Midway Arcade Treasures 3 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these Midway Arcade Treasures 3 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Midway Arcade Treasures 3 Cheats
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May. 27, 2009
Primary Collection of Cheats
Hydro Thunder: All boats and tracks
Get one of the top five times in any track and enter "?PB" as a name.

Offroad Thunder: Cliffhanger track
Select Rally Contest, then press [Right] at the track selection screen to display the cheat entry screen. Press [Right], [Up], [Left] to unlock the Cliffhanger track.

Offroad Thunder: Hyena and Bad Omen vehicles
Select Rally Contest, then press [Right] an the vehicle selection screen to display the cheat entry screen. Press [Right]x3 to unlock the Hyena vehicle. Press [Right]x3 again to unlock the Bad Omen vehicle.

Offroad Thunder: Wildcat and Thrasher vehicles
Select Rally Contest, then press [Right] an the vehicle selection screen to display the cheat entry screen. Press [Up]x3 to unlock the Wildcat vehicle. Press [Up]x3 again to unlock the Thrasher vehicle.

Offroad Thunder: Chieftain and General vehicles
Select Rally Contest, then press [Right] an the vehicle selection screen to display the cheat entry screen. Press [Left]x3 to unlock the Chieftain vehicle. Press [Left]x3 again to unlock the General vehicle.

Offroad Thunder: Dust Devil and Silver Streak vehicles
Select Rally Contest, then press [Right] an the vehicle selection screen to display the cheat entry screen. Press [Left], [Up], [Right] to unlock the Dust Devil vehicle. Press [Left], [Up], [Right] again to unlock the Silver Streak vehicle.

Offroad Thunder: No drones
Select Rally Contest, then press [Right] at the track selection screen to display the cheat entry screen. Press [Left], [Up], [Left].

Offroad Thunder: No nitros
Select Rally Contest, then press [Right] at the track selection screen to display the cheat entry screen. Press [Up], [Left], [Up].

Offroad Thunder: No catch-ups
Select Rally Contest, then press [Right] at the track selection screen to display the cheat entry screen. Press [Right], [Left], [Right].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Cheat mode
Highlight "Options" at the main menu, then press [L1] + [R1] + [Square] + [Circle]. An option for the cheat menu will appear at the bottom of the screen. Note: In the cheat menu, highlight the code you wish to activate first before attempting to enter the following controller sequences. If the code is accepted, the cheat will then light up and you can toggle it on and off by pressing [Left] or [Right].

San Francisco Rush 2049: All cars
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "All Cars" option at the cheat menu. Quickly press [X]x2, [Circle]x2, [L1]x2. Hold [R1] + [Square]. Release the buttons, then hold [L1] + [X].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Car collisions
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Car Collisions" option at the cheat menu. Quickly hold [L1] + [R1] + [Square] + [Circle] + [X], release the buttons, then press [Square], [Circle], [X].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Random battle mode weapons
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Random Weapons" option at the cheat menu. Quickly hold [L1] + [X] and press [Square], [Circle]. Release the buttons, then hold [R1] + [X] and press [Square], [Circle].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Toggle demolition battle mode
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Demolition Battle" option at the cheat menu. Quickly hold [L1] + [X], then press [Circle], [Square]. Release the buttons, then hold [R1] + [X], then press [Circle], [Square]. In this mode, all of the weapons that are picked up will be battering rams. You have to physically hit an opponent to destroy him. This code overrides the "Random battle mode weapons" codes.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Invincibility
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Invincible" option at the cheat menu. Quickly hold [L1] + [Square] and press [Circle], [X]. Release the buttons, then hold [R1] and press [X], [Square], [Circle].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Super tires
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Super Tires" option at the cheat menu. Hold [R1] and press [Square]x3. Release [R1], then hold [L1] and press [X]x2, [Circle].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Brakes
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Brakes" option at the cheat menu, then quickly press [Circle]x3, then hold [L1] + [R1] + [X] + [Square].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Car mines
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Car Mines" option at the cheat menu, then quickly hold [L1] + [R1] + [Square] and press [X], [Circle]. Release, then press [X], [Circle].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Cone mines
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Cone Mines" option at the cheat menu. Quickly hold [Circle] + [R1] + [L1], release the buttons, then press [Square]. Then, hold [X] + [Square], release the buttons, then press [Square].

San Francisco Rush 2049: All parts
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "All Parts" option at the cheat menu. Quickly hold [Square] + [Circle] + [X] + [L1] + [R1], release, then hold [Circle] + [X]. Release, then press [Square]x2.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Invisibility
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Invisible Car" option at the cheat menu. Hold [L1] + [Square]. Release the buttons, then hold [R1] + [Circle]. Release the buttons, then press [X]. Hold [L1] + [R1] and press [Square]. Release the buttons, then press [Circle]x3.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Invisible track
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Invisible Track" option at the cheat menu, then quickly press [R1], [L1], [Circle], [Square], [X]x2, [Square], [Circle]. Then, hold [L1] + [R1] and press [X].

San Francisco Rush 2049: All tracks
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "All Tracks" option at the cheat menu. Then quickly hold [X] + [Square] and press [R1], release, hold [Square] + [Circle] and press [L1], release, press [X]x2, [Circle]x2, then hold [L1] + [R1] and press [Square].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Track orientation
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Track Orientation" option at the cheat menu. Hold [L1] + [R1] and press [Square]. Release the buttons, then quickly press [X], [Square], [Circle]. Hold [L1] + [R1] and press [Square].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Super speed
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Super speed" option at the cheat menu. Hold [Circle] + [R1] and press [L1]. Release the buttons, then hold [X] + [Square]. Release the buttons, then press [X]x3.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Auto abort
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Auto Abort" option at the cheat menu, then quickly press [X], [L1], [Square], [R1], [Circle]. Then hold [L1] + [R1] and press [X], [Square].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Suicide mode
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Suicide Mode" option at the cheat menu, then quickly press [Circle], [R1], [L1], [R1], [L1], [Square], [R1], [L1], [R1], [L1].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Battle paint shop
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Battle Paint Shop" option at the cheat menu. Quickly hold [Circle] and press [R1], [L1], [R1], [L1]. Release the buttons, then press [Square]x3.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Resurrect in place
Enable cheat mode, highlight the "Resurrect In Place" option at the cheat menu, then quickly press [R1]x2, [L1]x2, [X], [Square], [Circle].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Fog color
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Fog color" option at the cheat menu. Hold [L1] + [Square]. Release the buttons, then hold [X] + [Square]. Release the buttons, then hold [Circle] + [Square]. Release the buttons, then hold [R1] + [Square].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Heavy car
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Mass" option at the cheat menu. Quickly hold [X] and press [Square]x2, [Circle]. Release [X], then press [L1], [R1].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Frame scale
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Frame Scale" option at the cheat menu. Quickly press [L1] + [X], [X] + [Circle], [R1] + [X], [X] + [Circle].

San Francisco Rush 2049: Tire scaling
Enable cheat mode, then highlight the "Tire Scaling" option at the cheat menu. Quickly press [Square], [Circle], [X], [Square], [Circle], [X], then hold [R1] + [X].
San Francisco Rush 2049: Intermediate circuit
Finish in first, second or third place on the Beginner circuit to unlock a bonus track and the Intermediate circuit.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Extreme circuit
Finish in first, second or third place on the Intermediate circuit to unlock a bonus track and the Extreme circuit.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Venom car
Collect all the silver coins in stunt mode.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Crusher car
Collect sixteen gold coins in stunt mode.

San Francisco Rush 2049: GX-2 car
Collect half of the gold coins in race mode.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Euro LX car
Collect twenty-four gold coins in stunt mode.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Mini XS car
Collect thirty-six gold coins in race mode.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Locust LX car
Collect all silver coins in both race and stunt modes.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Panther car
Collect all gold and silver coins in both race and stunt modes.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Barracuda police car
Accumulate 10,000 miles and join Team Rush to get a 78 Barracuda cop car.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Disco stunt track
Get 100,000 points in the Rim.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Oasis stunt track
Get 200,000 points.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Warehouse stunt track
Get 400,000 points.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Obstacle course
Get 1,000,000 points.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Downtown battle track
Get 100 kills.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Plaza battle track
Get 250 kills.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Roadkill battle track
Get 500 kills.

San Francisco Rush 2049: Factory battle track
Get 1000 kills.

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