Scourge: Outbreak Cheats - PC

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Check out these Scourge: Outbreak cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
Annihilation - Kill 30 enemies in a row without dying or being incapacitated.
Beast Slayer - Get the killing blow on the Banshee.
Bloodthirsty - Kill 15 enemies in a row without dying or being incapacitated.
Bruiser - Kill 10 enemies in a row with the Melee Attack without dying.
Catch! - Kill 10 enemies in a row with Grenades without dying.
Co-Ordinated Fire - Complete any Level, in any difficulty, in a 4-player co-op game.
Combustion - Kill 4 enemies simultaneously with a Grenade.
Complete Level 2 in any difficulty mode - Complete Level 2 in any difficulty mode.
Death Touch - Kill an enemy Player after you die.
Denial - End an enemy Player's killing spree.
Domination - Win a Capture The Flag round with 10 kills and zero deaths.
Eat Lead! - Kill 10 enemies in a row with the Chimera without dying.
Field Medic - Revive an incapacitated Player 10 times in Campaign Mode.
Flawless - Win a Team Deathmatch round with 10 kills and zero deaths.
Grizzled Veteran - Complete all 4 Levels in 'Nightmare' difficulty mode.
Gunslinger - Kill 10 enemies in a row with the Piranha without dying.
Jack Of All Trades - Obtain Rank 5 in all 4 XP categories.
Kleptomaniac - Capture the Flag 3 times during a Capture-The-Flag round.
Level 1 Complete - Complete Level 1 in any difficulty mode.
Level 3 Complete - Complete Level 3 in any difficulty mode.
Level 4 Complete - Complete Level 4 in any difficulty mode.
Master Of All Trades - Obtain Rank 10 in all 4 XP categories.
Matador - Get the killing blow on the Digger.
No Escape - Kill 10 enemies in a row with Adhesive Grenades without dying.
One-Man Army - Win a Deathmatch round with at least 50 kills.
Prolific Killer - Kill 20 enemies in a row without dying or being incapacitated.
Regicide - Get the killing blow on Lilith.
Rifleman - Kill 10 enemies in a row with the Reaper without dying.
Rocket Man - Kill 10 enemies in a row with the Manticore without dying.
Seassoned Pro - Complete all 4 Levels in 'Normal' difficulty mode.
Sharpshooter - Kill 10 enemies in a row with the Guardian without dying.
Slaughter - Kill 25 enemies in a row without dying or being incapacitated.
Small Arms Specialist - Complete any Level, in any difficulty, using only the Piranha.
Splash Damage - Kill 4 enemies simultaneously with the Shockwave Ability.
Spray and Prey - Kill 10 enemies in a row with the Firefly without dying.
Stuck On You - Kill 4 enemies simultaneously with an Adhesive Grenade.
Survival Expert - Complete Level 3 in any difficulty mode without being incapacitated.
Survival Master - Complete Level 4 in any difficulty mode without being incapacitated.
Survival Specialist - Complete Level 2 in any difficulty mode without being incapacitated.
Survivor - Complete Level 1 in any difficulty mode without being incapacitated.
Troublemaker - Restart the game after disabling VAC without having a VAC banned account. Why would you want to disable VAC? Hmmm...
Tsunami - Kill 10 enemies in a row with the Shockwave without dying.
Up Close and Personal - Kill 10 enemies in a row with the Barracuda without dying.
Weapons Pro - Obtain all Weapons Awards.

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