Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends Cheats
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Mar. 18, 2011
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Hidden ending sequences
Highlight the "Play" option at the "Opening" screen in the options menu, then hold [R1] + [L1] and press [X]. For another ending, hold [R2] + [L2] and press [X].

Alternate costumes
Successfully complete the game in Musou mode with any character. Alternate costumes for all characters that belong to the same side will be unlocked. Highlight a person at the character selection screen, then press [L2] or [R2] to select a new color.

Control loading screen
Press [Circle] to increase the wind as it flutters the level name on the loading screen before a battle. Press [X] to decrease the wind speed.
Flashing question mark
You may see a small purple flashing question mark in the lower right corner of the screen. In order to complete it, you must create 120,000 Perfect combos or make 999,999 combo in game points. Once you make it one fourth of the way, you will get a purple to yellow question mark. Once you are halfway there, you will get a red question mark. Once you get the full amount, you will receive the Musuo Armor, which allows you to get hit by an arrow and just get the damage without losing your footing.

Bodyguard third weapons
When attempting to get the third bodyguard weapons, play the game under the hard difficulty setting or higher on the the Yi Ling Level. Be sure to have your bodyguards strong enough to survive through the entire level. It also may be easier to use the two player trick, where player one is weaker and player two is close to or at maximum.

Easier third weapons
Play the Battle At You Ting level as Meng Huo's forces under any difficulty setting. When the north gate is opened you should get a valuable item message. The weapon is located to the west of Sun Ce's location. despite the fact it says "item", it is a weapon.

Play the Whu Zhang Plains (extreme) level as the Yuan Shao forces under the normal difficulty setting. Defeat as many officers as possible. When they drop a weapon, it may be the third weapon.

Getting fifth weapons
When attempting to unlock fifth weapons, you must play the game under the very hard difficulty setting.

Easier fifth weapons
Get Cao Cao's fifth weapon, then boost his stats. When you want to get a fourth or fifth weapon, have the first player be the one you want the weapon for and the second player as Cao Cao. Get the first player to safety and do what is necessary with Cao Cao. When the weapon or Supply Captain appears, get it with Cao Cao and complete the mission.

Cao Cao: Fifth weapon
To get Blue Steel, which has no element and gives Life +86, Defense +51, Bow Defense +58, Reach +24, and has Musou Armor built in, play on the Mt. Ding Jun level as Wei forces under the very hard difficulty. To make it appear, defeat Huang Zhong in five minutes. It will appear southwest of Huang Zhong's starting position.

Diao Chan: Fifth weapon
To get the Imperial Mace weapon, which has flame on her fourth charge attack and gives Jump +21, Life +72, Attack +25, Reach +30, and Musou Charge +10, play Diao Chan's Escape as Diao Chan's forces under the very hard difficulty setting. Defeat Lu Bu (he will drop it) when he appears, after to clear the third gate. All of the officers north will retreat after you defeat him. He is fairly difficult. Try using a maxed out Wei Yan with a fourth weapon, Lu Xun with a fourth weapon, or Sun Quan with a fifth weapon. Lu Xun and Sun Quan have instant death on their fourth charge attacks, and Wei Yan has instant death on his sixth (when he hits them in the air) and seventh charge attack.

Huang Gai: Fifth weapon
Play the Yellow Turbans level under the very hard difficulty setting. Go to the bottom right of the map. Without defeating any other generals, defeat He YI, then Zhang Bao in order. Then, wait for the precious item message. The weapon is the Spiked Mace, and its element is lightning.

Lu Bu: Fifth weapon
To get the Demon Slayer, which has flame on the second, fourth, and sixth charge attack and gives Musou +90, Life +90, Attack +30, Reach +30, and a Red Hare Saddle built in, play Battle At Chi Bi as Lu Bu's forces under the very hard difficulty setting. To make it appear, defeat Lu Meng, Huang Gai, Taishi Ci, and Gan Ning when they arrive. It will appear above the Place Prayers in the southwestern part of the map. You can kill them in any order, however killing Lu Meng first is recommended as he will kill Diao Chan if you give him the chance. Also, if using two players use a maxed Diao Chan with her fifth weapon (to assure that her death does not happen).

Lu Bu: Silver costume
Use the following trick to obtain Lu Bu's third costume, from Dynasty Tactics. Clear all seven Musous (other character). Make sure your original Dynasty Warriors 3 saved game file is loaded. Set the game on the very hard difficulty setting. Enter free mode on Chi Bi, Dong Zhuo's side, using anyone except for Lu Bu. A silver costumed Lu Bu will appear, from Dynasty Tactics. Defeat Lu Bu and Diao Chan to unlock Lu Bu's Dynasty Tactics costume, a special Chi Bi stage, and a new song. To get the Special Chi Bi stage, choose it with [L2] or [R2], but you have to be on Dong Zhuo's forces If you want to play as the special Lu Bu, highlight Lu Bu at the character selection screen, press [L2] or [R2] and press [Left] or [Right] to select the gray Lu Bu. When the stage starts, the special version of Lu Bu will appear. After you clear the stage with the special Lu Bu, Lu Bu's third costume will be unlocked at the character selection screen when you press [L2] or [R2].

To get Lu Bu's extra costume and extra music easier, first, have a character with a steel type weapon (Cao Cao) for this stage. Equip Way of Musou, Pickock Ern, Survival Guide, Tiger Amulet and Tortoise Amulet. When you enter battle, go directly to Lu Bu and on the fifth normal attack, press [Triangle]. When Cao Cao starts to attack press [Triangle] as he swings so he causes more damage and kills the regular men in one stroke. After that save and quit so you can restart at that point you saved if you die. Go to Diao Chan and use this same attack on her . Try to get her to follow you away from all the men and archers. The archers do a lot of damage.

Ma Chao: Fifth weapon
Play the Chen Du level under the very hard difficulty setting. Go to the bottom left of map. Before Pang Tong is killed, kill the general in the center of the path you may have to go through, another general, then wait for the precious item message. The weapon is the Lighting Spear and its element is lightning and adds +87 Musou.

Sun Quan: Fifth weapon
To get the Heavenly Wolf, which has instant death on its fourth charge attack and gives Musou +68, Life +70, Bow Attack +52, and Mounted Attack +55, play on The Battle At He Fei level as Wu forces under the very hard difficulty setting. To make it appear, prevent Taishi Ci's death event by killing Zhang Liao. He is a sub-general but his usual location is near Taishi Cim which is northwest of your starting position. Also defeat Xu Zhu. He is also a sub-general, but his usual location is in front of the base where Cao Cao is located. The Heavenly Wolf appears in the southwest by an Imperial Seal (Musou full for ten seconds).

Wei Yan: Fifth Weapon
To get the Twin Stars weapon, which has no element and gives Musou +82, Life +82, Reach +22, Musou Charge +20, and has the Way of the Musou built in, play on the Battle at Yi Ling level as Shu forces under the very hard difficulty setting. To make it appear, defeat all enemy generals and gate captains. Note: You do not have to kill sub-generals.

Xu Huang: Fifth weapon
Select the very hard difficulty setting and the Tong Gate level. Kill every leader, except Han Sui or Ma Cho. Han Sui will defect, and the weapon will appear near the northwest corner, near the gate.

Yuan Shao: Fifth weapon
When at Hu Lao Gate under the very hard difficulty setting in two player mode, kill the officer (Jia Xu) near the top of the screen with one player. This will trigger an event with backup troops appearing faster. When Jia Xu dies, go directly down to Diao Chan and start fighting her. If you wait, Cao Cao or Sun Jian will die. You should have her about half or two thirds killed when the troops show up, so Sun Jian should not die. Yuan Shao's fifth weapon, the Imperial Saber, will appear. Its stats are: Element: Flame, Basic Attack +44, Speed +21, Attack +27, Defense +54, and Arrow Defense +49.

To get the Imperial Saber weapon, which has Flame on his fifth and last charge attack and gives Speed +21, Attack +27, Defense +54, Bow Defense +49, play on the Battle at Hu Lao Gate level as Yuan Shao's forces under the very hard difficulty setting. To make it appear, kill Diao Chan before the Dong Zhou ambush event with Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Jian and Lu Bu all alive. It is not likely anyone will kill Lu Bu while you are defeating Diao Chan; only worry about the others. It is recommended that you do not kill Lu Bu because it is a waste of time and you are also putting yourself in danger. The weapon will appear in the northwest area.

Zhao Yun: Fifth weapon
To get the War Dragon, which has lightning on its fifth and sixth charge attack and gives Musou +78, Life +75, Reach +25, and Musou Charge +20, play the Nanman Campaign as the Shu forces under the very hard difficulty setting. To make it appear, defeat all enemy generals. Note: You do not have to kill sub-generals or Meng Huo all seven times. However, it is suggested to defeat him the first time as he will kill Zhuge Liang if you give him the chance. It will appear next to the wall south of the Shu headquarters, between the two bridges.

Zhuge Liang: Fifth weapon
To get the Griffin Feather weapon, which has Wind on his second and last charge attack and gives Speed +22, Life +80, Attack +30, Luck +22, and Reach +25, play on the Battle At Chi Bi level as the Shu forces under the very hard difficulty setting. To make it appear, have either the first or second player get 1,000 kills. It is recommended that you use anyone with instant death when doing this. However, your best choices would be Lu Xun or Sun Quan, as they both have instant death on their fourth charge attack, which is better than someone having it on their last charge attacks (such as Cao Cao).

7 Stars Sword
Get over 1000 combo points in the Combo Mania Xtreme Challenge. This item helps you get combos easier by having the numbers disappear slower.

Beast Harness
In order to get the Beast Harness, you must surpass the Speed Demon challenge. The Beast Harness allows you to see the last horse/elephant you rode on in the radar.

Combo+ item
In order to get the Combo+ item, you must surpass Diao Chan's record for Combo Mania (1000 combos). Suggested characters to attempt this with are Zang He, Nu Wa, or Zuan Yu.

Divine Gauntlet
Play as Dong Zhuo, on Dong Zhuo's side, in the Wu Zhang Plains level under at least the hard difficulty setting. Move upwards and keep fighting until you get to the bridge at the very top. Around there, an intermission sequence will appear featuring Dong Zhuo standing and looking up at the sky. He sees shooting stars and says something about "them" all dying. After awhile, a supply unit should appear on the plateau where Lui Bei and Zhuge Liang are located. Kill them quickly, because they move directly for the gate at the bottom left part of the map. Defeat the Supply Captain and he should drop a red glowing bag. The Divine Gauntlet lets you deal damage to a blocking enemy, but you must have the Attack x2 item in effect.

Fire arrows
Play the Chi Bi level as Cao Cao's forces under the hard difficulty setting. Play as Xu Huang and defeat everyone until you are at the end boat. Do not kill Sun Jian but defeat Ma Su. The second player has to defeat Huang Gai after the wind has blown. It should appear in the long line of boats at the very end of that line.

Magic Drum
Play the Nanman level as Zhang Jiao under the very hard difficulty setting. Wait for Zhuge Liang's ambush party to appear. An intermission sequence featuring Zhuge will begin. Defeat Zhuge; do not worry about any of his other officers. The Magic Drum will appear close to the southern-most bridge on top of a small hill. This item raises how quickly your forces gain their morale.

Masters Cloak
Beat Lu Bu's top score for the Balancing Act (100). This item automatically performs the mid-air evade.

Scroll Of Accuracy
Play the Battle Of Mt. Ding Jun level under the hard or very hard difficulty setting as Dong's forces. Kill the following people in order: Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, then Huand Zhong (who is carrying the item). This item provides Attack x2, but your defense will drop.

To get the Scroll of Accuracy, which doubles your attack and decreases your defense for a few seconds after being knocked down, play as Dong Zhuo's forces on Mt. Ding Jun under any difficulty setting. Defeat Huang Zhong, who will drop the item.

Seal Of Darkness
Play the Battle Of Guan Du level. Go to the castle and take out all the officers in the castle. Pause game play to make sure that the officer you kill does not have an officer as a bodyguard. After killing all of the officers, go in the castle. An intermission of you saying "Cao Cao where have you ran now" should play. Once again, make sure all the officers are killed before the intermission sequence. After about fifteen to twenty seconds, the "A valuable item has been discovered" message will appear to the north, next to where Cao Cao can be found in one small area. Note: This is best done with Yuan Shao in Musou mode, under any difficulty setting.

Body guards automatically restore HP one time when zero
In order to get this item, complete the Iron man Competition with a score over 351 (Zhou Yun recommended) You must complete the Speed Demon, Balancing Act, and Combo Mania competitions. These must be done in the Iron Man competition. The best way to do this is to get Red Hare in the Speed Demon (turn left and look) and rack up the points in the Balancing Act. If you get 100 KOs, you receive 100 points. Keep going past the 100 maximum. Finally, use his combo charge 3, then charge 2, then charge 5, then charge 6, tyen finish with a short Musou (and keep them in the air) in the Combo Mania. Once these three are done and you top the invulnerable Lu Bu, your will receive the item.

Longer Musou attack
To do the double Musou attack in one player mode, your bodyguard has to have full Musou. To tell if he has his Musou bar full, look at your Musou bar. If it is flashing green, it indicates that you and your bodyguard have full Musou. Go near your bodyguard and press [Circle]. It should show your character and his bodyguard back to back and performing a true Musou attack. This attack is the equivalent of two people doing a true Musou x2 attack at the same time.

To activate a powerful Musou attack, set the game to the very hard difficulty setting. Choose Pang Tong, Lu Bu, Sun Ce, Zhang Jiao, Meng Huo, or Xu Zhu. Choose any level. You cannot have bodyguards, warrior or normal. When you start the level, get your lives down to the red, and push [Circle] so your Musou goes up faster. When you get all your Musou up, get in a crowd and hold [Circle]. Your character will then get a powerful and long lasting Musou.

Get every player on Musou mode
To get every player on Musou mode, you need to load data from your Dynasty Warriors 3 game. Every time you complete a level in free mode with a character that is not currently in Musou mode, you will get that character in Musou mode. For example, if you complete Siege At Hei Fe Castle with Liu Biu, you will get him in Musou mode.

Glitch: Xu Zhu on ground
Put Xu Zhu as the general for the elephant scene. He will be on the ground hitting people with his club, instead of being on an elephant.

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