Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Check out these Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Pause game play, then press [L1], [R2], [L2], [R1], [Select].

Mission select
Press [X], [L2], [Triangle], [R2], [Select] at the title screen.

All quick missions
Press [R1], [L1]x2, [R1]x3 at the title screen.

All special features
Press [L1], [L2], [R1], [R2], [X], [Select] at the title screen.

Online voice chat for more than two players
On the server PlayStation2, press [R1]x2, [L1]x2, [R1], [L1] at the "Press Start button" screen. The sound of a drum roll will confirm correct code entry. Press [Start] to continue with your server setup. The code does not need to be entered on the client PlayStation2s that will join the game. Note: Online voice chat is normally only available in two player online games. Allowing it to be used by more players will effect bandwidth and game play quality. An upstream bandwidth of 512 Kbps is recommended.

12 person online play
Enable the "Online voice chat" code and wait for the drum roll to stop. Then, press [L1]x3, [R1]x4. You will hear another drum roll to confirm correct code entry. If you host games, you should worry about lagging on small maps. If you can only join rooms you will have to enable this code to see the host's room. You will also have to change (on the "Join" menu) the minimum players to one and maximum players to twelve. This code will allow you to go past the original maximum of eight to twelve. Note: Enabling this code may freeze your main menu sometimes. If this happens, restart your PlayStation2.

Unlocking bonuses
Successfully complete a campaign under the veteran difficulty setting to unlock its corresponding bonuses. It is not necessary to play under the elite difficulty setting to unlock anything.

For all multi-player maps, win each campaign under the recruit and veteran difficulty setting after completing each "X Objective" in each mission.

For all the specialists for quick missions, win each campaign under the elite difficulty setting after completing each "X Objective" on in each mission. In normal campaign mode, a specialist is unlocked for each "X Objective" completed as you progress through the game. If a specialist dies in campaign mode, you will not unlock him for quick mission mode:
Demo Specialist: Jaguar Maze
Rifleman Specialist: Angel Rage
Rifleman Specialist: Watchful Yeoman
Rifleman Specialist: Rapid Puthon
Sniper Specialist: Hidden Spectre
Support Specialist: Liberty Storm
For all weapons, unlock each specialist at least once in campaign mode.

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