Tropico Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Tropico cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Tropico Cheats
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Feb. 05, 2006
Author: 35KB

NOTE: There are 2 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Hold down the [Ctrl] button while you enter the cheat. If you want to use the cheat more then once, release [Ctrl], re-press it, and enter the code again.

pesos - Add $20,000
contento - Increase Happiness by 10
rapido - Fast Build
exacto # - Set Treasury to #
politicaldifficulty - Political level of difficulty
economicdifficulty - Economic level of difficulty
muerte - Kill selected unit
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Game Editor
Hold [Ctrl] and type Editor during game play. Press various letters to activate different editor functions

Turn Your Citizens into Quails

Set the name of all your Towns as "Quail" then all your citizens will turn into Quails!
Stop Elections
Eliminate every opponent that runs against you until the election, then the game will notify you after the election that the people are upset that you killed him, and a new opponent will run. It will still think its election time, after a new twelve months, but you will never have to run again! For the best effect, when its coming up to the last month of election, issue an order to have your opponent made "heretic". If youre too fast make the next one the same, and so forth.

More Money
Having touble with tourisim? Now you can make $150,000 a year! Just make 2 cigar factories a dock in between them. Build around 20 tabacco farms and start rolling out those cigars!

More Money
First, make your own island now when making it put the political stability on the lowest it can go and then put the economy on the lowest it can go. The difficulty percentage must be lower than 10% or it wont work.

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