Warlords: Battlecry 2 Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Warlords: Battlecry 2 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Warlords: Battlecry 2 Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 3 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function.

God mode - iamatank
Full map - iamaseer
Lose scenario - iamaloser
Win scenario - iamawinner
All spells - iamanarchmage
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Foolproof Cheat
Ok, this is kinda hard to follow but it does not require any third party software or editing tools. The way it works is the following: Once you have a few armies in your retinue (preferably low level), you can modify them to make them invincible. What you whould do is edit an easy to beat scenario. Once you have loaded it into the editor (it's the anvil icon in the game), you can modify the attributes of the armies used in that scenario. So if you have a retinue full of barbarians (barbarians) o Imps (daemons) for example, you can edit those armies in the scenario you have chosen to make them invincible (armor = 10 for all kinds of attacks, resistance = 100) and have them perform ultra damage (999) and extra high hit points (999, do it you'll need it). Then, just play the scenario making sure you USE THOSE ARMIES FROM YOUR RETINUE. Remember, these armies are those you have "won" from other battles. Once the battle is over, you'll be able to use them as invincible in your next battle. Beware: after you use these invincible armies in a regular battle, they'll go back to their regular status, so you'll have to repeat the procedure to use them again. But don't worry, you can beat any battle with just 2 invincible armies (a defender and an attacker. One more thing. As they level up, or if the battle has gone on long enough, the armor levels will go down (to 80%) which means this army will suffer damage. Try not to loose them. A good idea is to have ranged armies in your retinue, as they can avoid hand to hand combat. Also, try and get low level armies in your retinue, like barbarians, firebats, pikemen, wisps, etc. as they will cost much fewer army points when setting up before a battle. Enjoy and good luck!

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