Uplink Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Uplink cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Uplink Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 5 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Create a new agent with the name TooManySecrets (case-sensitive) and any desired password. Once the game begins, press [F1] to activate the cheat menu. Note that this code will no longer work if you install the v1.2 patch.

Game secrets
Introversion IP: ""
Protovision game server password: "JOSHUA"
Gamebible password: "toomanysecrets?"
Uplink Test Machine password: "rosebud"

Game developers
Get disavowed, then quit the game. Log back into the game and when the score screen appears, move the pointer to the upper-left corner. A symbol will appear. Click on the symbol.
Hex Cheats
Some Useful Cheats
This is how to get a 10 digit credit sum in your bank account. In order to do this you'll need a program called "redshirt" (which can be downloaded from the above) and some hex editor (such as hex Workshop 3.11 from http://www.bpsoft.com/).

Unzip the redshirt.exe file to your 'users' directory, for example: "c:\Program Files\Uplink\users" and then install Hex Workshop.

On Windows 9x, go to Start -> Run and type command and then click OK. For Windows 2K/XP type cmd.exe in the run box. Then go to your users directory "c:\Program Files\Uplink\users" once there type:

redshirt /d (your username in the game).usr (your username in the game).hex

Now start Hex Workshop 3.11 and open your *.hex

Under the Tools menu, click Base Converter, select Intel in the Byte Order menu and enter the amount of cash that your Agent has into the Decimal textbox. Copy the value that appeared inside the Hex textbox by selecting it, right-clicking, and clicking Copy. Next, under the Edit menu, chose Find, change Type to "Hex Values" and paste into the Value textbox, click OK to start the search. Hopefully, you will now only have two or three results in the box in the lower right corner. What you want to look for is an entry that is near the end of the list such that when you click on it and scroll up a little bit you find your Agent user name and password next to one another. If this result matches the one I've described, you've found it. Change whatever hex values are highlighted to 02 F9 59 50. Save the file and exit Hex Workshop.

Go back to your command prompt (you didn't close it did you?), and type:

redshirt /e (your username in the game).hex (your username in the game).usr

That's it. You can now go start Uplink and play with a 10 digit number with credits.
Hidden message
Open up the rear shell of the game's jewel case to find a hidden message on a white slip of paper.

Mole Mission
Hack the admin account of the Uplink Internal Service System. Once there, download the agent lists (you cannot get #4). You will soon be emailed about selling the list.

Agents' real names
Hack into the "Global Criminal Database" and search for any of the following names: Mark Moss, Warren Barry, Paul Eades, Warren Russell, Andrew Olberechts, Stephen Mead, James Lacey, Tom Stoneman, Andrew Hurford, Sean Beswick, Matt Thomas, Unknown, Paul Jayant, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Adam Wallace, Warren Conaghan, James Denning, Ed Boyes, Tim Barnard, Adam Osborne, Paul Ellison, Paul Balthazor, Christopher Contopher, Paul Wyatt, Gareth Kenway, James Morgon, Simon Brindley, Aston Platter, Benjamin Eaton. After finding a certain person, add criminal offenses to their name (Robbery, Parole Broken, etc.), then click "Arrest". If there are enough offenses, the person will be arrested within the next two hours of game time. You can arrest nearly every agent by this method.

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