Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2 | PlayStation 3
Check out these Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal Cheats
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Jan. 31, 2009
Primary Collection of Cheats
Duel Blade Laser Sword
Pause the game and enter: [Circle], [Square], [Circle], [Square], [Up], [Down], [Left], [Left].

Unlock Characters
In Edit Profile hold [L2] and enter these codes:

[Left], [Left], [Left], [Left], [Up], [Right], [Up], [Left] - Dan Skin
[Up], [Up], [Up], [Left], [Right], [Up], [Left], [Up] - Nefarious Skin

Show Squat Count
Highlight the Stats option at the Main Menu, then press [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Square]. Your stats screen in multiplayer will now show how many times you have squatted on an opponent.

Sly 2: Band of Thieves Demo
At the title screen, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2].
Free Ammo and Health
Go to any challenge like Annihilation Nation, start the challenge and quit and it refills your ammo and health. This will save you thousands of bolts.

Cheat List
You need skill points to unlock these cheats:

Big Head Heroes: R&C get big heads / 5 points
Time Feeze: Slow motion camera tracking during weapon select / 10 Points
Secret Agent Clank: Clank wears his Secret Agent costume / 15 Points
Big Head Enemies: Enemies get big heads / 20 Points
Ships to Ducks: All ships flying in the skys turn into ducks / 25 Points
Mirror Universe: Flips the screen horizontally / 30 Points

Mega Weapons
Beat the game to unlock weapons you can buy that are an enhanced version of the weapons you already own. You can only buy if you have leveled them up all the way already. These cost a lot of bolts but are even more powerful then the level 5 weapons you already have and they can be upgraded another three times making them very powerful:

Unlock Skins
You need titanium bolts to unlock these skins:

Old School Ratchet: From 1st game (or free with save file from 1st game)
Snowman / 6 Bolts
Tuxedo Ratchet / 6 Bolts
Bugnoid / 6 Bolts
Brainius / 6 Bolts
Constructobot / 6 Bolts
Robo Rooster / 6 Bolts
Trooper / 5 Bolts
Robo / 5 Bolts

Weapon Evolutions
When a weapon reaches V5, it will evolve. Here is what each weapon evolves into:

Shock blaster - Shock Cannon
Nitro Launcher - Nitro Eruptor
Plasma Whip - Quantum Whip
N60 Storm - N90 Hurricane
Infector - Infecto-bomb
Suck Cannon - Vortex Cannon
Spitting Hydra - Tempest
Agents of Doom - Agents of Dread
Flux Rifle - Splitter Rifle
Annhilator - Decimator
Rift Inducer - Rift Ripper
Disc Blade Gun - Multi Disc Blade Gun
Holo Shield Glove - Ultrashield Launcher
Qwack - O-Ray-Qwack-O-Blitzer
RY3NO - Rynocirator
Miniturret Glove - Megaturret Glove
Lava Gun - Liquid Nitrogen Gun
Bouncer - Heavy Bouncer
Plasma Coil - Plasma Storm
Shield Charger - Tesla Barrier

The Bomberman Mini-Game
First, go to star pheonix's vid comic room. Press triangle to select chapter then press square. Now put in YING_TZU.Finaly, press start and you get transported to insomniac museum to play a Bomberman-like minigame. It can go up to 4 players.

Get a discount on weapons
If you have a save from Ratchet and Clank 1, you get a 10% discount on weapons when you buy them. Save must be past the 2nd hoverboard race.

Wear Inferno Mode Armor Forever
When you get an inferno mode canister broken. Pause the game, go to skins, and equip current armor. You will have the armor on even after the Inferno effect wears off.

Override Weapon Switch in Arena
When fighting in the battle arena you will come upon matches where you weapon will auto switch after a few shots. To avoid this follow these steps. Start firing of shots till you get the hurricane. When it is out simply hold the fire button and don't let go or do a clank double jump and you will continue to fire the hurricane even though the weapon in you selector block will say something else. I find this easiest to do if you switch to lock-strafe-mode and then hold down [R1].

How To Get The Nano Pack
On the crash site go through the level until you reach the third big robot then you jump up the ledge. You should see a arch type structure there. Go to the end of the arch and look up then use your hypershot. Then from there you go through more hypersot targets. Boom there it is!

Pirate vs Ninja 2-Player Game
At the Starship Phoenix when u have to pick a Quark Vidcomic instead of pressing X to pick a Quark Vidcomic press square a screen that says enter password enter _MEGHAN_ as the password then press start.You will go to the Insomniac Museum then you'll playing Pirate vs Ninja 2-Player Game.Player 1 is the pirate player is the Ninja.

Fast Weapon XP
Need easy stages to get weapon experience? Play the Annihilation Nation challene against Scorpio to rack up the XP. Some weapons, like the shield glove, may need different stages to gain XP. For the shield glove, try playing the battle missions in Marcadia and having the bevy of peons shoot your shield for XP.

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