Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Downloadable Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 Cheats
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Oct. 14, 2010
May. 11, 2009
Unlock Playable Characters (Mission Mode)
Cecily Fairchild - Finish Seabook Arno's story missions.
Dozle Zabi - Accept invitation to join Zeon and clear the missions given.
Four Murasame - Finish Kamille Bidan's story missions and read the new mail to unlock Four's friendship mission; clear it.
Hayato Kobayashi - Have good relations with Hayato and clear his friendship mission.
Kai Shiden - Have good relations with Kai and then clear his friendship mission.
Katejina Loos - Have good relations with Katejina and read her mail to unlock her friendship missions; V2 Gundam license is required to clear them.
Lacus Clyne - Clear Kira Yamato & Athrun Zala's story missions, and read Lacus' mail in Kira's terminall; clear the mission given.
Lunamaria Hawke - Clear Shinn Asuka's story mission and read Lunamaria's mail; Zaku II CA license is required to clear the mission.
M'Quve - Read a request mail from Kycillia while joining Zeon and clear the mission given.
Quess Paraya - Play as a non-Newtype, build up relation with Quess until you receive mail from her, then make the character a Newtype.
Ramba Ral - Read a request mail from Dozle while joining Zeon and clear the mission given; also need to befriend Ramba Ral first.
Reccoa Londe - Play as Yazan Gable and shoot down Reccoa in any mission.
Glemy Toto - Agree to help Glemy establish his own faction while joining Axis, and clear the mission given.
Gym Ghingnham - After joining Dianna Counter, have at least normal relations with Gym and he will send a mail; read and clear the mission given.
Sarah Zabiarov - Have good relations with Sarah and Scirocco, bad relations with Reccoa, then read Sarah's mail and clear the mission given.
Sleggar Law - Play as a female character, have good relations with Sleggar, and then read his mail to unlock his friendship mission; clear it.
Gyunei Guss - Play as Quess Paraya, and read Gyunei's mail to unlock his friendship mission; clear it.
Rosamia Badam - Have best relations with Kamille after joining AEUG, then read his mail and clear the mission given.
Yazan Gable - Have good relations with Yazan after joining Titans, read his mail and clear the test mission given.

Unlock Licenses (Mission Mode)
Char's Z'Gok - Have good relationship with Char and complete his second License Mission (2).
Char's Zaku - Have good relationship with Char and comeplete his first License Mission (1).
Destiny Gundam - Beat Shinn's Story Missions and have good relationship with him then complete his License Mission.
Gundam MK-II AUEG and Titans - Have good relationship with Kamille and beat his License Missions (1 and 2).
Gundam Wing Zero - Have good relationship with Heero and complete his License Mission.
God Gundam - Have good relationship with Domon and complete his License Mission.
Gundam - Have good relationship with Amuro and complete both his License Missions (1 and 2).
Gundam Epyon - Have good relationship with Milliardo and complete his License Mission.
Gundam F91 - Beat Seabook's Story Missions and have good relationship with him then complete his License Mission.
Quebeley (Haman) - Have good relationship with Haman then complete her License Mission.
Quebeley (Puru/Puru Two) - Have good relationship with both Puru and Puru Two and complete their License Mission.
Sazabi - Have Char's Zaku, Char's Z'Gok and Hyaku Shiki's licenses and have very good relationship with Char then complete his license missions (1 and 2).
Hyaku Shiki - Have good relationship with Char then complete his License Missions (1 and 2).
Infinite Justice Gundam - Beat his story mission and have good relationship then complete License Mission.
Master Gundam - Have good relationship with TouhouFuhai then complete his License Mission (Must have gotten God Gundam's license).
Musha Gundam - Beat 5000 troops then complete corrosponding Free Mission then beat Free Missions 1 to 6 at the bottom (each unlocked through having the members of th.
Musha Gundam MK-II - Beat 50 missions then complete corrosponding Free mission then beat Free mission 7 at the bottom then complete his License Mission.
Nu Gundam - Have gotten all UC Licenses and have very good relationship with Amuro then complete his License Mission.
Turn A Gundam - Have good relationship with Loran then complete his License Mission.
Strike Freedom Gundam - Beat Kira's Story Missions and have good relationship with him then complete his License Mission.
The O - Have good relationship with Scirocco then complete his License Mission.
V2 Gundam - Beat Usso's Story Missions and have good relationship with him then complete his License Mission.
Z Gundam - Have good relationship with Kamille then complete his License Missions (1 and 2).
ZZ Gundam - Have good relationship with Judau and Roux then complete their License Missions (1 and 2).

Unlock Alternate Movie Endings in Gallery Mode
Amuro: Escape - Allow Kai and Hayato to be defeated before completing the mission.
Amuro: Encounters in Space - Do not let Kai or Hayato to be defeated.
Char: Prelude to Counterattack - Defeat Scirocco before Kamille talks to him.
Char: At the End of the Battle - Let Kamille talk to Scirocco before defeating him.
Judau: Meeting Again - Defeat Haman before their conversation ends.
Judau: A New Journey - Defeat Haman after their conversation ends.
Kamille: Love is the Pulse of the Stars - Save Radish from Yazan, Save Emma from Reccoa, and allow Colony Laser to fire.
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