Forever Kingdom Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Check out these Forever Kingdom cheats and stay cool!
Easy money
The game has a training session in the first save crystal. In this crystal, talk to the store owner, and choose "Training" from the list. While in this room, kill the enemies (one hit), and they may drop Zoe, which you can keep. To exit and keep your money, talk to the crystal.

Go to the shop and talk to the big blue elephant behind the large counter. Next, select "Train" from the menu. While in battle, attack the enemies and take their Zoe. If you are about to die, talk to the crystal to leave with all your Zoe.

Equipment upgrade
At the end of the Canyon of Defile, there is an open area with some trees and cliffs to the south. One of the trees in the open area has a Palmira Bee in it. Get it to appear and kill it. It will drop a piece of Red Palmira. Next, drop off the cliffs. The second to last tree before you go into the Land of the Deadwill have another Palmira Bee in it. Go into the Land of the Dead and go to the left. There is a dead tree on the edge of the cliff with another Palmira Bee. Just to the west of the tree is a group of boulders. One of the boulders has another Palmira Bee. By going back out of the area, into the Canyon of Defile, you will respawn all of the bees. Kill them all again and repeat to get as much Red Palmira as desired.

Find an opponent then wait until all three characters are close to the target. Press [Triangle], [Square], [Circle] in order to do the characters' combo. If done correctly, a 3-hit combo will appear and a Yellow Palmira and several Blue Palmiras will appear. Use these to upgrade at the shop by talking to the big blue elephant in front of you. Note: Weaker enemies give many Blue Palmiras; fight them often.

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