Soldiers: Heroes of World War II Cheats - PC

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Check out these Soldiers: Heroes of World War II cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Soldiers: Heroes of World War II Cheats
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Jun. 20, 2009
Author: 49KB
Oct. 03, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005

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Editing game files
Note: This cheat requires a basic knowledge of using a zip program and a text editor. Please back up any files before changing them.

Locate the file game.pak in the installation folder. Rename this file and use your zip program (ie: Winzip) to open the file. Now extract the file\set\registry\lod.reg the the games folder with the full path. Now use a text editor (ie: Notepad) to edit the file and change the easy setting to as follows:

{health 0.0}
{accuracy 0.0}
{thickness 0.0}
{burst 0.0}
{firing_timeout 0.1}
{health_increase 99}
{burst 1.0}
{accuracy 99}
{thickness 99}
{health 99}

Now you can save the file and add it back to the archive. Save the back to the original spot and rename it game.pak. Now when you start the game set it to easy and your units will be Invulnerable.

Editing saved games
Find "mission.mi" file in the "\profiles\[campaign name]\[mission name]\[savegame name]" subfolder in the game install folder. This file contains objects and soldiers data, and you can open and edit it with Notepad. Here are some basic editing tips:

- Make a backup of the file before editing
- Don't change values that you don't understand
- If you what to find one of your soldiers you must use a "marker", like those used in genetical engeeniring, something that only that soldier can have, or belongs only to the faction that you are playng with (for example: the mk1 grenade is only found in us and uk soldiers, another exemple is the machingun: for those guys that know a little bit of history thompsons are for the allies, MP38 - 41 germans... etc you will know what to serch for)
- You must know the exact content of the invetory of the soldier you whant to edit
- Each item has a set of coodnates for exemple {cell 0 0}} means that the item is right on the top left corner
- Soldiers iventory run on the x axis from 0 to 7, and on the y axis from 0 to 3
- Vehicle invetory run on x axis from 0-4 and y axis 0-5


{item "bandage" 2 {cell 2 1}}
{item "repair_kit" {cell 0 1}}
{item "matchbox" 10 {cell 0 0}}
{item "mine_detector" {cell 0 0}}
{Item "barrel" filling "fuel" 50
{item "knife hand" {cell 2 0}}

INFATRY - {item "ammo mgun" 100 {cell 0 0}
VEHICLE - {item "ammo mgun" 650 {cell 0 0}}
{item "ammo pistol" 60 {cell 0 1}}
{item "ammo bazooka" {cell 5 0}}
{item "welrod" filling "ammo rifle" {cell 2 1}}


{item "bullet88 ap" 3 {cell 0 1}}
{item "bullet88 fg" 5 {cell 0 2}}
{item "bullet75 ap" 51 {cell 0 1}}
{item "bullet75 fg" 26 {cell 0 2}}

{item "mp41" filling "ammo pistol" 32 {cell 2 0}}
{item "mp40" filling "ammo pistol" 32 {cell 4 0}}
{item "mg34" filling "ammo mgun" 50 {cell 2 0}}
{item "weapon bazooka" {cell 0 0}}
{item "valter" {cell 0 3}}
{item "bren" {cell 3 0}}
{item "sten" filling "ammo pistol" 32 {cell 1 2}}
{item "enfield" filling "ammo rifle" 6 {cell 2 0}}
{item "ammo rifle" 10 {cell 1 1}}
{item "weapon panzershreck" filling "ammo bazooka" {cell 2 2}}
{item "thompson" filling "ammo pistol" 30 {cell 0 1}
{Item "browning" filling "ammo mgun" 200}

{item "grenade m24" {cell 2 0}}
{item "grenade m61" {cell 6 1}}
{item "grenade rpg40" {cell 6 2}}
{item "grenade mk1" {cell 1 1}}
{item "grenade molotov_coctail" 2 {cell 2 0}}
{item "grenade m39" {cell 0 0}}
{item "dynamite" {cell 4 2}}
{item "grenade n73at" {cell 4 1}
{item "grenade m24x5" {cell 6 1}}

{item "mine antitank" 2 {cell 0 0}}
{item "mine antipersonnel" {cell 2 0}}


{MovementSpeed 1.88889}
{Remain 145.704}

{item "ammo mgun" 1000 {cell 0 0}}

{item "mine antitank" 2 {cell 0 0}}
{item "mine antitank" 2 {cell 0 3}}
{item "mine antitank" 2 {cell 0 5}}
{item "mine antitank" 2 {cell 2 0}}
{item "mine antitank" 2 {cell 2 3}}
{item "mine antitank" 2 {cell 2 5}}

{item "mine antipersonnel" 2 {cell 0 0}}
{item "mine antipersonnel" 2 {cell 0 3}}
{item "mine antipersonnel" 2 {cell 0 5}}
{item "mine antipersonnel" 2 {cell 2 0}}
{item "mine antipersonnel" 2 {cell 2 3}}
{item "mine antipersonnel" 2 {cell 2 5}}
More soldiers
On a level where your number of soldiers depends on how well you did on the previous mission (for example, if you have three men and one dies, then on the next mission you would have two men), and you wish to obtain more men, try to kill your own men. Then, restart the mission. You will obtain the maximum amount of soldiers that the level is allowed to have.

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