Test Drive Unlimited 2 Cheats - PC

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Check out these Test Drive Unlimited 2 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Test Drive Unlimited 2 Cheats
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Apr. 29, 2011
Feb. 25, 2011
Feb. 25, 2011
Feb. 11, 2011

NOTE: There are 15 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Achievements (Steam)
1-in-38 Chance: Casino - Win a straight-up bet at Roulette.
Aloha! - Make it to Hawaii.
Better than a GPS - Invite 10 players to drive with you in your car.
Cockpit Addict - Drive 500 km (311 miles) using the cockpit view (any game mode).
Coronation - Win all championships & cups.
Cruising - Drive 200 km (124 miles).
Drinks: Casino - Have 10 cocktails at once at a poker table.
Easy Money - Earn $100,000 with F.R.I.M..
Events Accomplished - Achieve all missions.
Big Spender - Spend 1 million dollars.
Car-tist - Decorate 5 different cars.
Casino Fashion Victim: Casino - Buy all clothes available in the Casino Clothes Shop.
Club Basher - Win 30 Club vs Club challenges.
Co-op Challenger - Drive 150 km (93 miles) in "Keep Your Distance" and "Follow the Leader" modes.
Exclusive Car - Drive a Club car.
Exclusive CarS - Drive all Club cars.
Fashion Victim - Change your clothes or hairstyle 40 times.
Fast and Luxurious - Drive at 400 km/h (249 mph) during 5 sec. (any game mode).
Fugitive Wanted - Outrun the police 30 times in Online Chase Mode.
Get rich or try driving - Possess 1 million dollars.
God of Cars - Own all purchasable cars.
Hard earned money - Bank the maximum level of F.R.I.M. (10).
Helping hand - Succeed in 10 missions.
Hey! What's this car?! - Own 1 bonus car (treasure hunt).
Ibiza Photographer - Find 5 viewpoints on Ibiza (photographer).
Instant challenge, easy cash! - Earn $10,000 in instant challenges.
Island Caretaker: Casino - Wake up the Island caretaker.
Kangaroo - Make a 100 m (109 yd) jump (any game mode).
Keep your distance - Drive for 15 sec. above 100 km/h (62 mph) with 8 players in "Keep Your Distance" mode.
King of Ibiza - Win ibiza cup, area 1.
Learning - Obtain the c4 license.
My Club and Me - Drive 150 km (93 miles) in intra-Club challenges.
One of each - Own a car from each category (A7-A6-A5-A4-A3-A2-A1, C4-C3, B4-B3).
Racing School Master - Obtain all licenses.
Ready to play TDU2?: Casino - Get the luxury car displayed in the entrance hall.
Reckless Driver - Drive around and hit 100 IA controlled cars and destructible objets.
Reporter - Find all viewpoints (photographer).
Risk Taker: Casino - Give up a Three of a Kind while playing Video Poker and win the next hand.
Level 60 - Reach level 60.
Marshall - Arrest 30 outlaws in online chase mode.
Me against all of you - Play 40 challenges in the community racing center.
Multi-Challenger - Win 5 challenges in each multiplayer mode (Race, Speed, Speedtrap).
Mummy - Complete 20 multiplayer challenges with bandages.
My Beautiful Caravan... - Own 1 house (caravan).
Road Eater - Drive 1,000 km (621 miles).
Say "Cheese"! - Get clocked by the radar 100 times (Speedtrap game mode).
Small Collection - Own 3 different cars.
Social Butterfly - Join and invite friends 100 times (any game mode).
Socializing: Casino - Unlock all cocktails and emotes.
Subprime crisis? - Own one house of each level.
The Beginner - Win a championship.
The Explorer - Drive 5,000 km (3,107 miles).
Tuning Addict - Tune a car to the max level.
Tyrannosaurus wrecks - Own all 6 bonus cars (treasure hunt).
V.i.p.: Casino - Become VIP of the Casino by reaching level 5.
Wanted: Casino - Get the right look to get the reward.
Western: Casino - Play the "duel" emote at the same time as your rival at a poker table for two.

Hawaii Photo/Viewpoint Locations

Ibiza Photo/Viewpoint Locations

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