Midnight Club: Street Racing Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameBoy Advance | PlayStation 2
Check out these Midnight Club: Street Racing cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Hidden FMV sequence
Wait approximately thirty seconds at the start screen and a FMV sequence featuring the Beta car will begin.

Smuggler's Run Baja Buggy
Play Smuggler's Run and save the game. Use the same memory card with Midnight Club to unlock the Baja Buggy from Smuggler's Run. It will appear to the left of the taxi cabs on the car selection screen.

Alternate introduction sequence
When you start a race and the street light appears, hold [R2] until the race starts. Then, restart the race and you will get a different introduction view.

Manhattan police
Successfully complete Manhattan level 10 in Head-2-Head mode.

London police
Successfully complete London level 10 in Head-2-Head mode.

All Cruseros
Successfully complete Manhattan levels 1, 4, and 7 in Head-2-Head mode.

All Jones
Successfully complete Manhattan levels 2, 5, and 8 in Head-2-Head mode.

All Piranha
Successfully complete Manhattan levels 3, 6, and 9 in Head-2-Head mode.

All PTs
Win the 1st, 4th, and 7th Head-2-Head races.

All Modicums
Win the 3rd, 6th, and 9th Head-2-Head races.

All Ascents
Win the 2nd, 5th, and 8th Head-2-Head races.

London bonus cars
Win the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th waypoint races in London in arcade mode to unlock the Alpha, Double Decker Bus, Black Taxi, and Crown Mail Truck, and Crescendo.

Manhattan bonus cars
Win the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th waypoint races in New York in arcade mode to unlock the Beta, Bus, Ice Cream Truck, Meter Maid, and Fiorenza II.

Enter career mode. Defeat all the hookmen in New York, fly to London, then defeat all three hookmen there. You must defeat all three hookmen in both cities. When you finally defeat the world champ, the Type-S will be unlocked in your arcade garage.

Win the 11th waypoint race to unlock Beta.

Kiko's second car
The easiest way to get Kiko's second car (the second head-to-head with her) is to ram her into the opening in the building to the right, immediately after the light turns green. She cannot get out. You will defeat her without any competition from her. Do not take too much time pushing her into the building, as it is difficult to beat the clock.

Unlocking more cars
Look for the red dots that appear on various levels. Place your car on the dot until a gurgling sound is heard to unlock a new car. Some of the dots can be found at the following locations:
Go near the center of the map. The dot is inside the Parliament building (block building with pillars on the outside). Drive through the window to get inside.

Go near the bottom of the map and find the building with a circle street around it. One of the buildings across is a red, with the word "Angel" on it. Go behind it to find a type of ramp. Go up the ramp with a speed of about 60 mph, then go to the right. The red dot should be in front or behind you.

Find the reddish building with advertisements and an animated screen on it. Also, there is a box that almost looks like a padded cell in the middle of the street near it. Find the ramp leading up along the side of the building. Before you exit the ramp, you should be going approximately 30 to 45 mph (depending on the weight of your car). After hitting the roof immediately slam on the brakes. The dot should be to the right of you.

Once you start in London, make a 180 degree turn and head towards the blue blinking "Speed" sign. Go into the ramp at full speed. Go over on to the next roof and hit the brakes. Then, make a left turn and you will see the red dot.

Go to the ramp that marked with "Speed" and "Midnight Club" on it with a fast car, Drive up the ramp and try to launch yourself onto the building across from the present one. Drive around the roof and to find a red dot that unlocks a Kuruma, Faasuto GS. You can only use this car in arcade mode.

New York
Go near the park above the big tunnel. The dot is on top of a roof that you need to jump to reach.

Go near the aircraft carrier. The dot is inside the second story of a building that you need to jump to enter.

Go to the bottom of the map, to the green part of the screen. There will be a statue made out of what appears to be concrete. There is a circular building just past that. Inside, there is a ramp. Go off it and you will land on a building. Stop, turn to your right, and the dot will be there.
Slowing opponents
When faced up with a way point or head to head, try using the walls to slow people down. You can slam cars to other local cars, thus winning the race or getting an uprise.

Do a doughnut
Hold [Square] + [Circle] and press [Left] or [Right]. If you want to do a sharper doughnut, hold [Square] + [Circle] and press [Down/Left] or [Down/Right].

Do a burnout
Go on to a large piece of grass (for example, at Central Park). Hold [Square] for a moment, then press [R1] + [Left] while still holding [Square].

To burnout, hold [Right Analog-stick Down] and hold [X] to accelerate. The RPMs will shoot up and smoke should come out of the tires. Note: This depends on the car and drivetrain.

Rev up
To rev up your engine, choose a manual transmission. Select neutral and press [X] to rev. Note: Some cars may have a different amount of gears in manual and automatic.

Police lights and siren
When driving a police car in Manhattan or London, press [Up] for lights or [Up]x2 for the siren.

New York: Fly across town
When in New York City at your original starting place, pull a U-turn to the left. You should be beside the building that you started in front of. When the side of the building ends, pull up on the sidewalk (still on the left side). You should now see breakable glass. Remember that specific area, so that you can continue in that direction. Drive into the park, still on the road, and turn around when you think you have enough speed. Dash straight into that panel of glass to fly half way across town. This obviously works better with a fast car.

New York: Roof hopping
The three brick warehouses in the Upper West Side (where you start Keiko's first waypoint race) have a fun secret. The one farthest north leads into another warehouse with a ramp. If you are going 70 mph or above you will fly through the plate glass and land on the next roof. From here, you can jump to four different roofs or into the river.

New York: Maximum speed
To achieve the maximum speed of any given car, enter cruise mode in New York and turn off all traffic. Go to the North West Side (as far as you can go) until you meet the wall. Turn around and speed down the highway towards the park at the southern tip of the map. When you reach the tunnel, you will fly over a hill and lose control of your car, resulting in some really great crashes.

New York: Aircraft carrier
From the starting position, drive straight and go on the diagonal turn. Drive straight for two blocks, then take a left. Drive as fast as you can and you will see a small tunnel with a ramp. Hit the ramp quickly while keeping the vehicle steady. You will fly onto a platform on the aircraft carrier. Onboard, there are missiles to hit and knock off the side. Go to the farthest side to find a curved ramp. Go up the ramp to drive on top of the aircraft carrier. Note: If you do not want to start all the way over, go to the part behind the ramp, turn around, and drive as fast as you can. Go straight past the jets to the right, and fly off the side and land on the freeway.

New York: Super taxi
From the starting position, go towards the aircraft carrier. Make a right, then go to the first warehouse. Drive straight, take a left, then take another left. You must be driving about 70 mph. You will hit the breakable glass and see a pinkish object floating in the air. Drive through it and you will hear a click to confirm that the super taxi has been unlocked in arcade mode.

To win the Super Taxi, you must go through the building that has a curved ramp and make the jump. Then, go through the pink light and exit.

New York: Free car
Go on to cruise in New York. Drive near the aircraft carrier and locate the big building back in this grass area. Inside is a ramp. Drive up it as fast as possible (about 85 to100 mph), jump it, land on top of a building, and hit the brakes. There should be a red glowing spot on top of it. Go onto it, and you should hear a click. Exit the game, go to the main menu, and you should have a new car.

New York: Flip in the air
When you start at the bottom right of the map, you will see a road that leads off and goes back on 3 1/2 blocks later at the very bottom. Go to the top of that road and turn to you right. You will see a small park. Drive through that to find a circular pool. Hit it at about 95 mph and you will do a front flip in the air. Note: The faster you hit it, the better.

Career mode: Beginner's Luck
Select the Taxi at the garage. Follow the green car. After awhile it will make a slight turn right into a tunnel through a building. When you exit, cut through the park into a narrow street. You will reach to an intersection that resembles: <PRE> ___\_\___ ________ | | </PRE>
Go straight. Follow him until he comes to a stop at a business plaza. You now have to race him. Follow the straight series of waypoints. Watch out, as he may try to ram you. When you hit the last one, turn slightly to the right into a park. Drive off a ramp-shaped rock and across the finish.

Glitch: Defeating Darren Thurock
After you defeat Darren Thurock for the London championship in career mode, he will tell you that you may race the world champ. Do so immediately. If you exit, you will have to defeat Thurock three more times before you can get that opportunity again.

Glitch: Push cars through the wall
Unlock the Marauder (taxi with snow plow). Go to arcade mode and select "Cruise". Choose the Marauder and select New York level. Drive to a wall near the water and ram a nearby car to stall it. Next, back up and ram the car. The car should go through the wall and into the ocean. Note: A few attempts may be required and sometimes the car will return.

Glitch: Disappearing car
If you push a car long enough from the front or behind it will disappear.

Glitch: Drive Underwater
Drive a bus through the tunnel near the World Trade Center and it will appear as if you are driving underwater.

Glitch: World champion dead end
Once you defeat the world champion, you cannot do any other races other than the very last race. You are stuck with only one option left, which is to race the world champion race, over and over again. You may end your career, or finish as much as you can before you get to the world champion race (i.e. get all cars).

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