Shadow Hearts Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Downloadable Shadow Hearts Cheats
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Apr. 20, 2011
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Completion bonus
Successfully complete the game and allow the credits and ending sequence to end. Save the game and play again to begin with all Fusion Demons from your previous attempt.
Defeating Hyuga and Seraphic Radiance
To easily defeat Hyuga/Seraphic Radiance, you should be level 45 or higher. You also need Amon, Thera Roots, Tea Of The Holy One (x5), Fifth Key (x2 to 4), and Seventh Key(x2 to 4). You really do not need Mana Roots. It would also be better if you have Yuri's Ultimate Weapon, and have it fully upgraded. When the battle begins, fuse to Amon and use Demon Ray on Hyuga. He can be defeated in three to four hits. Do not use the Keys yet. Use Thera Roots when your HP goes down to 200. Make sure to keep your HP above 400; when he fuses to Seraphic Radiance he will drain your HP by 375 to 400 using "Malcto" and it will kill you. When your HP is high, use either Fifth Key or Seventh Key on him. Complete at least three rounds (it does not need to hit the red ones). Again, always make sure your HP is above 400. Also, do not forget to look at your Sanity Points. Do this again until you have defeaedt him. When the battle ends, go back and check the back of the tree for Yuri's ultimate armor.

Defeating Bosses
Use the following trick to defeat Seraphic Radiance or any Boss. Let Yuri use Monkey's Paw on himself. The second character should use Gold Hourglass to negate the ring abnormality of the Monkey's Paw effect. The third character should use Moon Swallow so all hits will become critical. On Yuri's turn, morph into Amon or Seraphic Radiance, or any level 3 fusion monster. Use Seventh Key and make sure you hit all Judgment Ring bars, not necessarily on the red (critical) portion. The first hit may even reach 999 if you are lucky.

First, find the lowest level character on your side of the field. This character should be using items on other characters (good or bad). The highest level character should be your main attacker. The remaining character should be your secondary attacker/item user. Remember, the primary item user and main attacker must stay alive.

Good ending
Before you proceed to the last mission (Neameto Float), Halley will go see her mother Koudelka. Do not follow him yet. Go to your valuables section and read the Oath Grail's description (item from Joshua). Go to a dungeon and let the malice fill up to red. Instead of Fox Face, the masks will go after you on random battles. Defeat all four of them. Do not clear up the malice and they will hunt you again. This time, they will have only 1 HP, and you need to defeat them in this order: Grail, Gold, Sword, and Staff. This is a trial-and-error process, so you may need to save and load depending on the order. By the time Alice is supposed to die at the hands of Atman, Yuri will barge in to help her and you will be able to win the battle.

Light all candles in blue castle
Light the candles in the blue castle in alphabetical order by name: Abel, Edgar, Frank, Helen, Leon, Maria, Robin, and finally Steven. This will open the door to the throne room.

Unlocking "????" in level 3 fusion monsters
Fuse with the level 3 monsters and have them Berserk. They will use the skill and you will also learn it. Do this for Czernobog, Seravi, Lobo, Egil, Sandalphon, and Forron. You can also do this for Amon and Seraphic Radiance.

Get prizes from the Lottery Guy
Simply press [X] on the color of your choice. It will stop exactly where you pressed it.

Surviving Sharon's pit fights
Most of the monsters in her pit fight attack with status and ring abnormalities. You should have a Crucifix and a Pocket Watch equipped to render the effects harmless. Win ten consecutive times and she will give you some rare items.

Orphanage: Door codes
The code for the door on the right upstairs is "5375". The code for the big door downstairs is "3754"

Dollhouse: Passcode
After you take the crank from the clock and the storeroom key from the fountain, proceed to the storeroom and activate the generator using the crank. Go back to the room where you found the antelope's head and press [X] on the vault. The passcode for this is "1224". Go back to the storage and go all the way until you get to the last door. There will be a Boss fight here. This will be easy if you have Amon already.

Graveyard: Finding the Elemental Gravestones for level 3 fusions
Dark Gravestone: In the room where you found and fought Yuri (Blue Castle Tower). After you defeat him, go back upstairs to find it on the floor.

Earth Gravestone: Go back to Bistritz. Step on Nina's seeds and leave Bistritz. Return later and talk to Nina inside. Leave again and return. You will find Nina outside and she will give you the stone.

Air Gravestone: Bring some Tissues with you. Go back to Prague after your battle with Roger Bacon/Amon. Talk to the barkeeper and check the restroom. Yuri will give him some Tissues. Leave the bar and the man will give you the stone.

Light Gravestone: You can find it in Roger's house. His house is round; keep going past the vending machine until you cannot go anymore, then press [X]. It is in a chest that you cannot see.

Fire Gravestone: Calios Mental Hospital. Its on the second door on the second room. Open the chest and after you find Halley's mom, go back to the room. You can see a red thing on the opened chest.

Water Gravestone: After you defeat Roger Bacon/Amon. Go to Knowledgable Carl's house and check the phone. When it mentions the place "Rouen", leave and go to Rouen. A new person will sell it to you.
Free Water Gravestone
Go to Rouen and talk to the couple in the room at the hotel. Then, go to the church and enter the door opposite to where you entered. Then, enter the second door. The man from the couple will ask you a question. Answer by saying something like "It's to do with love", then return to the couple. Talk to the man and he will give you the stone for free.

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