ESPN NFL 2K5 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these ESPN NFL 2K5 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable ESPN NFL 2K5 Cheats
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Oct. 01, 2010
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Select the "VIP Manager" option, then enter one of the following VIP names to activate the corresponding cheat function.

All crib items
Enter "CribMax" as a case-sensitive VIP name.

One million crib points
Enter "PhatBank" as a case-sensitive VIP name.

All milestones completed
Enter "MadSkilz" as a case-sensitive VIP name.

Air hockey table
Win the Super Bowl.

Cheesesteak Dome stadium
Defeat Jamie Kennedy.

Dream Superdome stadium
Defeat Steve-O.

Electra Coliseum stadium
Defeated Carmen Electra.

Loco Arena stadium
Defeat David Arquette.

Funk Field stadium
Defeat Funkmaster Flex.
Easy crib credits
Create a team of the worst players ever, then play them with the NFL team or a team of your choice. The opposing team will be easy to crush under any difficulty setting.

In franchise mode and you are about to play a game, go to "Gamecast Live". Let it simulate the game, then take control in the fourth quarter before time runs out. You will be credited with everything that happened during simulation, and everything you did while actually playing.

During a game, turn off the penalties and when your on defense, go near the QB on their side. When they snap the ball, sack him for lots of crib credits.

To earn some crib credits, simply browse the game's menus. The best menu is the "Game Manual" in the "Extras". It tells you how to blitz defenders, assign tight coverage, juke, etc.

Note: This trick requires some time, two players, and two controllers. Select a created team or a very good team and a very bad team. Play in quick match with the good and bad team and select "Play". Go to the options menu and change the time from 5 to 10-15 minutes long. Have the second player control the bad team and intentionally lose. Have the good team always choose the Hail Mary and the bad team choose Field Goal Block. Also, always get safeties. If done correctly, at the end you should get 5,000 to 10,000 or more crib credits.

After you have made a 100% team, save your roster and start a new franchise mode game. Do not go into pre- season. Select "No" when you first start, or the game will say that you need to toggle your salary. Simulate every game with your good team (do not do training) and watch the primetime points and franchise points increase. Note: You may want to set penalties all the way up and the difficulty, to see what happens. After you are done with the entire season, the Super Bowl, and the extra games, go into your crib. Buy as many things as desired, then only save your V.I.P. Exit your crib then exit the franchise mode without saving. The game will restore the default roster. Load your roster from within the "save/load" screen and you will have gained over 6,000 crib credits.

Choose the NFL All-Stars as your team. You can also pick some other team with perfect stats. Then, for the CPU, pick the Cardinals( or another bad team). You should be able to score a lot and get some milestones.

Easy milestone completions
Create a team with 42 of the absolute worst players. Then, make them even worse by selecting each player individually and setting their attributes at 0. Note: This is very time consuming. Then, save the team, load it, and play against them with any NFL team of your choice. Make sure you have the game set to five to eight minute quarters, rookie or higher difficulty setting, and penalties at default (or higher). An easy way to complete the yardage milestones is to run out of bounds at your one yard line and start your play from there.

Easy sacks
To get an easy sack, use the 4-3. Then, go up until you find the play "All Blitz O". Take the left DE and keep moving left until you get past the left OL. After the snap, run towards the QB and you should get the sack.

Turn off all of the penalties (while playing), then on the next play get the defender to go up to the quarterback without touching any of the players. And wait for him to hike the ball. Once it has been hiked, tackle him for a loss of yards.

This is risky if the opposing team tries for a passing play, however if you are on defense and select "FG Defend", chances are you will rush in and either sack them for a loss, stop them at the line of scrimmage, or rarely the get the pass off and run if for a TD.

Turn off penalties and get behind the O line to tackle and sack easily.

Easy onside kicks
Move your meter as far right and as high as it can go. Then, barely kick it. Your player should run under it and catch it. However, make sure if you select the player running towards the ball that he does not hit the player on their team -- otherwise it is fair catch interference.

Easy kickoff
To tackle the receiving team behind the fifteen yard line most of the time, aim your kick all the way up and get a MAX kick, or close to one. Immediately after to kick, press [Circle] and start to sprint with the player. You should be the first one downfield to tackle the player with the ball.

Easy first down
Select any Hail Mary play. When you hike the ball, wait for the three receivers to be down field, then hold [R1] with your QB and run. You should get close to or a first down. This works well if you had a major loss of yards.

Easy two point conversion
Use a running play that makes the HB go through the middle. If there are DL in your way, press "Dive" and you will jump over them and get the two point conversion.

Select "QB Draw" or any play where the QB can be immediately run straight through the center from the snap. This will work almost every time. Note: You will have to find which formation it is in. It is different for every team. Make sure your formation has no more than a five man frontline or the defense will throw a center run defense at you most of the time.

Select "QB Sneak" for a two-point conversion and you have a 95% chance of getting it. Just run to the left or right of the center (whichever preferred) and you will get it.

Choose the field goal page of the playbook. Flip the plays using [R2], then choose O or field goal pass. Load the meter. Once it is loaded, you can pass the ball to "L1" who will be completely open.. It works most of the time, but timing is still key. However, the "L1" player is so open that it makes this play work easily. Note: This trick also works for grabbing a touchdown on the 4th down.

Easy jukes
Instead of pressing [R2] and [L2] to juke, use the Right Analog-stick. Move it to the left for a left juke, right for a right juke, up for a stutter step, and down for a "stop short" move.

Plow over defender
If you have a power based or balance runner, run towards a defensive player and hold [Triangle] (shoulder charge) to plow over him.

Always get the ball
Use the following trick to always get the ball start a game. On any play, if your opponent has the ball press [Start] and go to "Options". Choose "Crib Cheats" and turn on the "Always Fumble On A Tackle" (if purchased) and turn off penalties. When you and your opponent select your plays, go behind the QB, If you touch anyone, you will be flagged. When you tackle him and there is a fumble, recover the ball. When you have to select a play, press [Start], go to "Options", select "Crib Cheats" and disable the "Always Fumble" cheat. When you begin the play, your opponent will not tackle you and cause a fumble. Repeat this as desired.

Beat the salary cap
Beating the salary cap can be frustrating with created characters. Instead, go to the roster for your favorite team, find the third string position player, then just edit his name, stats, and appearance. By doing this, your player will be rated 100 overall, but still be paid a very low salary.

Cheap favorite players
Use the following trick to get your favorite or created players on a franchise cheaply. It takes some time, but always works. Select the team that you want to use in franchise mode. Then, make all of the players you want to be on that team have a zero rating by changing their stats. Put all of those players on the team you want to use in the franchise mode. Save this roster or you will have to do it all over again if you make a mistake. You can now set all of the players' stats to maximum if you desired (but it will be difficult to re-sign them). Set the stats however you desire, then go into franchise mode and select that team. All of your favorite players should now be signed for very cheap. However, the years on the contract seem to be random though.

Defeating celebrity V.I.P.s
When you play against the celebrity V.I.P.s, you can use any crib cheats that you have bought or can turn off all penalties. If you use the cheats, you will not be able to gain any crib credits or milestones. If you turn off all penalties, you will not be able to gain any major milestones (see the specifications), but you will be able to get some of the regular ones. When you defeat the V.I.P., the game will not penalize you, and you will get them on your speed dial and their bonus stadium. When playing without penalties, you can onside kick the ball to your own team by moving the arrow all the way to the left or right and kicking it as soft as possible. Another way of defeating them (even easier) is to just get two or three touchdowns then just wait for the clock to run out; you will not receive a delay of game notice.

Weekly preparations
Meeting-- Happy
Coaching-- Coverage
Film/ 1/ All QB/ Coverage
Film/ 1/ All C/ Fronts
Film/ 1/ All G/ Fronts
Film/ 1/ All T/ Fronts
Film/ 1/ All FB/ Fronts
Film/ 1/ All DT/ Run Blocking Schemes
Film/ 1/ All DE/ Run Blocking Schemes
Film/ 1/ All OLB/ Run/Pass Distribution
Film/ 1/ All ILB/ Run/Pass Distribution
Film/ 1/ All CB/ Route Combinations
Film/ 1/ All SS/ Route Combinations
Film/ 1/ All FS/ Route Combinations
Film/ 2/ All TE/ Man/Zone Tendencies
Weights/ 1/ All QB/ Shoulders
Weights/ 1/ All HB/ Hamstrings and Quads
Weights/ 1/ All WR/ Calves and Ankles
Weights/ 1/ All FS/ Calves and Ankles
Weights/ 1/ All SS/ Calves and Ankles
Weights/ 1/ All CB/ Calves and Ankles
Weights/ 1/ All DE/ Hamstrings and Quads
Weights/ 1/ All DT/ Hamstrings and Quads
Weights/ 1/ All OLB/ Arms
Weights/ 1/ All ILB/ Arms

7 on 7/ 3/ Partial Pads
Full Drill/ 2/ 1st team/ Partial Pads
Full Drill/ 1/ 2nd team/ Partial Pads
Full Drill/ 1/ 3rd team/ Partial Pads

7 on 7/ 3/ Partial Pads
Full Drill/ 1/ 1st team/ Partial Pads
Pos Drill/ 1/ All QB/ Routes and Combinations
Pos Drill/ 1/ All HB/ The Gauntlet
Pos Drill/ 1/ All FB/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All WR/ Wide Receiver Release
Pos Drill/ 1/ All TE/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All C/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All G/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All T/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All DT/ Get Off The Ball
Pos Drill/ 1/ All DE/ Get Off The Ball

7 on 7/ 3/ Partial Pads
Full Drill/ 2/ 1st Team/ Partial Pads
Pos Drill/ 2/ All OLB/ Beat the Block
Pos Drill/ 2/ All ILB/ Beat the Block
Pos Drill/ 1/ All CB/ Backpedaling
Pos Drill/ 1/ All SS/ Backpedaling
Pos Drill/ 1/ All FS/ Backpedaling

Full Drill/ 1/ 1st team/ No Pads
Full Drill/ 1/ 2nd team/ Partial Pads
Pos Drill/ 1/ All QB/ Routes and Progressions
Pos Drill/ 1/ All HB/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All FB/ Tire Relay
Pos Drill/ 1/ All WR/ Pattern Depths
Pos Drill/ 1/ All TE/ Tire Relay
Pos Drill/ 1/ All C/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All G/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All T/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All DT/ Get Off the Ball
Pos Drill/ 1/ All DE/ Get Off the Ball
Pos Drill/ 1/ All SS/ Backpedaling
Pos Drill/ 1/ All FS/ Backpedaling
QB and RD get about 2 to 3 points. FS and SS get about 1 point. No one goes down in points. Turn the injuries down slightly. Sometimes the backups will get hurt here and there. Tweak the drills and film work for your own personal team (like ball reaction instead of backpedaling for the DBs).

Alternately, use the following prep schedule. This is a good weekly prep and makes everyone go up. However, it does not make them go up as high as 5. You can change it to match your team's needs.
Meeting/Happy/Exit with Team Prayer
Film/All QBs/Coverage/2
Film/All HBs/Man Zone Tendencies/2
Film/All FBs/Fronts/2
Film/All WRs/Man Zone Tendencies/2
Film/All TEs/Man Zone Tendencies/2
Film/All Cs/Fronts/2
Film/All Gs/Fronts/2
Film/All Ts/Fronts/2
Weights/All QBs/Shoulders/2
Weights/All HBs/Hamstrings and Quads/2
Weights/All FBs/Chest/2
Weights/All WRs/Arms/2
Weights/All TEs/Calves and Ankles/2
Weights/All Cs/Chest/1
Weights/All Gs/Chest/1

7-on-7 drill/No Pads/1
Full Drill/No Pads/1st team/1
Pos Drill/All QBs/Pass Mechanic/3
Pos Drill/All HBs/Tire Relay/2
Pos Drill/All FBs/Run Blocking/2
Pos Drill/All WRs/Wide Reciever Release/2
Pos Drill/All TEs/Pass Protection/2
Pos Drill/All Cs/Stance Work/1
Pos Drill/All Gs/The Big Sled/1
Pos Drill/All Ts/Enemies At The Gate/1

7-on-7 drill/Partial Pads/2
Full Drill/2nd Team/Partial Pads/2
Full Drill/1st Team/Partial Pads/1
Pos Drill/All OLBs/In-Out Blitzing/2
Aerobic Training Drill/All ILBs/Shuttle Runs/2
Aerobic Training Drill/All HBs/Wind Sprints/2

Full Drill/1st Team/Partial Pads/2
Position Drill/All DTs/Get Off The Ball/2
Position Drill/All CBs/Pattern Recognition/2
Position Drill/All WRs/Wide Reciever Release/2
Position Drill/All TEs/Pass Recieving/2
Weight Drill/All HBs/Hamstrings and Quads/2
Aerobic Drill/All QBs/Swimming Laps/2
Film/All DEs/Run Pass Distribution/2
Film/All FBs/Fronts/2

7-on-7 Drill/Partial Pads/2
Full Drill/1st Team/Partial Pads/3
Full Drill/2nd Team/Partial Pads/1
Full Drill/3rd Team/Partial Pads/1
Position Drill/All QBs/Pass Mechanic/1
Touchdown pose
When you have bombed on an opponent and have no one around you while running towards the touchdown, slow down (by slightly pushing the Left Analog-stick) and your player will stop at the one yard line and pose before scoring.

Home stadium sounds
Play at either the Falcons or Seahawks home stadium. You will hear bird sounds after a big play.

Play as the Denver Broncos. After a big play. you will hear a bronco noise.

If you play at the Carolina Panthers stadium, after a big play you will hear a panther roaring/growling.

Play as the Buffalo Bills, and you will hear a buffalo sound after a big play.

Play at Soldier Field as the Bears. On big plays, you will hear a bear growl on the P.A. system.

Glitch: Indoor snow
Go in a dome (such as the Georgia Dome or the Metradome) and change the settings to "Weather: Heavy Snow". Start a game, and after the first play, look at the replay. Move the pointer to one of the goal posts. If you look at the padding, you can see that they are frosted.

Glitch: Wear opposing team's uniform
Go to franchise mode and select any team. Go to the schedule and prepare. Once done, select "Live Gamecast". During the game, go to "Depth Charts" and press [Select]. Notice that your player is wearing the other team's uniform.

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