that hangs or is on the walls with your dual blasters or flamethrower.

Oova IV: Guard and Prisoner
On Oova IV level 2, you can see a guard and a prisoner talking to each other. Both are bounties. The only odd thing is that the seven or so guards do nothing.

Outland Station: Meeko poster
Before you get to the part where Meeko steals the speeder, there should be a black indented wall. Look at it, and you should see a "wanted" poster featuring Meeko.

Outland Station: Fight the monster in the underground cell
When the level begins, turn around and run toward the edge of the arena. Once there, turn around and do a backward roll out of it. Take the elevator up and press the switch to lower the inner circle of the arena. Once the circle is lowered, kill yourself in any way (for example, jump against the edge of the arena and burn up on the electrobars). You will appear back in the arena with the beast and a hole. Get on the opposite side of the arena to make the beast fall down the hole. Follow it. Note: When you are down there, the game may glitch.

Pit Fight Arena: Target and training fight
When you get to the room where people are training by shooting holograms, stay on the metal slope that you land on. Crouch and watch the training people with your ID scanner (you need to zoom in). One has a price on his head. Mark him, but do not leave just yet; keep watching. Eventually, they will start fighting. Note: None of them will die, but it is fun to watch.

Pit Fight Arena: Cushion your fall
When you have to drop down into the hole in the arena, you can lose a quite a bit of health. However, if you do not kill the Borhek and instead get him to fall into the hole in the center, then you can use him to cushion your fall. Just drop down onto him and you will only lose a small amount of health.

Pit Fight Arena: Snitching droid
After defeating the Borhek and navigating through the sewers and collecting your first bounty, you will sea a droid that resembles R2D2. Kill it. He will snitch you out to the thugs in the locker room.

Pit Fight Arena: Easy thug kills
Use your Poison Darts to hit them. Note: Shoot and switch targets. If you empty your clip on one target, the others have time to charge with their axes. If the darts fail, shoot while constantly running or doing backflips to avoid them. Avoid backing into walls.

Sabolto's Compound: Ride the lift up with Zam
As you reach the control switch to the lift for Zam to ride up, activate the switch and either boost down or drop down through the roof of the lift. Wait for Zam to get on the lift and both of you ride will back up.

Sabolto's Compound
After you go through the door to get to the moving bridge, go towards the big building next to where Zam stops walking. Then, get to the top of the building after you kill all of the Dugs. To the right you should see a cliff (where the "X" is located on the following map). Kill all the Dugs up there, then get up there with your jet-pack. Be careful, as one Dug has grenades. Take out your dual blasters and shoot precisely but wild until you kill the sniper Dug across the waterfall (where the "O" is located on the following map). Then, while still up there, take out your ID Scanners and zoom in on the door across the waterfall where you shot the sniper. Through the door, there will be a bounty. Post the bounty then fly over to the other side of the waterfall. Get on the very top of the building that looks like the same one you got on at the other side of the waterfall. Then, face the building that Zam is in front of. To your left is a small porch for a "Dugs" house (where the "O" is located on the following map). This is no ordinary "Dugs" house. This is Subolba's House. Before you fly over to the porch. Take out your rope. Then, fly over there and go through the door. Rope up the bounty that you posted. Inside should be rockets, grenades, and a full health power-up. Do not get it unless you absolutely have to; if you go up to the fire at the fireplace, your health will quickly stream down. Note: To get better height in your flight with your jet-pack, jump and wait until you are at its peak before starting your jet-pack. <PRE> ______________ | __Water fall_ \ / \/ Map: ______ __|----|___ _ /O|<- |X_\ \ |.:+-----:. |__________ | / | | =_<- Door__ | / / / | \/ /_______\___| ___/ </PRE>
Upper City: Flying car
When you start out, go to the little building in front of you, then go right. Follow the building, shoot the man on the platform, then look for the twin tower looking thing (without the bridge). Look at the speeders flying around. When you see a rectangular-shaped speeder, try to zoom in on it with your ID scanner. It is a green car (Buick) similar to the one found in Star Wars: Rogue Squadron.

Upper City: Defeating the Police Cruiser
The main problem with this battle are the guards on the inside. From your starting point, jump onto the ledge that surrounds the building. As long as you are out here and not near any of the balconies, the guard will not attack. Your Dual Blasters are a better weapon choice against the cruiser. Lock on to the laser and move to the left or right to avoid the fire. Strafe back and forth and never continue in one direction or the lasers will catch up with you. If you can have one, laser the missile launcher. If you keep locked on, you can destroy the lasers and missile launcher before the cruiser gets out of sight. Earlier on in the level you should have picked up a launcher. If you did not use any, you should have enough to destroy the cruiser, eliminating the risk of having to go get the one inside the apartment. Do not lock on and manually aim at the front top part of the cruiser and you should destroy it easily. You should get away with more than half of your health, and it only takes about two minutes.

Killing Bando Gora
They attack in groups mostly and cannot shoot most of the time. When they get close enough, use your flame thrower and toast them. This is guaranteed to kill them all.

Use the following trick to kill Bando Gora Deathstick monsters easily. These evil creatures can be a nuisance. However, they only attack from close range. Take advantage of this by making good use of the flame-thrower. Also, they cannot jump; stand on crates and they cannot hit you. Note: This also works on thugs with axes or force pikes.

Defeating the Borhek
You can go to the edge of the electrified fence of the Beast Pit Arena then crouch down to the lower wall and roll backwards out of the pit. You can either blast away at the Borhek or watch it come after you. It will keep hitting the electrified fence until it is defeated.

Do not shoot the Borhek. Instead, back up against the electrified fence and crouch down or roll into the bottom of the it. You will go through the fence. Once on the other side of the fence, go through the door that you can burn down, then go up the elevator. Press the button to lower the middle part of the arena. If the Borhek has not already died from the fence, it will probably fall into the hole and die. Stay up in the booth after you press the button and you will have a great view of its death.

Defeating Komiari Vosa
Make your way though the temple until you reach Vosa. Note: There will be Bando Gora there; use the flamethrower. Do not stand and shoot her, as she will just hit them back. Instead, lock on and start running backwards. She will run after you with her arms back. Shoot her now. If she jumps, stop shooting her and use your jet pack until she lands, then you can start shooting again. After you inflict some damage, she will run into another room. Follow her. Keep doing the same thing until she dies.

Wait until she starts at you, then tie her up with your cable. While she is tied up, you can blast her with your pistols without her deflecting the shots back at you. After she unties herself, wait a few seconds before tying her up again. Repeat this until she finally dies.

When you get into combat with the Bando Gora, use your Flame Torch. When you finally approach her, fire a couple of shots at her until she deflects them back at you. Then, wait until she charges you, Next, lock on to her and fire away until she stops to deflect them. When she gets close to you, jet-pack away. Repeat this until she runs into a bigger room. If you are low on health, get the two vials to your left. Then she will say something and charge. Repeat the pattern from the previous room, and use your Twin Blasters.

Defeating Krayt Dragon
After Gardula is show getting swallowed, quickly back into the hallway you came from. If you are up against the wall and between the two doors, you should not be able to get shot by missiles or knocked down by the stomping. Continue to fire away and you should remain unscathed.

Defeating Montross
You will have an intermission sequence where Montross brings up the frozen/dead body of Groff Hog. You will then start a fight. Simply lock onto him, then circle around the dead body. Montross' weapon is slow, and takes awhile to reload. By moving, he will never hit you. Note: Never stop firing at any moment, even when the body is between you and Montross.

Finding bounties
When you are in Coruscant, the people standing on the docking bays usually have bounties. This saves time from checking everywhere for criminals.

Easy Bounty count
Before you enter a level, check to see how many secondary bounties there are. When your playing, use your ID Scanner and mark all the bounties you can find from a distance so they do not run, or if your in a narrow area, mark them and walk or sneak past them and they should not run. Make sure you do not claim them; when you are done marking, count the number of red arrows then compare it to the number of bounties on that level. This is useful when there are ten or fifteen secondary bounties.

Easy ID check
Wrap an enemy or a innocent person with a rope and then scan them. Note: This is an easier way to get them alive.

If necessary, you can equip the ID scanner before manning the turrets on any level to use the same crosshair for identifying bounties and firing away simultaneously.

Temporary invincibility
To become invincible for a few seconds, press [X] + [L1] to jump, then roll in mid-air. Laser strikes will be deflected when they hit you. Repeat this as necessary. Note: You cannot fire while performing this, and cannot control your character in the air. Do not use this technique near a ledge.

Save rifle rounds
Instead of wasting your rifle rounds, turn on your scanner and zoom in around you. Make sure you are in a safe place. Once an enemy is found, leave the sight on the enemy, and while still holding [R2] switch to your Dual Blasters and shoot away. Note: Your scanners can also be used as nightvision goggles.

Hidden Morse code message
Run into a Gonk power droid and listen to the beeps that it sounds. They are actually a Morse code message about one of the game's programmers.

Glitch: Invincibility while fighting the Borhek
While fighting the Borhek, duck against the wall you are near and face the beast. Shoot him until he charges at you. He will not hit youm but stop in front of you and act as if he hit the fence. Run to the Borhek's wall and repeat the process. Note: You must keep switching walls or the Borhek will actually hit you. Shooting him is also an option.

Glitch: Complete Gardulla's Palace quickly
In the beginning of Gardulla's Palace, defeat the two guards chasing you and carefully approach the Krayt Dragon. Attack it from the side. This is easier if you hold [Square]. You may need to continue three or four times, but when you defeat it, you will suddenly see the intermission sequence where Gardulla is getting eaten by the Krayt Dragon, even though it is dead. Next, ignore the enemies, jump down, and run straight until another intermission sequence of the Krayt Dragon dying appears. You should now have completed the level in about three to view minutes, by killing only three enemies.

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