Ape Escape 3 Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these Ape Escape 3 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Ape Escape 3 Cheats
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May. 13, 2014
Aug. 28, 2007
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Press [L1]+[L2]+[R1]+[R2] + Start to display the password entry screen. Then, enter one of the following passwords. Note: Passwords in the Japanese version are in Hiragana.

Dark Master Ape
Enter "blackout" as a password. Dark Master will appear in the Kung Fu Alley level. Enter the construction area and find the small room with a Kung-Fu switch.

Spork Ape
Enter "krops" as a password. Spork (the spike ape) will appear in Hide-n-Seek Forest level.

Shimmy Ape
Enter "2nd man" as a password. The Ape is hidden past the back door the icy hideout (Piposaru costume area) in the Winterville level.

Pipotron Yellow
Enter "yellowy" as a password. The Ape is in a house in the Winterville level.

Pipotron Red
Enter "redmon" as a password. The Ape is in the ""toy room with blocks" in the Toytown level.

Pipotron Blue
Enter "coolblue" as a password. The Ape is on the wings of the jet in the Air Squadron level.

SAL-1000 Ape
Enter "grobyc" as a password. The Ape is near the clock tower in the Castle level. Enter rusagu-boisa as a password in the Japanese version of the game.

Enter "SAL3000" as a password. The Ape is in a dressing room in the Space TV Fortress level.

Gageru Ape
Enter "rusarukeka" as a password in the Japanese version of the game.

Kuro Sennin Ape
Enter "kuroihoumonsha" as a password in the Japanese version of the game.

Pigaru Ape
Enter "futarimenootoko" as a password in the Japanese version of the game.

Survival mode
Enter "sabaibaru" as a password in the Japanese version of the game.

Alternately, capture all apes then catch Specter a second time.

Mesal Gear (Mesaru Gear) mini-game
Enter "yumenokyouen" as a password in the Japanese version of the game.

Alternately, successfully complete the game to unlock this item in Hobby Shop for 573 credits. Complete this mini-game to win 1,000 Gotcha coins and unlock hard mode. To get the Croc cap and unlimited items, rescue all twenty hostages.

Mesal Gear (Mesaru Gear) scenes in Movie 28 and last two Simian Cinema movies
Enter "2 snakes" as a password. Enter futarinosune-ku as a password in the Japanese version of the game.
Ape Olympic mini-game
Can be purchased in the Hobby Shop for 1,500 credits.

Utlim-ape Fighting (Sarutimate Fighting) mini-game
Can be purchased in the Hobby Shop for 1,500 credits. Complete this mini-game to win 1,000 Gotcha coins.

Ape Movie Studio (Saru Cinema Studio) option
During game play, look for camera with activation pads found in various levels. When the monkeys are not on high alert (yellow or less), step on the pad and press X to get an option to shoot a movie clip. Press X again to get the movie file. The Movie Studio option will be unlocked after all twenty movie files are unlocked, and will replace the "X" at the menu. The monkey studio is found in the Cimian Cinema area of the Shopping District. In the Japanese version, view at least eight Saru movie files in the Saru Cinema. The Saru Cinema Studio option will replace the "X" at the Saru Cinema main menu. Select this option to edit or create Saru movies.

Alternate title screen
Successfully complete survival mode. In the Japanese version, the word "Tatsujin" will appear in Hiragana at the title screen.

Control Mesal Gear Solid title screen
Press [L1] or [L2] to change background of the Mesal Gear Solid mini-game title screen.

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