Sequence Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Sequence cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
A Little Too Into It - Synthesize every recipe in the game.
Another Castle - Get her back.
Ail For What Cures Ya - Defeat an enemy using only poison spells.
Arclit - Defeat an enemy on the seventh floor using only Arclight.
Buzzer Beater - Defeat an enemy with less than one second remaining on the clock.
On Your Way - Successfully defeat your first enemy.
P's And Queue's - Queue up five spells in a row.
Perfect Run - While learning a spell, achieve 100% accuracy for the entire song.
Precision - Complete a battle without failing a spell.
Presents Are Accounted For - Obtain every droppable item in the game at least once.
Element 77 - Synthesize iridium.
Erudite - Learn all spells.
Iris - Discover the name of she who controls fate.
Lies Within Lies - See the hidden ending.
Manafont - Recover over 150 mana in a single battle, and win.
Meant For Each Other - Beat the game on any difficulty.
Quarter Quell - Successfully complete a synthesis at 25% odds of success or lower.
Time Despair - Defeat an enemy within eleven seconds.
Triple Fortune - Obtain all three droppable items from any single enemy.
Yo Dawg - Trigger Boost a Trigger Boost.

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