Resident Evil Outbreak Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Check out these Resident Evil Outbreak cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Resident Evil Outbreak Cheats
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Jul. 09, 2011
Jun. 09, 2009
Primary Collection of Cheats
Play as Bob
To play as Bob, Mark's sick co-worker who passes out in "Outbreak", complete the "Outbreak" stage under any difficulty as Mark. Then, go to the collection menu and purchase costume number 12 for 4,000 points. Note: He will have Mark's storyline and voice.

Play as civilian
To play as Man 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, complete the "Decisions, Decisions" stage. Then, go to the collection menu and purchase costume number 30 for 10,000 points. Man 1 and Man 2 have George's storyline and voice. Man 3 has David's storyline and voice. Man 4 has Mark's storyline and voice. Man 5 has Kevin's storyline and voice.

Play as Doctor Hursh
Complete the "Hive" stage under the very hard difficulty setting as George. Then, go to the collection menu and buy costume 19 for 4,000 points. He will have George's storyline and voice.

Play as doctors
To play as Doctor 1, 2, or 3, complete the "Hive" stage under the normal difficulty as any character. Then, go to the collection menu and buy costume 20 for 6,000 points.All three of them have George's storyline and voice.

Play as firemen
To play as Danny, collect the fireman id tag 1 in the "Hellfire" stage. Then, complete the stage with the tag. Then, go to the collection menu and buy costume 22 for 5,000 points. Danny has Kevin's storyline and voice.

To play as Gill, collect the fireman id tag 2 in the "Hellfire" stage. . Then, complete the stage with the tag. Then, go to the collection menu and buy costume 23 for 5,000 points. Gill has Mark's storyline and voice.

To as Fireman, complete the "Hellfire" stage under the easy difficulty setting. Then, go to the collection menu and buy costume 24 for 3500 and is slot 24. He has George's storyline and voice.

Play as Frank
To play as Frank you must complete the stage "Decisions, Decisions" under the hard difficulty setting. Then, go to the collection menu and buy costume 27 for 3,000 points. Frank will have Jim's storyline and voice.

Play as Greg
To play as Greg, complete the "Decisions, Decisions" stage under the very hard difficulty setting as any character. Then, go to the collection menu and buy costume 26 for 10,000 points. Greg has George's storyline and voice.

Play as Monica
To play as Monica from the stage "Below Freezing Point" you must first complete the stage as any character under the normal difficulty setting. Once done, go to the "Collection" option at the main menu and buy costume 17 for 5,000 points, Once unlocked you can play as Monica on any stage. Monica will have Alyssa's storyline and voice.

Play as Peter
To play as Peter (George's friend), you must complete the stage "Decisions, Decisions" under the hard difficulty setting. Then, go to the collection menu and buy costume 25 for 5,000 points. Peter will have George's storyline and voice.

Play as J's Bartender Will
To play as Will the bartender who dies in the beginning of the "Outbreak" stage, complete the "Outbreak" stage under the very hard difficulty setting with any character. Then, go to the collection menu and purchase costume number 13 for 3,000 points. Note: He will have Jim's storyline and voice.

Play as nurses
To play as Nurse 1 or Nurse 2, complete the "Hive" stage under the hard difficulty setting. Then, go to the collection menu and buy costume 21 for 5,000 points. Nurse 1 has Cindy's storyline and voice. Nurse 2 has Alyssa's storyline and voice.

Play as policemen
To play as the cops outside of J's Bar (Raymond, Arthur, Aaron, and Dorean), complete the "Outbreak" stage with any character under the easy difficulty setting. Then, go to collection menu and purchase costume number 14 for 5,000 points. Raymond has Kevin's storyline and voice. Arthur has George's storyline and voice. Aaron has Mark's storyline and voice. Dorean has Goerge's storyline and voice.

To plays as the three RPD cops on main street (Elliot, Eric, and Harry), complete the "Outbreak" stage with any character under the hard difficulty setting. Then, go to the collection menu and purchase costume number 15 for 5,000 points. Elliot has Mark's storyline and voice. Eric has David's storyline and voice. Harry has George's storyline and voice.

Play as scholars
To play as scholars (scientists who gets shot in the head), complete the "Below Freezing Point" stage under the very hard difficulty setting. Then, go to the collection menu and buy costume 18 for 3,000 points. They both have George's storyline and voice.

Play as match stick men
To play as match stick men you must complete all stages under easy, normal, hard, and very hard difficulty settings. You must also unlock all secrets in the game. Once done, go to the "Collection" option at the main menu and choose "Extras". Match stick men will cost 100,000 points to unlock. Note: Once the match stick men are unlocked, they will have Kevin's, David's, Jim's, Mark's, and George's storylines.

To play as matchstick men, obtain all special items. Then, go to the collection menu and buy costume 31 for 10,000 points. Mr. Red has Kevin's storyline and voice. Mr. Gold has Mark's storyline and voice. Mr. Blue has George's storyline and voice. Mr. Black has David's storyline and voice. Mr. Green has Jim's storyline and voice.

Play as UBCS
To play as UBCS 1 and UBCS 2, complete the "Decisions, Decisions" stage under easy mode as any character. Then, go to the collection menu and buy costume 28 for 8,000 points. They have Kevin's storyline and voice.

Play as USS (Ussi)
To play as the USS, clear all stages with all the characters under any difficulty setting. Then, go to the collection menu and buy costume 29 for 5,000 points. He has Kevin's storyline and voice.

Alyssa's alternate costumes
Find Alyssa's character-specific special items. The costume will be available in the collection menu for 10,000 points when all items are collected. Note: She has two costumes.

To unlock her second alternate costume, collect all of her alternate character-specific special items: high heels, deep red rouge, and deep red dress. The items are randomly placed so they are more difficult to get. This costume will be available in the collection menu for 30,000 points when all of her second special items are collected.

Cindy's alternate costumes
Find Cindy's character-specific special items: white underpants, sandal, cool sunglasses, light blue shirt. This costume will be available in collection menu for 10,000 points when all items are collected. Note: She has two costumes.

To unlock her second alternate costume, find her secondary special items: bunny cuff, bunny bow knot, bunny tights, bunny ears, bunny high-heel, adult rouge, and bunny neck tie. This costume will be available in the collection menu for 30,000 points when all of her secondary special items are collected.

David's alternate costume
Find David's character-specific special items: leather pants, shirt, leather jacket, leather shoes, and stern pendent. The costume will be available in the collection menu for 10,000 points when all items are collected.

George's alternate costume
Find George's character specific special items: pants, sunglasses, yellow parka, outdoor shoes, and brown inner clothes. The costume will be available in the collection menu for 10,000 points when all items are collected.

Jim's alternate costume
In order to play as Jim as a basketball star, collecting all of his character-specific special items: white tank top, rare basketball shoes, basketball uniform, signed ball, and basketball pants. The costume will be available in the collection menu for 10,000 points when all items are collected.

Kevin's alternate costume
In order to play as Kevin as a rugged cowboy type, you need to find his character-specific special items. They are as follows: western shoes, pure white T-shirt, cigar, faded color good G-pants, cowboy hat, and leather belt. The costume will be available in the collection menu for 10,000 points when all items are collected.

Mark's alternate costume
Find Mark's character-specific special items: brown belt, 3/4 pants, polo tee, and sneakers. The costume will be available in the collection menu for 10,000 points when all items are collected.

Yoko's alternate costume
Find Yoko's character-specific special items: lovely sneaker and green dress. This costume will be available in the collection menu for 10,000 points when all items are collected. Note: She has four costumes.

To unlock her second alternate costume, collect all of her secondary character-specific special items: gym suit, sport shoes, and buruma. This costume will be available in the collection menu for 30,000 when all of her second special items are collected.

To get her fourth alternate costume, play as Yoko complete the "Outbreak" stage under the normal difficulty setting. Once done, go to the "Collection" option at the main menu and choose "Costumes". Buy costume 16 for 8,000 points. Once it is unlocked, you can play as Yoko before she changed into the person she is.

Alyssa's character collage
Successfully complete any three scenarios as Alyssa. You can now unlock her collage for 500 points.

Cindy's character collage
Successfully complete any three scenarios as Cindy. You can now unlock her collage for 500 points.

David's character collage
Successfully complete any three scenarios as David. You can now unlock his collage for 500 points.

George's character collage
Successfully complete any three scenarios as George. You can now unlock his collage for 500 points.

Jim's character collage
Successfully complete any three scenarios as Jim. You can now unlock his collage for 500 points.

Kevin's character collage
Successfully complete any three scenarios as Kevin. You can now unlock his collage for 500 points.

Mark's character collage
Successfully complete any three scenarios as Mark. You can now unlock his collage for 500 points.

Yoko's character collage
Successfully complete any three scenarios as Yoko. You can now unlock her collage for 500 points.

Hard mode
Complete the "Decisions, Decisions" stage. You can now unlock hard mode for 2,000 points.

Very hard mode
Complete all stages in hard mode. You can now unlock very hard mode for 3,000 points.

Solo mode
Complete all stages in hard mode. You can now unlock very hard mode for 10,000 points.

Infinite ammo free mode
Complete all stages with a 100% rating. You can now unlock infinite ammo free mode for 50,000 points.

Secret FMV sequences
On the stage "Below Freezing Point" there is a secret FMV sequence. To view it, you must do the following. After using the V-Jolt on the plant go up to level B-4 (skip level B-5 for now). Once on B-4, go past the frozen Hunter and pick up the herb and pipe in the back. Then, go back to level B-6 (again skipping level B-5) and enter the keycodes into the main computer system. Make sure to enter the word "HOPE". Then, go to level B-5 and go through the vents. Be careful as a zombie will be here under the normal, hard, and very hard difficulty settings. Once through, go to the key panel, open the shutter, and enter the computer room. Then, enter your fingerprint into the computer. Finally, go back to level B-4 and go through the only open door. If done correctly, you will unlock the secret FMV sequence of your character getting attacked by the giant moth. Note: After the FMV sequence ends, you will be back in the computer room attached to the wall, and you must struggle to get out. This will cause your health to be in "Poison" status.

To get the second secret FMV sequence, you must play on the stage "Below Freezing Point". Once on the stage, after killing the giant plant guide your A.I. players up to level B-4 and either to "The Turn Table" or "The Low Temperature Experiment Room". Make your A.I. players wait there by pressing [R3]. Then, quickly run down to level B-5 and go into the "Computer Room". Once in there, register your fingerprint and wait a short time, after two minutes. If done correctly, you should see your A.I. player get carried away by the moth and brought into the computer room, where your character sees the A.I. player stumbling around. Note: Getting your A.I. players to stay is difficult to do, but if you keep telling them to wait they should do it. They will also shoot the moth. This should give you enough time to run down to level B-5.
Defeating the giant leech
On The Hive level, the Boss will be a giant leech. To kill it easily, make it chase you back to the start, where you first get on the boat. Once there, hop out of the water and shoot him (if you have ammunition). If you do not have ammunition you can use the steel pipe, broom, crutch, or knife to kill him. If you are using the knife, you can either hop back in, stand in front of the giant leech, then stab; or you can stand out of the water and use the knife. When you stand outside of the water you will not be able to hit the giant leech until it lifts up its head. You must then stab quickly; you should be able to get two or three stabs. If you are in the water fighting the giant leech, you can get a few good swings at it, but be careful -- it only shoots acid when it is stuck there. It also swings its head back and forth causing damage to your character. Note: Though this is a very easy way to kill the giant leech, you must also watch your partner's health. Your partner can die from the giant leech, and if that happens your partner will turn into a leechman.

Lure the giant leech all the way back to the dock and stomp ([R1] + [Down] + [X] ) it until it dies.

Defeating Hunters
To kill Hunters easily, you can use a Magnum or do a team attack (this works offline and online). To use the team attack against the Hunters, have two people wait and have one as a decoy. For example, on the stage they appear on "Below Freezing Point", when you are in the West Passage area and the Hunter breaks free from the ice, it will stand there for a few seconds. Have two people wait around the corner and have one person run down the hall and back up towards the Hunter (not all the way in the doorway where the Hunter is located). Make enough room for him to pop out and around the corner. Once he is around the corner, have the two people who are waiting quickly run up and either start shooting or hitting it. The Hunter will have nowhere to go or have a chance to make an attack. This method works only for the stage "Below Freezing Point". Note: The only way you can get a Magnum is if you are playing as Yoko. Yoko gets the gun from a friend in the game, none of the other characters can get this gun.

Avoiding Instant Kills
Here are some instant kills you should be wary of when playing:
Window zombie
Be extremely careful of the window zombie, as he pops in unpredictably and fast. If he grabs your character, do your best by mashing the buttons to survive. Window zombie(s) only appear in Outbreak and The Hive.

Although it only appears on Below Freezing Point, be extremely careful when you are near Hunters(or MA-125R's, as said in the file) under the hard or very hard difficulty settings. They will confront a big stab in the neck, leading to a very bloody mess. Avoid this attack as Cindy, using her special ability (crouch, hold [R1] and press [Circle]); as Alyssa, using her "Back step" ability; or as Yoko, using the "Escape" ability. Avoid all contact near the Hunter when you have no weapons or have only melee weapons. You will know when it does this move, as it screeches very loudly and aims at your character with its claw vertically.

Crows or wasps are not very deadly when you are on the ground, but when you are hanging, they can attack you and cause your character to slip and fall on the ground. Be sure to eliminate all crows or wasps before crossing a high building, or jumping in the Outbreak scenario. When you are hanging, mash the buttons and get up. Your partners should distract them. When you are on the rooftop in the Outbreak scenario, press [X] immediately after your character's last step to avoid getting killed by crows or to proceed faster in a speed run. Crows appear in Outbreak, The Hive, and Hellfire. Wasps only appear on the last scenario. If one of your partners is hanging in Outbreak, and there are crows around and you are on the other side, do the following. While your friend is hanging, have one or two people distract and kill the crows. Press [X] to lift your friend up. You can do the same if you are hanging.

Sharks may chew on your character quickly if you are in the same watery area as they are. When in the pier, hold [Run] for a long time. Also, choose an average speed character. When sharks are not in your area, move. If they are going to dive in dry land, you should see a black shadow on the ground. Move if you see it. When in the water, look for a way to get back on land. However, if the shark is about to bite your character, or swallow (you should see the shark jump if attempting to swallow), press [R1]. You will dodge the shark's attack. This marine animal only appears on Decisions, Decisions, on the Route to B2F Pier. Use the manhole to avoid crossing the pier. Note: You cannot kill a shark, as it is invincible.

Hunter Gamma
This frog-like creature appears in B2F on the Decisions, Decisions scenario. In the water, it can and will attempt to swallow you. Press [R1] to avoid its attacks. The Hunter Gamma is known to be very fast when swimming. Be ready to press [R1] when it tries to hug your character. In case it does attempt to swallow you, mash all the buttons furiously. When crossing on the pipes, make sure all Hunter Gammas are killed before crossing. Although a grenade in its face should kill it, it gets back up after a long period of time. Use two grenades or more to kill a Hunter Gamma. Like the Licker, it appears again even after you kill it.

Thanatos appears anywhere on the first floor of the Decisions, Decisions scenario. You will notice that when you are near him, he will point at your character. This is the signal to get out of there. If you are in a very narrow hallway, use Alyssa's or Yoko's special ability. If you are not Alyssa or Yoko, press [Down] + [Circle]. Your character should be able to do a 180 degree turn. Then hold [Run] and escape Thanatos.
Decisions, Decisions: Better path
When playing the Decisions, Decisions scenario, when you have a choice between going to floors BF2 and BF4, choose BF2. You may encounter Hunter Gamma, but if you go to BF4 you will encounter Giant Wasps and Giant Spiders, which can be a burden while you get constantly poisoned.

Decisions, Decisions: Avoid getting touched by Thanatos-R
When playing as Jim, you can do a nice trick when fighting Thanatos-R. After using the Daylight anti-virus, you can Play Dead ([R1] + [Circle] ) and avoid getting touched by Thantos-R. Use this when you are hurt, to avoid getting attacked, or make your teammates mad in an online game.

Decisions, Decisions: Killing Thanatos-R
To kill Thanatos-R in the front square in one shot, use a sample of "Daylight". Run over to the tank, grab the Ampoule Shooter, combine it with Daylight, then shoot Thanatos with it.

Decisions, Decisions: Avoid Sharks
You can avoid Sharks on the pier by running tug against the railing. The Sharks only appear on the non-railed side.

If you end up getting headbutted into the water by the annoying shark on the outside, start swimming diagonally, gradually making your way towards the right where you can climb onto the dock. If you move diagonally, the shark that will be trying to eat you and will not be able to get a hold of you.

Decisions, Decisions: Save ammunition
Do not waste ammunition on Thantos; he is invulnerable. Run instead.

Shock Thantos with hanging wires to obtain the T-blood rather than trying to take him out with force.

Decisions, Decisions: Getting a weapon with Alyssa
In the beginning of this scenario, Alyssa can be the first person to get a weapon. In the Elevator Passway, there is a locker protected with a simple lock. Use the P shaped lockpick on the locker (easy, normal, and hard difficulty settings) and you can get a assault rife or a handgun. Under the very hard difficulty setting, you will only get handgun bullets.

Decisions, Decisions: Fast building in easy mode
At the beginning, get the glasses on the statue in the 2F art room. Use it on the other statue outside. This will open a door. Do not go in. Later, after the small massacre outside the University, get the ID card, open the door near you, discard it. At the very end, go back after starting up the mixer again. Get three Daylight (you will have time). Use one and keep the other two. Use the newly unlocked door from earlier and follow the path set for you. If you encounter Thanatos, run past him. As soon as you get out, you should have two to three minutes remaining to increase your attack (Jim) or play around with other players.

Decisions, Decisions: Unlock ending sequence for each character
To unlock the ending sequence for each character in Decisions, Decisions, select the desired character and play through the level until you are close to the end and at the point where you can get the Daylight samples. Then, get two samples of the Daylight Formula from the reagent production device. During the second battle with Thanatos-R, use one sample on yourself to kill the T-Virus, and keep one in your inventory until you finally kill Thanatos. After the credits and epilogue, go to the collections menu. Go to the "Movies" section and find your character's ending. You can now buy it for 500 points.

Decisions, Decisions: Inventory management
Use with this four inventory combo: Daylight, Daylight, G. Launcher (or handgun) ammunition or any healing item. In Decisions Decisions you will find a lot of ammunition and guns. Do not worry about ammunition consumption because at the end (in any mode), you can kill Thanatos with two weapons. The easy way is finding the G. Launcher. In your first battle you will find a locker near the door blocked by junk. Blast it open and take the R. Launcher. Replace it with anything but the two Daylights. Wait for him to stand still or attack NPCs. Use this time to shoot him. Make it count or it will be very difficult otherwise. In the next area, grab the Ampoule Shooter. Shoot him with it and you will get the "Great" ending and be done quickly.

Decisions, Decisions: Endings
Great: Take three Daylight Samples. Use one on yourself, one to defeat Thanatos, and keep one at the end.

Good: Take two Daylight Samples. Use one on yourself and one to defeat Thanatos; or take one sample and use it on yourself.

Okay: Do not use or take any Daylight Samples. Have one or both of your partners alive at the end.

Bad: Do not use or take any Daylight Samples. Be the only survivor.
Hell Fire: Defeating final Boss
When playing the scenario, the final Boss is easily beaten if you continue shooting at her with a weapon such as a handgun or shotgun; or by throwing concrete pieces at her from a safe distance. Your teammate(s) will take care of the other Lickers.

Hell Fire: Avoiding damage
When playing in hard mode, avoid opening Room 201. When you do, fire bursts out and damages your character.

Hell Fire: Save ammunition
Use Concrete pieces instead of wasting bullets.

Hell Fire: Grenade Launcher and Anti Virus (L)
When in room 303, there is a wall that you can take down (in between the plant and the bed) by tackling or shooting it. In there you will find a female corpse with an Anti Virus (L) and a Grenade Launcher with Acid rounds under the window.

The Hive: Getting to the rooftop
Go to BF1 and enter the room near the gate were the zombie breaks in (the open one, and not the one that you need the keycard for). Go to the computer and enter 0930. When you get in the elevator, you can now go to the rooftop.

The Hive: Save ammunition
Step on Leeches ([R1] + [Down] + [X] ) instead of wasting a bullet.

Try to avoid the Leech Man, or if you have low health and/or you are bleeding and he charges at you, tackle him or use a Scrub Brush to push him back.

The Hive: Leeches on computer
In this scenario, there are Leeches on the computer. Rather than wasting three bullets on them, tackle the computer three times or use the Scrub Brush to knock them all off together.

The Hive: The Giant Leech
Certain weapons deliver more damage than usual to the Giant Leech Boss. These weapons are the scrub brush, spear, and broken crutch.

In The Hive scenario, the Leech Man will follow you around every single room except for the roof. Get a blood pack from the nurse's station and save it until you reach the Fixed Temperature Experiment room. When you reach this room, wait for the Leech Man to drop down from the vent. Then, lure him into the connected room and drop the blood pack. The Leech Man will go stark raving mad and attack the blood pack, giving you ample time to get into the other room. Switch the temperature on the control panel to high. Note: Do not forget to switch the temperature back to low to get the card key. Also, Keep your partners healthy until the end of the scenario, because they can become another Leech Man which you cannot kill. If you are Kevin or Cindy, go onto the roof and talk to the policeman up there. He will give you a sub machine gun, which only temporarily kills the Leech Man.

The Hive: Completing the scenario
When playing "The Hive", it is difficult to find out how get anywhere after B1F. Taking out the Leech Man should be a priority as soon as you can. To do this easily and not have to backtrack as much, do the following:
1. Go into Room 302 and get the handgun and crutch. Note: Grab the crutch first and equip it. Hit the Leech Man one time, run around it, and open the door.

2. Run down the hall and enter the room with Hursh. Grab the map and file (with the crutch equipped if in the normal difficulty setting and higher) and make the intermission sequence starts. When it ends, quickly jump on the box (if in the normal difficulty setting and higher), and swing the crutch at the zombie nurse until it dies. Go to the other side (if on the normal difficulty and higher, un-equip the crutch because of the leech. Step on the leech until it dies), and grab one or two blood packs. Go back and exit the room. Quickly go to the elevator and go to Floor 2.

3. When on Floor 2, run down the hall and kill the zombie nurse with whatever remains of the crutch. If you throw the broken crutch at her and she still is not defeated, stomp her to death. Then, go down the stairs.

4. When on Floor 1, enter the first room that you see. Go by the fire and get the Burst Handgun. Go to the lighted section of the computer and unlock the gated doors. This gets you quick and easy points. Exit the room and run straight into the next room. When in the locker roomm grab the Scrub Brush if desired and enter the only door inside. Run close to the boxes to avoid getting bit by the window zombie. If it pops out, shoot it with your handgun. You will need it later on (unless you are Kevin or Cindy, who can get a Assault Rife under the easy and normal difficulty settings, otherwise keep the gun if on playing under the hard/very hard difficulty setting for a teammate. Then, run to the zombie on the computer seat. Note: Run quickly as it rises in a short period of time. Grab the keycard then backtrack to the second floor.

5. Enter the elevator to floor B2F. Go into the second door and kill the leeches on the computer. Enter the passcode 3555 ( I have NO idea what all the passcodes can be.. sorry I'll post about it asap) and 0930 (which is the rooftop). Exit the room and go to the room at the end of the hall and use the keycard (which after you don't need) run back to the elevator (make sure you have a blood pack from before). Go to B2F.

6. Enter the first room that you see. Run through the room and enter the next door. Go into the sliding door and walk into the room a bit and place the bloodpack. Run out and go in front of the computer. Wait for the leechman to enter the sliding door room. Press "High" on the computer once he is in. After it dies, press "Low" on the computer. Then go in and grab the keycard from the corpse. Exit the rooms and run down that hallway and use the keycard (again, you will not need it afterwards.) Then, run all the way back to the elevator.

7. Go back to B1F and go into the room that you unlocked with the keycard earlier. Run past any zombies and enter the room at the very end of the hallway. Walk down the stairs and jump in the water. Avoid the leech(es) and climb the ledge. Avoid the "dead" zombie and grab the padlock key. Backtrack all the way back to the elevator.

8. Go to the end of the hallway and enter the door that you unlocked earlier with the keycard. Enter and unlock the boat.. Get ready for a Boss fight. Have weapons and healing items before you go.
Outbreak: Extra gun and ammunition
In Scenario 1, when you get the R.P.D. "SWAT car", after you get out, go back in. There should be two shotguns, three cases of shotgun shells, a magnum revolver, one box of revolver ammunition, and some handgun ammunition.

Earn more points at the end of stages
To earn more points at the end of stages follow some of these steps:
No Damage Clear: To get a "No Damage Clear" do not get attacked by any kind of monster. If you come close to a monster, use your special attack ([R1] + [X]) or ram the monster ([R1] + [Circle]). When a monster is coming close to you, call for help ([Right Analog-stick Left]) and the CPU character will arrive to help. If done correctly you will get about 4,000 points. Note: This is not an easy task. It is recommended that you play the game a few times then trying for a "No Damage Clear".

No Weapon Clear: To get points for a "No Weapon Clear", pass any weapons you find to the CPU. You cannot use any weapons/ You can pick them up and combine items for the CPU, but you can never use a weapon. You can use your special attack ([R1] + [X]) and the characters will punch or kick the monster. You can also ram the monsters ([R1] + [Circle]) . You also can use health items if needed for you or your CPU characters. Note: Only Kevin, David, Mark, and George can punch, kick, and tackle.

Obtain all items: To get an even better score, obtain all items in the stage. You must collect files, useless items (such as diaries and test tubes), press buttons, etc. This will boost your points. Note: Collecting the items can clog up your inventory spaces. You can pass the items to your CPU characters to keep until the end of the stage.

Obtain the "Daylight" virus: In the stage "Decisions, Decisions", collect an extra tube of "Daylight" virus and you will get a different ending and points. Note: When getting the extra "Daylight", do not use it. Keep it in your inventory for the different ending and points.
Stopping your virus meter
There are two ways to stop your virus meter from going up. The first way is to use the Anti-Virus Pill. This will stop the meter until you are attacked again. The other way is to use a Red Herb. This will stop the meter for a few minutes.

There are more ways to stop the virus meter. You can do this by using any healing items (for example, First Aid Spray. Green Herb, Recovery Pills), but it does not stop as long as The Anti Virus pill.

Using the hiding feature
Try the following tricks to use the hiding feature to your advantage. Note: Do not to talk, look at your map, or open your menu screen, as this will blow your cover and the zombie or other monsters will cause damage to your character.
Hiding in lockers
You can hide from the monsters in lockers. For example, when in the "Outbreak" stage on the second floor and in the locker room, go to the last locker (next to the window). If you have a zombie chasing you and he happens to break down the door, hide in the locker. The zombie will look around, walk around in circles, then pound on the door to leave. Once he leaves, you can exit from the locker. Note: This works for all stages.

Hiding under tables or beds
If a zombie is entering and there are no lockers, go under the table or bed. Your character will sit there, and the camera view will change so that you can see the zombie's feet. Stay under the table or bed until you see the zombie leave.
Note: Mark or his other types (Bob, Gill, Gill: B, Aaron, Elliott, and Man 4.) cannot fit under beds or go into lockers.

Hint: David's weapon combinations
Only David can combine certain weapons to make unique weapons with his Duct Tape
Flame Spray: Pesticide Spray + Lighter
Spear: Wooden Pole + Kitchen Knife
Hammer: Concrete Piece + Iron Pipe
Stun Rod: Iron Pipe + Battery

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