Zero Gear Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Zero Gear cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
All You Need is Love - Get hugged 3 times in one game.
Barrel Roll - Do a barrel roll.
Easy Rider - Win a race without using boost.
Flight of the Falcon - Accumulate 15 minutes of airtime.
Flippin Awesome - Do a flip.
Float Like a Butterfly - Win a race while airborne.
Frozen Finish - Cross the finish line in first place while frozen.
Gentleman's Wager - Play a game with only gentlemen.
Gold Medal - Finish 1st 100 times.
Bff - Play in a game with 3 other people on your friends list.
Bronze Medal - Finish 3rd 25 times.
Climate Change - Get iced 5 times in one game.
Comeback - Win in goal mode after being down by 2.
Complete Shutout - Win back to back games in goal mode without the opposing team scoring.
Deep 6 - Hit 6 players with a mine.
Deep Space - Get knocked 100 meters from the platform in Fallout.
Disappearing Act - Reset yourself 50 times.
Double Flip - Do a double flip.
Draft Master - Draft off a player for 10 straight seconds.
Pacifist - Win a race without using a weapon.
Paratrooper - Stay airborne for 6 seconds.
Pirate Party - Play a game with only pirates.
Pwnt - Overcome the player in first place and win the race in 1 second.
Rocket Sauce - Boost for 30 straight seconds.
Route 66 - Drive 2,448 miles.
Screwed - Lose first place in the last seconds of a race.
Silver Medal - Finish 2nd 50 times.
Slippy Sez - Do 10 barrel rolls.
Good Sport - Be a good sport.
I Get Around - Do 20 flips.
I Would Drive 500 Miles - Drive 500 miles.
I Would Drive 500 More - Drive 1,000 miles.
Inspector Kemp - Play a game with only inspectors.
K.o. - Punch 2 players at the same time.
Lemming - Fall off a map 5 times in one game.
Nail Biter - Win a goal mode game in overtime.
Overachiever - Remain in first place for an entire race.
Spring Chicken - Use a spring 50 times.
Sting Like a Bee - Steal the arrow 5 times in one tag match.
Termination - Play a game with only machines.
Ticket Master - Score 10,000 accumulative points in target games.
Triple Flip - Do a triple flip.
Ultimate Indie Gamer - Win a race with the indie slider activated.
Use the Force - Repulse 5 players at once.
War Games - Play a game with only military officers.

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