Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Full ammunition
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [R1] + [R2] and press [Select] to restore the ammunition of the currently selected weapon. A female voice will say "Impressive" to confirm correct code entry. Note: The code must be re-enabled after loading or upon entering new areas.

Unlimited ammunition
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] + [Square] and press [Select]. A female voice will say "Impressive" to confirm correct code entry. Resume game play and your ammunition will read 999.

All weapons
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L1] + [L2] + [L3]+ [R1] + [R2] and press [Select]. A female voice will say "Impressive" to confirm correct code entry. Press [Left] or [Right] to cycle through the weapons. Note: The code must be re-enabled after loading or upon entering new areas.

Autotarget mode
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L1] + [L2] and press [Select]. A female voice will say "Impressive" to confirm correct code entry. A small text message will appear in the upper left corner of the screen the game is resumed that displays the status of this cheat. Note: The code must be re-enabled after loading or upon entering new areas.

Refill armor to 100
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L1] + [R1] and press [Select]. A female voice will say "Impressive" to confirm correct code entry. Note: The code must be re-enabled after loading or upon entering new areas.

Undying mode (999 health)
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [Select]. A female voice will say "Impressive" to confirm correct code entry. A small text message will appear in the upper left corner of the screen the game is resumed that displays the status of this cheat. You can still take damage with this code. Note: The code must be re-enabled after loading or upon entering new areas.

God mode
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [L1] + [L2] + [R3] + [R1] + [R2] and press [Select]. A female voice will say "Impressive" to confirm correct code entry. Note: The code must be re-enabled after loading or upon entering new areas.

Undead mode
Press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [R1] + [R2] + [R3] + [L1] + [L2] + [L3] + [Select]. A female voice will say "Impressive" to confirm correct code entry. Note: The code must be re-enabled after loading or upon entering new areas.

Characters that can die
Tom Odell: Get caught frequently during the scavenger mission. When you find him, he will be dead.

Ken Lathrop: He will always die after you get the Isodesium and defeat the Hirogen Alpha Hunter. The Borg will beam in, take the Isodesium, Lt. Foster, and kill Ken.

Lt. Les Foster: During the Borg mission you will encounter him in an assimilation chamber. Run through the corridors until you get to him. If you do not save him, he will get assimilated and you will have to fight him at the end. It is better to save him, as he is a very difficult opponent.

Jeffrey Nelson: During the Borg mission, if he gets hit too much he will die or get badly injured.

Mitch Csatlos: There is two ways for him to die. While on the Dreadnaught Gunship, if he takes too much damage he will die. The alternate way happens during the part on the Gunship where you will be in a warehouse room just before you get the Dreadnaught Weapon. You will fight many enemies. Let him get injured, then after the fight, lead him to the boxes that can be exploded. Get away, then destroy the boxes. He will die. Note: This is the only time you can kill a member of the team and not get punished.

Rick Beissman: While on the Forge, You will fight large amounts of Reavers and mini-Harversters. He will complain about not getting a good shot, stand up, and start blowing enemies away. During the fight, one of the Reavers will start shooting beams at him. One will hit him and he will die. Note: He will always die.
Half-Life reference
During the first time you are on Voyager after the simulation, when you shut down the power core Belanna will say to someone "Help me with the Resonance Cascade Core". A Resonance Cascade scenario happened on Half-Life.

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