Hot Wheels: Velocity X Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these Hot Wheels: Velocity X cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlock all cars and tracks
Hold [R1] + [L1] and press [Circle], [Square]x2, [Triangle], [X] at the main menu. The sound of an engine revving will confirm correct code entry.

All worlds
Find the Hidden Key while completing Challenge 18. The yellow key is in the Mines, across a trestle at the end of a tunnel.

All cars
Collect 11 Bonus Stunt items while completing Challenge 8. Note: The Bonus Stunt Items are the purple balls with silver rings rotating around them.

All gadgets
Intentionally hit 25 Barrels while completing Challenge 7.

Laser upgrade
Note: You must get an "A+" rank when doing the following. Complete all challenges, then unlock the "Timer Speed" cheat. Set it to 10% speed. Change the difficulty level to very hard then complete Challenge 18. Get the "A+" rank to unlock the "Laser Upgrade" cheat.

Unlimited ammunition
Intentionally hit 50 Barrels while completing Challenge 18.

Unlimited health
Intentionally hit 179 Barrels while completing Challenge 17.

Unlimited turbo
Collect 8 Zappers while completing Challenge 4.

Timer speed
Intentionally hit 13 Detour Signs while completing Challenge 15.

Gadgets for completing challenges
Challenge 1: Laser Cannon
Challenge 3: Sonic Boom
Challenge 4: Atom Blaster
Challenge 7: Freon Bomb
Challenge 9: Energy Shield
Challenge 10: Jet Booster
Challenge 13: Super Zapper
Challenge 15: Magnet Mine
Challenge 16: Doom Disks
Underworld Track
Successfully complete Challenge 2.

Glacier Track
Successfully complete Challenge 11.

Sewer Pipe Arena
Successfully complete Challenge 5.

Crankshaft Docks
Successfully complete Challenge 8.

Treadwell Plaza
Successfully complete Challenge 14.

Underworld Arena
Successfully complete Challenge 17.

Sho-Stopper vehicle
Successfully complete Challenge 6.

Surf Crate vehicle
Successfully complete Challenge 12.

Krazy 8s vehicle
Successfully complete Challenge 18.

HW Prototype vehicle
Successfully complete all missions in adventure mode.

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