Super Win the Game Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Super Win the Game cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
And They Were Right - Played nine dream sequences.
Anomalies - Collected the Arcadians' Seal.
Bouyant - Collected the Springheel Boots.
Clearly It's a Big Ol' Ruby - Collected 50% of gems.
Completionist - Collected the Pendant of the Sleepless.
Dysrhythmia - Found all the pieces of the king's heart.
Ever the Wayfarer - Super Won the Game.
Feeling Blue - Collected the Blue Aura.
Gem Activated - Collected 25% of gems.
Grab 'n' Go - You took advantage of an opportunity.
I Had a Dream - Played one dream sequence.
Into the Deep End - Collected the Steelskin Catalyst.
Muscle Memory - You remembered something from your childhood.
My Two Cents - Collected the Underworld Ticket.
Oops - Died once.
Primarily Ruby and Python - Collected 75% of gems.
Real Magic - Collected the Tesla Badge.
Security Flaw - Collected the Skeleton Key.
Seeing Red - Collected the Red Aura.
Shiny! - Collected one gem.
Some of My Secrets - Collected 100% of gems.
Splish Splash - Collected the Magic Snorkel.
The Long Con - You gave someone a second chance.
The Masque of the Cosmos - Collected the Mask of the Arcadians.
They Overwrote My Soul - Played three dream sequences.
They Thought No One Would Know - Played seven dream sequences.
Upwardly Mobile - Collected the Spider Gloves.
With a Digital Copy - Played five dream sequences.

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