Armored Core: Nine Breaker Cheats - PlayStation 2
Primary Collection of Cheats
Training mode secret parts
Complete the following task in training mode to unlock the corresponding part.
AWH12PL-ETTIN (L Arm): Get 15 Gold ranks
CR-WB03LGL2 (Back Unit): Get 30 Gold ranks
WH09H-WRAITH (R Arm): Get 45 Gold ranks
CR-WH01SP (R Arm): Get 60 Gold ranks
WH11PU-PERYTON (L Arm): Get 75 Gold ranks
WH08RS-FENRIR (R Arm): Get 90 Gold ranks
WB33PL-SKYLLA2 (Back Unit): Get 105 Gold ranks
CR-WH05BP (L Arm): Get 120 Gold ranks
AWH12PL-ETTIN (R Arm): Get 135 Gold ranks
YH12-MAYFLY (Head): Get 150 Gold ranks
CR-WB03CGH (Back Unit): Clear the Attack category
WH10M-SILKY (L Arm) -Clear the Defense category
WH11PU-PERYTON (R Arm): Clear the Move category
WB32L-CERBERUS (Back Unit): Clear the Technic category
CR-WH01HP (L Arm): Clear the Special category
CR-WH05BP (R Arm): Clear the Overall category
CR-WH05RLA (R Arm): Clear 45 training missions
SYAKATSURA (Back Unit): Clear 105 Training missions
Arena mode secret parts
Complete the following task in Arena mode to unlock the corresponding part.
CR WH01HP (R Arm): Get rank "B"
CR WB03MV (Back Unit): Get rank "A"
CR WH05RLA (L Arm): Get rank "30"
WB34M-ECHIDNA2 (Back Unit): Get rank "25"
WH08RS-FENRIR (L Arm): Get rank "20"
CR WH01SP (R Arm): Get rank "15"
WH09H-WRAITH (L Arm): Get rank "10"
WH10M-SILKY (R Arm): Get rank "5"
CR H05XS-EYE3 (Head): Get rank "1"
Armored Core: Nexus secret parts
Import a saved game file from Armored Core: Nexus to unlock the following parts. Alternately, complete the indicated task in Armored Core: Nine Breaker.
Attack training
CR LH97L: Clear Accuracy mode
KUJAKU: Clear Power mode
HOHSHI: Clear Judgment mode
KARURA: Clear Single mode
YWH07-DRAGON (R Arm): Clear Melee mode
Defense training
WH06PL ORC (L Arm): Clear Evade mode
JIREN: Clear Durability mode
CR B83TP: Clear Heat Resisting mode
CR YH07S2: Clear Single mode
LN01-SEAL: Clear Melee mode
Move training
CH-H95EE: Clear Horizontal mode
CR I94DD2: Clear Vertical mode
I03RN-CORAL: Clear Dexterity mode
CR WH98GL (R Arm): Clear Aerial mode
YWL03LB-TAROS: Clear Total Mobility mode
Technic training
ANANDA: Clear Lock-On Skill
BYAKUE: Clear Circling Target
CR LRJ84M: Clear Spacing
CR WA91MSM: Clear Swordcraft
MIROKU: Clear Proper Distance
Special training
YA10-LORIS: Clear Evade Missile
RAIJIN: Clear Evade SP Missile
CR WR93RL: Clear No Lock-on
CR WR81RS2: Clear No Radar
CR YH85SR: Clear No Lock-on and Radar
Overall training
WB28R SIREN: Clear Run and Attack
MF04-COWRY: Clear Run and Defense
KANGI: Clear Defense and Attack
WB31B-PEGASUS: Clear Single
WH04HL KRSW (R Arm): Clear Melee
RENGA: Clear 15 Programs
YWH07-DRAGON (L Arm): Clear 30 Programs
FUNI: Clear 45 Programs
LADYB: Clear 60 Programs
E05MG-ROE2: Clear 75 Programs
WH03M-FINGER (R Arm): Clear 90 Programs
YLH11-VIXEN: Clear 105 Programs
003-CODON: Clear 120 Programs
YH08-MANTIS: Clear 135 Programs
Wh04HL KRSW (L Arm): Clear 150 Programs
NIOH: Get rank "17"
YC07-CRONUS: Get rank "13"
Wh03M-FINGER (L Arm): Get rank "7"
WL MOONLIGHT: Get rank "3"
Part tuning
To tune parts (only applicable with head, core, arm, leg, booster, generator and radiator parts), press [Square] while in the "Assembly" screen.
Glitch: Burst Missile
When you convert your saved game data from Armored Core: Nexus into Armored Core: Nine Breaker, the Burst Missiles disappear. Ironically, if you start a new game in Nine Breaker, the Burst Missiles remain in the garage.
Glitch: Instant training mission completion
In the training mode there is a exercise called "Attack Hit: Single". The glitch is in level 3. In the beginning of the round, fly up with the enemy AC and keep him in your sights. After about eight seconds, both yours and the enemy's AC will stop moving and fall to the ground. The operator will speak in Japanese, then a message will say that you have completed the mission. Your results will be a "Gold" rank in first place.