Fugitive Hunter Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Check out these Fugitive Hunter cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Press [Circle]x5, [Square]x4 at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Special Features" option to access the cheats, which can now be enabled individually before starting a game. The cheat options include "Invincibility", "Infinite Ammo", "All Fugitives", and "All Weapons".

More Osama Bin Ladens
Press [Start] to pause game play during the Afghanistan-Pakistan Border mission, then press [Circle]x3, [Square]x3. Enemies will randomly appear as Osama Bin Laden. Note: They will still be normal in every way except appearance, and will not be a Boss opponent.

Note: In the PAL version of the game, press [Circle]x3, [Square]x3, [R2].
Easy points
At the start of the level where you must catch Casey Weber, you will have to find a man who tells you where Casey is located. After he tells you, keep on shooting him and your points will keep increasing. This man does not die. To save your bullets, just punch him or enable the "Cheat mode" code.

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