La Pucelle: Tactics Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Check out these La Pucelle: Tactics cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Free movement
Go to the battle map view. Switch out any item that is currently equipped with an item that increases your movement. Use your turn to move, then switch your items back to their original positions. You have now moved more than normally possible.

Cave Of Trials
Leave the main continent for the first time then return to unlock a hidden cave that leads to the Cave Of Trials.

Dark Shrine 2
Successfully complete the Cave Of Trials

Dark World items
Buy all the items from the item shop. The shop will be restocked with items from the Dark World.
Triple Money, or Triple Effect
Go to the Rosequeen Shop in Pot au Feu City then go to the shop owner. This trick might require some patience, but is well worth it. Buy some Change-ups or any cheap item in the shop, then do the survey. Do any of the four questions and sell the item back. Keep doing this until the girl asks "If you had one wish, what would it be?". Once you have that, you can get any of the triple effects.

Angel Shoes
In Chapter 4, you will have the opportunity to receive a special ending, along with the Angel Shoes. To do so, you must defeat the Monster, rather than leading it to Mt. Tarte. As difficult as this may sound, it actually is not all that hard. First, catch a bear or two, as their Bear Bash skill is useful. Then, level build. If needed, go to the Dark World and level build until you are about level 20 with your entire team. If you still cannot defeat the monster, continue to level build. This can take some time, but is worth it. The Angel Shoes add 3 to your movement, 200 to speed, and 80 to defense, as well as increasing your speed attribute by 3.

Cactus Sword
Go to the Orphanage in the last chapter and talk to the first girl you see. She will give you the Cactus Sword.

Overlord Battle rewards
Fight in the Overlords Part 1 and Overlords Part 2 levels. Defeat a Demon Overlord over level 500 to unlock a new title for Prier, the Warp Engine, and the ability to Purify Boss Monsters. Defeat twenty Demon Overlords over level 500 and one Demon Overlord over level 700 to unlock another title for Prier, and the Light Year Cannon.

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