Duel Masters: Cobalt Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Check out these Duel Masters: Cobalt cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Win duel
Hold [R3] and press [L1], [R1], [L1] to give player one the win. Hold [R3] and press [R1], [L1], [R1] to give player two the win.

Additional locations
Hold [R3] and press [Circle]x3 at the map screen.

Additional cards
Hold [R3] and press [L1]x3 at the deck building screen. You will get four of each card.

Play as Chuck
Hold [R3] and press [L1]x3 at the deck building screen to unlock Chuck in arcade mode.

Play as Shobu
Select versus mode and let player two choose a character. Then, have player one press [R2]x2, [L1], [R2], [X].

Cards do not run out in duel
Hold [R3] and press [Square]x3.

Remove shield
Hold [R3] and press [Triangle], [Square], [X] to remove one of player one's shields. Hold [R3] and press [Triangle], [Circle], [X] to remove one of player two's shields.

Add shield
Hold [R3] and press [X], [Square], [Triangle] to add one shield for player one. Hold [R3] and press [X], [Circle], [Triangle] to add one shield for player two.
To get Caitlan, complete Rusty's story.

To get Earl, complete Trey's story.

To get Jalen, complete Rebecca's story.

To get Knight, complete everyone's story.

To get Marcus, complete Flynn's story.

To get the monks, you must defeat them the first time.

To get Sera, complete Luc's story.

To get the Widow, defeat her at the end of the tournament.

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