SSX Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these SSX cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable SSX Cheats
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Aug. 06, 2010
Primary Collection of Cheats
Master code
Press [Square] at the character selection screen to enter the options menu. Then, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [Down], [Left], [Up], [Right], [X], [Circle], [Triangle], [Square]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. All courses, players, boards, and costumes will be unlocked. Repeat the code to disable its effects.

All players and courses
Press [Square] at the character selection screen to enter the options menu. Then, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [Down], [Left], [Up], [Right], [X], [Square], [Triangle], [Circle]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effects.

Running man mode
Press [Square] at the character selection screen to enter the options menu. Then, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [Square], [Triangle], [Circle], [X], [Square], [Triangle], [Circle], [X] at the options screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Your boarder will run down the course with his or her board on their back. Repeat this code to disable its effects.

All course hints
Press [Square] at the character selection screen to enter the options menu. Then, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [Circle], [X], [Circle], [X], [Circle], [X], [Circle], [X] at the options screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat this code to disable its effects.

Full attributes
Press [Square] at the character selection screen to enter the options menu. Then, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [X]x7, [Square]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. This cheat will give you only one board to ride with, no matter which one you select -- it may be better to build up your rider without using this code. Repeat the code to disable its effects.

No outfits
Press [Square] at the character selection screen to enter the options menu. Then, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [Circle]x7, [X]. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Mallorca board
Press [Square] at the character selection screen to enter the options menu. Then, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [X]x4, [Triangle]x4 at the options screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: You cannot change boards unless you enter the code a second time to disable it.

Faster speed
Press [Square] at the character selection screen to enter the options menu. Then, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [X]x8. A sound will confirm correct code entry. The speed of your rider will be increased, but it will not be reflected on the character information screen.

Japanese version
Press [Square] at the character selection screen to enter the options menu. Then, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [Square], [X]x7.

Merqury City Meltdown course
Win a medal on the Elysium Alps course.

Mesablanca course
Win a medal on the Merqury City Meltdown course.

Tokyo Megaplex course
Win a medal on the Mesablanca course.

Aloha Ice Jam course
Win a medal on the Tokyo Megaplex course.

Pipedream course
Win a medal on the Tokyo Megaplex course.

Untracked course
Win a medal on the Aloha Ice Jam course.

Play as Jurgen
Win a gold medal in any mode. Alternately, win a gold medal as Mac.

Play as JP
Win two gold medals in any mode. Alternately, win a gold medal as Moby.

Play as Zoe
Win three gold medals in any mode. Alternately, win a gold medal as Elise.

Play as Hiro
Win four gold medals in any mode. Alternately, win a gold medal as Kaori.

Alternate cosutmes
Successfully complete all green circle or blue square tricks to unlock two additional sets of costumes.

More boards
An additional snowboard is unlocked each time your snowboarder earns a new rank.
Aloha Ice Jam: Extra spins
Get a trick boost before the jump at the end of the tunnel. This will make it possible to do a spin with so many turns that "???" will appear as a trick description. Note: To get enough turns in, you need to have the wind up before you get the trick boost at the end of the tunnel.

Aloha Ice Jam: Shortcut
When you are close to the final stretch there will be a jump over two candy cane-like pipes. All the way to the left is an "SSX" sign. Break through it, then go through the obstacles. When there is one all the way in front of you (blocking your way to the other section), do not jump over it. Instead, press [Select] to get to the "final" stretch to save a lot of time.

Aloha Ice Jam: Screams
When on the course, you will see the audience a bit above you on some turns. Hold [X] + [Right] to get a boost. If done correctly, you will hit the spectators and you will hear screaming.

Elysium Alps: Loop
On the Elysium Alps stage, press [Select] just into the Ice loop to come out at same speed on the other side.

Elysium Alps: Ride over barricades
Near the end of Elysium Alps, when you have to shred the three panel glass barricades, get enough speed to go above the first barricade and ride along the top corner edge to ride over the top of all the barricades. Be careful and jump near the end. If you fall off and have to break through glass, or other objects in other courses, jump just before you hit and you will not fall -- just slow down.

Elysium Alps: Death
Fall onto the rocks to "die" and teleport to safety.

Merqury City Meltdown: Car alarm
Run into a car and its alarm will go off.

Merqury City Meltdown: Car wreck
Go through the park to the big bridge. Just after the first jump on the big bridge, go in the middle tunnel and have a full booster ready. While moving, hit the boost and do a front flip onto a small bridge with the cars driving on it. You will cause a huge wreck and all the cars will stop.

Merqury City Meltdown: Shortcut
Soon after starting the race, there will be a big turn. If you look closely, you can see a parking lot. Go straight through it, then jump to the next building. Then jump to the next, between two buildings. Immediately before this building will be two wires hanging like this: <PRE> | | Wire one- | |-Wire two | | | _ _ | _ | ^ | Building one | | | Building two | | | _______________| | |________________ ________________You_________________ </PRE>
When jump to those wires, go straight through the building to exit in front of the finish line, saving approximately three minutes.

Immediately before the last checkpoint, do not jump on the glass ramp. Instead, go around it. You will find a brick-lined tunnel here. Drop in ahd you will see two trains go by. Time your jump and get to the opposite side. If your timing is bad, you will get hit by the trains and the level will reset. If done correctly, this shortcut will shave about 40 seconds off your time.

Merqury City Meltdown: Get shot into the air
You will see a statue in the level. You can jump through legs or go on either side of it. You will then go along an icy path with lots of lamp posts. Immediately before you get to the gate to go out on the bridge, swerve to the left and jump on a ship in the harbor. If you land on the conveyer belt, you will get shot into the air. This is very to do, and lots of turbo is recommended.

Merqury City Meltdown: Bad shortcuts
Do not take the shortcuts in the course. They may appear quicker, but most of them lead to alleys with no return.

Merqury City Meltdown: Death from above finish
Immediately before the last big jump, make sure you have at least one red boost. Hold [Square] + [X] and try to gain speed as much as possible. Release [X] at the apex. If your timing and speed is just right, you should land on the bridge just ahead. Continue straight and you will drop in at the finish line.

Mesablanca: Bridge shortcut
At the part where the track splits in two, take the path on the right. You will get to a ramp with red powder. Do not jump. Instead, brake and you should reach a hole covered in wood. Bust through it. In here, you can grind the rails if desired. Push [Select] at any time to drop outside, past the bridge.

Pipe Dream: Easy medals
When trying to get a gold medal in the "show off" level called Pipe Dream. When right next to the finish line, there is a uphill sort of ramp you can use to get lots of tricks off. When you land on the floor and get the points or bailed, press [Select] to get a chance at the ramp again for the price of an adrenaline boost. Repeat this to get the points needed for the Bronze, Silver, and Gold medals.

Pipe Dream: Shortcut
Go to the right or left in the middle of the track and use the turbo. Ride on the rail and after that you get big air.

Pipe Dream: Secret area
Get to the point where there are three rails with two bowls on either sides. Turn to the right just after the checkpoint. Go onto the ramp that is under another layer. After the ramp is a drop. Turn around and ride back to where you dropped. There should be a small tunnel there. Ride up the tunnel, through the fans, and up the side of the wall to get to the upper level. Note: Your boost must be full or at the extreme top of the red. Keep the boost on the entire time.

Pipe Dream: Extra points
After hitting the big wall at the end of the first downhill in Pipe Dream, go to the far left or the far right. There will be a pipe leading up to a tunnel. Get enough speed to reach the apex of the pipe, but not enough speed to go through the tunnel. Let your rider turn around and go back down the pipe. If done correctly, he will flip upside down and get stuck under the pipe. This may require several attempts -- it helps to hit boost once when your boarder starts to slide backwards. The game will continue to rack up points as if you are doing a rail slide. If done with enough time, you can easily get 50,000 points. Press [X] to get off the pipe, and be sure to leave enough time to get to the checkpoint.

Tokyo Megaplex: Extra spins
When doing the show off (or whenever you need an adrenaline boost), jump immediately before getting into the air elevator. Prep for a spin and you can get so many 360s that "???" will appear as a trick description. Note: You can also do grabs during this.

Tokyo Megaplex: Shortcuts
Jump down through the first SSX sign into the big fan area, then press [Select] as soon as you land on the snow underneath. You will be dropped to the beginning of the pop-up cylinders.

Untracked: Secret Cave
Make sure you have a full boost and do good tricks on the first few jumps. You will reach a part of the level where there are three choices that have large, rock walls to the left, middle, and right. Go down the middle. You will then reach a part that goes up in a slant on the left side and a right side that goes down; take the left side. In order to get up it, use your boost. Go up it and you will reach a cave that looks like the waterslide in the Aloha Ice Jam level.

Finding secrets
Bust through the blue SSX glass pieces to find various secrets.

Super degree turn
Hold [X] and any direction on the D-Pad on any jump in any course. Release [X] as you go off of it. If you turn right or left so many times, "???" will appear, symbolizing a spin greater than an 1800.

Trick boost
When you do more tricks, press [Square] to get a boost. Also, hold the D-Pad in the direction you want to twist or flip before the trick -- after holding [X], you will do the trick faster.

Boost at start of race
Press [Forward] during the countdown at the start of a race. Note: This sometimes only works in the second and third round.

When racing, attempt to push then use your boost to get away from your opponent as fast as possible. Try to speed past opponents instead of knocking them down (unless you are Jurgen).

Saving time
When you go off a jump, do not do tricks. Doing tricks actually slows you down in the air. Also, press [Jump] before the edge of the jump. This way, you do not go as high, which helps you maintain more momentum. You will also go faster when you land. These tactics also decrease the chance of wiping out.

Mac's best board
The best all-around board for Mac is actually the Interrupting Pirate. It has the same statistics as the AniMac board, but the Interrupting Pirate has better handling.

Easy Showoff mode medal
If you are a few points short of a medal at the end of the course, hold left or right spin prewind and press [Select]. Every time you hit the ground you will receive 480 points. Repeat this until you have completed getting the required number of points.

Glitch: Fall below the course
Go through the Tokyo Megaplex level until you reach the fan with the two boosts on either side. Ride up on the side of the fan so your character is a straight line left to right (horizontal), then press [Select]. If done correctly, you will appear under the course in a bottomless pit. You can do tricks in midair, but you will fall back very far in the race. Press [Select] to get back out. You can get over 100,000 points by doing tricks in the glitch.

Glitch: Unlimited points
Get onto a rail in the Snowdream level. As you are riding it, if somebody knocks you off of the rail your score will keep going up. As long as you do not jump or fall in any way as you are riding in the snow, your score will continue to dramatically rise. It is possible to get 30,000 points using this glitch on only a single rail.

Glitch: Strange view
At the very start, go towards the glass just to the right of the fans. When you get close, attempt a front flip into the glass. If done correctly, the glass will not break but you should go through it. Proceed to the finish line. You will not win, but when you cross the finish line it will start showing you from a different angle. Turn hard and go to the fan. Try any trick and it will not show the normal view, but one from the audience of you going up. This may require a few attempts.

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