Aero Elite: Combat Academy Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Check out these Aero Elite: Combat Academy cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
A-7 Corsair
Complete Air To Ground #4 at the Aero Meet.

A-7E U.S. Navy colors
Successfully complete twenty carrier landings.

Complete all the surface attack objectives at the Aero Meet.

AV-8B Harrier Jump Jet
Successfully completing VTOL training releases.

Apache Longbow
Successfully complete combat training.

Blue Impulse F-86 fighter
Collect the Blue Impulse squadron icon in free flight mode on the island level.

Blue Impulse T2 trainer
Collect the Blue Impulse squadron icon under the suspension bridge in free flight mode on the bay level.

Successfully complete the maneuver objectives at the Aero Meet.

Successfully complete helicopter training.

F-104J fighter
Fly at Mach 2.0 or faster. Note: Try getting to an extremely high altitude and go into a dive.

F-105 drone
Fly over 50,000 feet in training mode.

F-14B Test Bed
Successfully complete reconnaissance mission 2.

F-15 Aggressor 1
Get a total of 50 aerial kills.

F-15 Aggressor 2
Get a total of 100 aerial kills.

F-15 Aggressor 3
Get a total of 150 aerial kills.

F-15 Aggressor 4
Get a total of 200 aerial kills.

F-15 Aggressor 5
Get a total of 250 kills.

F-15 Aggressor 6
Get a total of 300 aerial kills.

F-15 Aggressor 7
Get a total of 350 aerial kills.

Successfully complete the ACM objectives at the Aero Meet.

Successfully complete ten scrambles.

F-2A support fighter
Complete the ACM maneuver objectives.

Successfully complete fifty scrambles.

F-4E Phantom
Shoot down the F-4E Phantom in scramble mode after being instructed to by the control tower.

Accumulate one hour in training mode.

FA-18 Hornet
Successfully complete the carrier landing training releases .

The Mig-21 can be unlocked in the scramble missions. When you see it, shoot it down.

Mirage 2000C
The Mirage 2000C can be unlocked in the scramble missions. When you see it, shoot it down.

Successfully complete helicopter training.

Shoot down the SU-25 in scramble mode only if instructed by the control tower.

Su-27 (Camouflage) fighter
Successfully complete reconnaissance mission 3.

The Tornado can be unlocked in the scramble missions. When you see it, shoot it down.

US-1A Search and Rescue Amphibian Plane
To unlock this plane, complete the Scramble mission requiring you to locate the Marine US-1A that has gone down at sea.
More frequent scrambles
Increase the DEFCON level in the options screen, then enter and exit various menu screens several times.

Glitch: Fly over 800 mph
First, go to a level with a long, flat strip of land (for example, the highway on the Bay level) with a very fast jet (F-14 or F-104 recommended). When you start (assuming you are on the Bay level), fly to the long highway and land. When you land, press [Forward] on the Analog-stick and make sure you do not takeoff. Hit the afterburners and accelerate, but never leave the ground. If done correctly, you can reach speeds of at least 1100 mph. If you used the F-104, you should overspeed somewhere around 1300 mph. However, when you quit the game you will see that you maxed the aircraft out at exactly Mach 2.

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