Warriors & Castles Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Warriors & Castles cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
All your base are belong to us - Capture 25 bases.
Block this! - Kill 200 warriors.
Conqueror - Capture 200 bases.
Demolisher - Deal 100,000 damage at gates.
Did you mean "casual footwear"? - Step on 1,000 traps.
Dr. Magic - Heal 150,000 health points.
God Mode - Stay alive for 10 minutes in the enemy castle.
Healer Apprentice - Heal 10,000 health points.
Hunter! - Kill 100 enemies using traps.
I can do this all day - Defend 10,000 arrow as a warrior.
I can see all the world from here! - Capture 100 towers.
It Works! - You're the man.
Joker - Taunt 100 fallen enemies.
Knock, Knock - Break through 50 gates.
Like a record - In only a spin, kill 5 enemies.
Looks like we have a winner - Win 100 matches.
Lucky boy! - Win this achievement!
Lunch time! - Deal 20,000 to the Chickenzilla.
Make it rain - In only a volley, kill 3 enemies.
Medicinal Medicine - Heal 50,000 health points.
My foe dies, my ally lives - In one regenerata, kill one enemy and heal one ally.
Overkill - kill 40 enemies without dying.
Release the chicken! - Summon the Chickenzilla 100 times.
Sniper - hit an enemy 150 yards away.
Someone Stop me! - Kill 200 mages.
Taunt me again! I dare you! - kill an enemy while he's taunting.
To victory! - Win the first time!
Tryhard - Deal 20,000 to gates using arrows.
War Veteran - Win 10,000 matches.
Watch Your Step! - Kill 25 enemies using traps.
You shall not pass! - Stop 100 warrior's charge using the wizard barrier.
You should have stayed away - Kill 200 archers.

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