Rhythm Destruction Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Rhythm Destruction cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
...Now to Master Them All - Receive a passing score on every stage in the game.
A New Hope - Complete all the goals for the 'Esperanza' stage.
Are your fingers still attached? - Get a full combo on a Tier 5 stage.
Cold Blooded - Complete all the goals for the 'Viper' stage.
Combo King - Get a full combo on a Tier 4 stage.
Diamond In The Rough - Receive a 95% grade or higher on any stage.
Diamonds are Forever - Achieve an average of 95% or higher across all stages.
Dynamite - Complete all the goals for the 'Dynamo' stage.
Feelin' It - Get a full combo on a Tier 2 stage.
Fossilized - Complete all the goals for the 'Land of the Lost' stage.
Gold Country - Achieve an average of 90% or higher across all stages.
Gotta Start Somewhere - Upload a passing score to the leaderboards.
Groovin' - Get a full combo on a Tier 1 stage.
Keep On Rollin' - Get a full combo on a Tier 3 stage.
Locked and Loaded - Complete all the goals for the 'Deadlocked' stage.
Machinist - Complete all the goals for the 'Machine Rhythm' stage.
Morning Glory - Complete all the goals for the 'Oasis' stage.
Perfectionist - Receive a 100% grade on any stage.
Platinum: Dark Angel - Score 470,000 or higher on 'Dark Angel'.
Platinum: Deadlocked - Score 300,000 or higher on 'Deadlocked'.
Platinum: Dynamo - Score 152,000 or higher on 'Dynamo'.
Platinum: Esperanza - Score 233,000 or higher on 'Esperanza'.
Platinum: Land of the Lost - Score 212,000 or higher on 'Land of the Lost'.
Platinum: Machine Rhythm - Score 280,000 or higher on 'Machine Rhythm'.
Platinum: Oasis - Score 228,000 or higher on 'Oasis'.
Platinum: Supremacy - Score 78,000 or higher on 'Supremacy'.
Platinum: Tempo - Score 390,000 or higher on 'Tempo'.
Platinum: The Message - Score 270,000 or higher on 'The Message'.
Platinum: Viper - Score 815,000 or higher on 'Viper'.
Platinum: Who - Score 138,000 or higher on 'Who'.
Platinum: You Bring the Rain - Score 390,000 or higher on 'You Bring the Rain'.
Practice Makes Perfect - Pass every stage in the game 10 times or more.
Rain Man - Complete all the goals for the 'You Bring the Rain' stage.
Relentless - Pass 5 stages in a row without dying.
Shoot the Messenger - Complete all the goals for the 'The Message' stage.
Silent But Deadly - Receive a passing grade on a stage with the volume set to zero.
Struck Gold - Receive a 90% grade or higher on any stage.
Such Skill, Much Score. Wow - Get a score of over 350,000 on any stage.
Supreme - Complete all the goals for the 'Supremacy' stage.
Taming the Beast - Complete all the goals for the 'Dark Angel' stage.
Tempest - Complete all the goals for the 'Tempo' stage.
The One Percent - Achieve an average of 99% or higher across all stages.
Trust Me, I'm a Doctor - Complete all the goals for the 'Who' stage.
Unstoppable - Pass 10 stages in a row without dying.
Well That Was a Freebie - View the credits screen. Come on, it's an easy one.

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