Legends of Wrestling Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these Legends of Wrestling cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
All wrestlers
Press [Up]x2, [Down]x2, [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Triangle]x2, [Square] at the main menu. After enabling the code, go to the options screen and save your options. This will keep all wrestlers unlocked if you start your game over.

Mandelbrot fractal explorer
Hold [X] + [Square] + [Circle] + [Triangle] + [Up/Left] or [Up/Right] while the game boots. This will by-pass the front-end and anything that comes before it and bring you into a Mandelbrot fractal explorer.

Alternate costumes
Press [Circle] instead of [X] at the character selection screen.

Captain Lou Albano
Successfully complete career mode with a wrestler in the "Hated" category.

David Von Erich
Successfully complete career mode as Kevin Von Erich.

Dory Funk
Successfully complete career mode as Terry Funk.

Fritz Von Erich
Successfully complete career mode as Kerry Von Erich.

Ivan Koloff
Win the versus tournament.

Jimmy Hart
Successfully complete career mode with a wrestler in the "Loved" category.

King Kong Bundy
Win the Southeast Territory in career mode.

Michael Von Erich
Successfully complete career mode as David Von Erich.

Mr. Fuji
Win the Tag Belts in tournament mode.

Robert Gibson and Ricky Morton
Win the tag tournament.

Successfully complete career mode as The Sheik.

Bonus arenas
Successfully complete the game in career mode to unlock the Back Lot, Gym, Beach Resort, and Casino arenas in exhibition mode.

Real names
When creating a wrestler, you can make people such as Ric Flair, Hall, Nash, Macho Man Randy Savage, and others and the announcer will actually say their names.
High Spot bonus
Do moves such as the Super Kick, Inverted Stinger, Stinger, or Mounted Punches until you get the bonus.

Extreme Damage bonus
The easiest way it to get the Extreme Damage bonus is to do a submission move such as the Sharpshooter.

Weapon Damage bonus
Grab and hit your opponent with a weapon (press [Up] outside the ring).

Bloody Match bonus
Turn on "Blood" in the options. Hit and stomp on your opponents; especially their head.

Ref Bump bonus
Get a weapon, and when your opponent is down, try to get behind the ref. Swing your weapon as if trying to hit your opponent and he should go down.

Enter any type of match and get directly across from the ref. Press [R1] to run at him. If you hit him, you will knock him down. If done in career mode, this will increase the Match Excitement.

Move Variety bonus
Mix up your moves; for example a Grapple, Stomp, then another Grapple.

Reversal bonus
Everyone has some sort of suplex. Go for your suplex (for example, Corkscrew. This is the most countered move). When they counter, try to counter them. After you counter, keep going for highly countered moves until you get reversal bonus.

Finisher bonus
Try to get a finisher that is executed from the front because those are the easiest. Get your opponent up, and wiggle the Analog-stick quickly until you execute your finisher.

KO bonus
Beat up your opponents until they KO. They should KO after about six moves after all their health is gone.

Tag team moves
In a Tag, 3-way or 4-way match, press [Circle] on controllers one and two when your opponent is not stunned.

Increase Slam! meter
During a match, you can quickly increase your Slam! meter until it is full, by pressing "Taunt". If your Slam! meter is almost empty, you will have to repeat this a few times. After every taunt, you will see your meter grow a percentage until it is full. Note: When performing a taunt, it leaves you open for your opponent to attack. This is best performed while they are either groggy or on the opposite side of the arena.

Skip matches in career mode
When you are in a match in career mode, select "End Match" and you can then go on to the next arena without fighting that match.

Drag opponent
When your opponent is lying on the ground, press [Down] + [L1] to drag them.

Throw opponent over top rope
Pressing [Circle] to tie them up, use the D-Pad to push them back up against the ropes, then press [R2].

Secret standard attacks
Play as any wrestler in any match. One on one works the best. After beating down your opponent for awhile, the recovery will be slower. Grapple the person and get near the ropes by holding the D-Pad. When close to the ropes, press [R2]. If done correctly, the opponent will be resting on the ropes. Press [Triangle] or press [R1] and an [Attack] button to clothesline them over. You will also flip out of the ring.

This also works with the back grapple. In this case, Triangle does the attack where your wrestler chokes the opponent with the middle rope, and [R1] and an [Attack] button performs a hurdle onto the opponent.

Bret Hart: Sharpshooter
Captain Lou Albano: Seated Suplex
"Cowboy" Bob Orton: Superplex
Don "The Rock" Muraco: Spinning Piledriver
Dory Funk Jr.: Stretch Plum
Dynamite Kid: Flying Headbutt
"Flyin" Brian Pillman: Spring Board Lariat
George "The Animal" Steele: Crossface wing
Greg "The Hammer" Valentine: Figure 4 leg lock
Harley Race: Fishermen Suplex
"Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert: Figure 4 Leg Lock
Hulk Hogan: Leg Drop
Iron Sheik: Camel Clutch
Ivan Putski: Polish Hammer
Ivan Volkoff: Inverted Backbreaker
Jerry "The King" Lawler: Piledriver
Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka: Superfly Leap
King Kong Bundy: Avalanche
Koko B.Ware: Brainbuster
"Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart: Reverse Leg Sweep
Mr.Fuji: Senton bomb
"Mr. USA" Tony Atlas: Body Press slam
Nikolai Volkoff: Back Breaker
One Man Gang: Running Splash
Rick Martel: Boston Crab
Ricky Morton: Top Rope Crossbody
Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat: Top rope Crossbody
Road Warrior Animal: Powerslam
Road Warrior Hawk: Top Rope Clothesline
Rob Van Dam: 5 Star Frog Splash
Robert Gibson: Dropkick
Sabu: Camel Clutch
"Superstar" Billy Graham: Bearhug
Ted Dibiase: Head arm Choke
Terry Funk: Stretch Plum
The Sheik: Camel Clutch
The Von Erich Family: The claw
Tito Santana: Flying Forearm
Replacement moves
The Ace Crusher can be used as Buh Buh's Buh Buh Cutter.
The Ace Crusher can be used as DDP's Diamond Cutter.
The Ankle Lock can be used as Ken Shamrock's Ankle Lock.
The Ankle Lock can be used as Kurt Angle's Ankle Lock.
The Banzai Drop can be used as Rikishi's Banzai Drop.
The Bulldog can be used as Trish Stratus' Stratusfactor.
The Camel Clutch can be used as Scott Steiner's Steiner Recliner.
The Claw can be used as Mandkind's Mandible Claw.
The Crossface can be used as Chris Benoit's Crossface.
The Crossface Wing can be used as Sargent Slaughter's Chicken Wing.
The DDT can be used as DDP's DDT.
The Death Valley Driver can be used as John Ceina's FU.
The Death Valley Driver can be used as Saturn's Pimp Drop.
The Death Valley Driver can be used as Tommy Dreamer's Death Valley Driver.
The Divine Hammer can be used as A*Train's Gurailer.
The Divine Hammer can be used as Albert's Baldo Bomb.
The Divine Hammer can be used as Reese's Two Handed Chokeslam.
The Double Arm DDT can be used as Edge's Edgecution.
The Double Roundhouse can be used as Tajiri's Japanese Buzzaw.
The Dropkick (Dizzy ST)can be used as Maven's Dropkick.
The Elevated Crab can be used as Jericho's Walls of Jericho.
The Elevated Powerbomb can be used as Undertaker's Last Ride.
The Face Buster can be used as X-Pac's X-Factor.
The Face Drop or the Mummy Driver can be used as Brock Lesnar's F5.
The Falling Chokeslam can be used as Big Show's Show Stopper.
The Falling Chokeslam can be used as The Giant's Show Stopper.
The Figure Four can be used as Ric Flare's Figure 4 Leg Lock.
The Fisherman Buster can be used as Funaki's Fisherman Brainbuster.
The Fisherman Suplex can be used as Curt Henning's Fisherman Suplex.
The Flip over senton can be used as Eddie Guerrero's senton.
The Forward Facebuster can be used as Ron Simmion's(Farooq)Dominator.
The Hanging Powerslam can be used as Goldberg's Jackhammer.
The Head Arm Choke can be used as Rodney Mack's Black Out.
The Head Arm Suplex can be used as Tazz's Tazzplex.
The Hooked Clothsline can be used as Bradshaw's Clothsline from Hell.
The Hooked Facebuster can be used as Chyna's Petigree.
The Hooked Facebuster can be used as Triple H's Petigree.
The Impact Spinebuster can be used as Dlo' Brown's Sky High.
The Insult can be used as Rikishi's Stinky Face.
The Interverted Backbreaker can be used as A*Train's Train Wreck.
The Jump Hurricanranna can be used as Rey Mysterio's West Coast Pop.
The Jumping Lariat can be used as Kane's Kane Diving Lariat.
The Kamikazi can be used as Christian's Unprettier.
The Kamikazi Headbutt can be used as Benoit's Flying Headbutt.
The Layout Reverse DDT can be used as Christian's Break Down.
The Layout Reverse DDT can be used as Jericho's Break Down.
The Leaping Elbow can be used as HBK's Leaping Elbow.
The Leg Drop(Dizzy Ground)can be used as The Hardyz Leg Drop.
The Neckbreaker(on the turnbuckle)can be used as D-Von's D-Von Neckbreaker.
The One Arm Slam can be used as Booker T.'s Bookend.
The One Arm Slam can be used as The Rock's Rock Bottom.
The One Handed Chokeslam can be used as Kane's Chokeslam.
The Pumphandle PHslam can be used as Test's Test Bomb.
The Rev Fireman Carry can be used as Kurt Angle's Angle Slam.
The Reverse Splash can be used as Jericho's Vador Bomb.
The Rings can be used as Saturn's Rings of Saturn.
The Rocker Dropper can be used as Mr.Ass' Famasser.
The Rolling German can be used as Benoit's Triple German Suplex.
The Running Elbow Drop can be used as The Rock's Peoples Elbow.
The Samoan Powerbomb can be used as Billy Kidman's Samoan Neckbreaker.
The SB Crossbody can be used as Jeff Hardy's Whisper of the wind.
The Seated Driver can be used as Scott Steiner's Frankensteiner.
The Senton Bomb can be used as Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb.
The Sharpshooter can be used as Sting's Scorpion Deathlock.
The Shoulder Powerbomb can be used as Kevin Nash's Jacknife Powerbomb.
The Side Neck Buster can be used as British Bulldog's Powerslam.
The Single Leg Crab can be used as Lance Storm's Maple Leaf Crab.
The Sit Out Chokeslam can be used as Matt Hardy's Rickishey.
The Sleeping Neckbreaker can be used as Edge's Edge-O-Matic.
The Slice can be used as Nunzio's Sicilian Slice.
The Spear can be used as Edge's Spear.
The Spear can be used as Goldberg's Spear.
The Spinning DDT can be used as Justin Credible's That's Incredible.
The Spinning Piledriver can be used as Kane's Tombstone Piledriver.
The Spinning Piledriver can be used as Undertaker's Tombstone Piledriver.
The Splash Mtn Bomb can be used as Eddie Guerrero's and Scott Hall's Outsiders Edge.
The Splash Mtn Bomb can be used as Matt Hardy's Splash Mountain Bomb.
The Stinger can be used as Stone Cold's Stunner.
The Super Kick Can be used as HBK's Sweet Chin Music.
The Texas Cloverleaf can be used as Dean Malenko's Texas Cloverleaf.
The Tornado Crusher can be used as Spike Dudley's Dudley Dog.
Goldberg created wrestler
Body Type: Muscle
Facial: Goatee 3
Torso Hair: Medium
Both Hands: Black Wool
Both Elbows: Black Wrap
Shorts: Black Canada
Boots: Tall White

First Name Bill
Last Name: Goldberg
Short Name: Goldberg
Finisher: Jackhammer
Hometown: Atlanta,GA
Crowd: Loved
Manager: Bret Hart
Music: One Man Gang

Gorilla Press Slam
Finisher: Hanging Powerslam

Strength: 3
Speed: 3
Toughness: 3
All the rest: 1

Charging: Red
Grappling: Red

6 feet 3 inches
285 lbs.
He-Man (1980s) created wrestler
Body type: Average
Skin type Ripped
Head Hair: Scalp shoulder length 2 blonde
Upper body: Overcoat
Sternum: Blue, make red cross and place in middle of sternum
Right arm wrist: Twine yellow place on wrist
Left arm wrist: Twine yellow place on wrist
Lower body: Shorts wrestling brown
Belts: stones
Boots: Ivan Koloff brown

First name: He-Man
From: Eternia
Crowd: Loved

Finishing move: Gorilla Press Slam
Mr. T created wrestler
Body type: Average
Skin type: Regular
Skin color: 7
Head Scalp: Punk 2 black
Facial: Beard 1 black
Upper body:
Right arm: Wrist tape yellow
Left arm: wrist tape yellow
Lower body:
Torso: Short sleeve regular black
Lower Body pelvis patterns: Camouflage 1
Right leg patterns: Camouflage 1
Left leg patterns: Camouflage 1
Right leg: Boot running white
Left leg: Boot running white

Manager Hogan (optional)
First name: Mr. T
Hometown: Chicago, IL

Finishing move: Gorilla Press Slam
Crowd: Loved

Height: 5'11"
Weight 235 lbs.
Undertaker created wrestler
Hair: Short Hair 1, Brown
Goatee: 3, Brown
Body: Double Strap 3, Black
Hair: Mid
Both Arms:
Gloves: Wool, Black
Hair: Light
Tattoos: Both Arms, Dragon, Sun God, Big Lizard
Left Arm: Elbow Pad1, Black
Pelvis: Jeans, Black
Belt: Black Leather
Both Legs: Boots Mid, Black
Glitch: Time delay
After playing the game for some time, there will be time delays when the announcer introduces each wrestler. For example, "From Battle Creek, Michigan, at a height of...." (a couple minutes later) "6 feet 1 inch."

Glitch: Wrong voice
Enable the "All wrestlers" code. Go to career mode and choose Jimmy Hart. Your manager should be Lou Albino, but when he talks he sounds like Jimmy Hart. The same thing happens with Lou Albino.

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