#SelfieTennis Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these #SelfieTennis cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
#SelfieTennis space program - Hit a very high ball.
#SexyBeast - “Flirt” with 666 ball people.
99 problems, but a ball ain’t one - Incapacitate a horde of ball people.
Battery assault - Incapacitate a ball person with the racket.
Bee - Bzzzzzz...
Big ball - #SelfieBowling.
Big racket - Overcompensation.
Bye. - Make a guy fall off the court.
Byeeeeee… eee… ee… - Make a ball person “fly”
CHEATER! - Use one of the cheat buttons.
Collateral damage - Incapacitate a ball person with another ball person.
Dedication - Play for an hour straight.
Do you like to hurt other people? - Incapacitate a pack of ball people.
Do you want to pursue and engage them? - Incapacitate a throng of ball people.
Don’t you need to go pee? - Get the ball over the net 200 times.
Exploding heart - Wait for it…
Extra special cool coin hit - Hit one of the corner tower coins.
First blood - Incapacitate a ball person.
First blood: Part II - Incapacitate a few ball people.
Getting out of hand - Incapacitate several ball people.
Getting there - Get the ball over the net 5 times.
Giant mode - Puny ball people.
Godzilla - Incapacitate 5 ball people within the duration of “giant mode”.
Good joooob! - You hit the ball over the net.
Greetings from #SelfieTennis land - Tweet a selfie with the selfie stick.
Heart heads - Love is all around you.
Killing spree - Incapacitate lots of ball people.
Mastery of the field - Hit 10,000 balls.
My heart will go on - Hit a heart.
Oooooh! - Incapacitate 3 ball people with one “heart bomb”.
Player - Get the ball over the net 20 times.
Professional Video Tennis Player - Get the ball over the net 100 times.
Rampage - Incapacitate 5 ball people within 10 seconds.
Ring my bell - Hit the bell in the tower.
Sadistic bee-haviour - Incapacitate a ball person with a bee.
Small racket - Size doesn’t... matter?
Statistics - Incapacitate a swarm of ball people.
Stop hitting yourself - Hit yourself and change color 3 times.
Stradivicious - Incapacitate a ball person with the violin.
To bee or not to bee - Incapacitate a bee.
Veteran - Get the ball over the net 50 times.
Violin - Expensive tennis racket.
Who am I? - Record yourself with the selfie stick.
Would hit again - Get the ball over the net 10 times.

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