SimCopter Cheats - PC

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Check out these SimCopter cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable SimCopter Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode:
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + X and enter one of the following case and punctuation-sensitive codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited fuel Gas does grow on trees
Invincibility Shields up
Level select Warp me to career: <level 0 -30>
Skip level Been there, done that
View map outside of copter The map, please
Use megaphone outside of copter with [F6] - [F10] A megaphone in the hand is worth two in the bush
Save ASCII city map in C:\ Stop and ask for directions
View ending sequence Gort
Nuclear explosion self-destruct Radioactivity
Programmer's wife appears on billboards and movie screens PAMCAREYGOLDMAN
Makes all garbage buildings available, no matter what year Garbage in, garbage out
Return to hanger without chopper There's no place like home
Return to helicopter I love my helicopter
Increased money or ends game Give me bucks or give me death: <1-50,000>
Start drive-in movies Lights, Camera, Action!
Large helicopters Make me big
Camera follows car in city Out on a Sunday drive

Copter select
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + X, type I'm the CEO of McDonnell Douglas (case and punctuation-sensitive) and press [Enter] during game play. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Then, press one of the following keys at the copter catalog. The corresponding copter will appear outside the hangar at no cost.

Key Copter
1 Bell 206 JetRanger
2 MD 500
3 Apache
4 Bell 212
5 Schwiezer 300
6 Agusta A 109A
7 Dauphin 2
8 MD Explorer
9 MD Explorer 520N

Fly an Apache helicopter
Enable the "Copter select" code. Then, return to the hanger and press 1 through 9 in order at the copter catalog. Exit the hanger and walk around to one of the sides. A green Apache with machine guns will be available.

Shoot the water cannon to use the Apache's machine gun. Use the tear gas launcher to shoot the missiles. Both weapons have unlimited ammunition.

Zone a military base In SimCity 2000. One of the tiles that may appear will resemble the F-15 fighter jet from SimCopter. The SimCity 2000 Urban Renewal Kit may be used to make sure this happens. Then, fly over the F-15 in SimCopter, to have it turn into an Apache helicopter.

Easy level completion
Enable the "Fly an Apache helicopter" code. Fly around until you find a UFO and shoot it down. You should now have all your points. Return to base and exit your copter. This may done in any level.

Change difficulty level
Run the "tweak.exe" program in the "tweak" sub-directory in the "simcopter" directory found on the CD-ROM.

Turbo and Dog mode
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + X, type superpowermultiply, and press [Enter] during game play. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press [Shift] while in flight to move faster. Exit the copter and press [Shift] to transform into a dog.

Time of day
Press [Ctrl] + D to toggle between day and night.

Fly without a pilot
Hold Q to take off. While your engine is revving up, press E to exit the copter. If done correctly, you will have gotten out of the copter while it is still running. Use the "View map outside of copter" code to fly your helicopter without a pilot. Note: Once this cheat has been used, it is impossible to land your copter. Press E to re-enter your copter.

Injuring Sims
Hover near a person on the ground and press [F10]. That person (or someone nearby) will become injured, and you will be asked to medevac them. Note: You will lose 40 points.

Killing Sims
Enable the "Fly an Apache Helicopter" code. Buy a rescue harness, then use the missiles or tear gas launcher to set a tall or medium sized building on fire. While the building is burning, you will see Sims on the roof. You will then be called on a rooftop rescue mission. Lower the rescue harness and grab a Sim in the Apache. Fly up a short distance, then bring up the rescue harness all the way. The Sim will begin to fall. Land and the Sim will be dead. Note: Do not land on the burning building. You will also be penalized many points for killing a Sim.

Use the Apache to shoot people on ground, or roofs of burning buildings.

Set a building on fire with a missile from the Apache. When people appear just hover nearby. The fire will begin to climb. The people will die when the building is completely burned and collapses.

Floating road
Use SCURK to make a causeway across a small lake. Then, bulldoze the ramps and fill their former positions with water. Now, you have a floating road over a lake.

Alien temple
Build a large hill in SCURK. Then in SimCopter, cover it with either a highway or regular road and it will look like a huge alien temple. The UFO will often hover around it.

Walk towards the Light
Build several very long tunnels side by side in SCURK. Then, in SimCopter, park your chopper nearby. Get out and walk into the tunnels. You should see a large white expanse with hovercars going back and forth.

Chase a UFO
Enable the "Fly an Apache helicopter" code and fly around. A UFO should eventually appear in the game. Ten missile hits from the Apache are needed to shoot down the UFO.

Easy money
Enable the "Copter select" code. Enter the hanger and sell all the copters. Enable the code again and repeat to quickly build money.

Easy medevac points
Enable the "Use megaphone outside of copter with [F6] - [F10]" code. Land somewhere with a lot of people. Exit the copter, repeatedly press [F10] to mill about the people. Soon, they will begin firing shots at you, dancing, and collapsing (requiring you to medevac them). Also, you may find animals lying around -- you may pick these up as you would a medevac victim and put them in your helicopter. This is an easy way to score medevac points.

Glitch: Sim on helicopter
Get in your helicopter. Press E to exit nine times until your helicopter pilot is on your wing of the helicopter.

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