Resonance Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Resonance cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
"That" guy - That creep on the subway? Yeah, that's you.
Access granted - Gain access to the inner vault.
Angel - Open Dr. Morales's journal without damaging it.
Duo - Gain control of two characters.
Finding north - Use a compass to find a new location.
Get the scoop - The pulitzer is in the bag.
Good listener - Listen to Saul's whole story without interrupting him.
Gotta hide - Escape a nightmare.
High Score - SUPER ACHIEVEMENT - Finish the game with a full score.
Hippocrates - Pay Ozzy while keeping your professional integrity intact.
I promise you - Your uncle holds the key.
Independent - Finish the game without asking another character for a hint.
Archive master - Get the blueprints on your first try.
Blackmailer - Gain Tortoise's help by resorting to blackmail.
Blueprint snatcher - Nab the blueprints from the police archive.
Close to heart - Learn Bennet's secret.
Cut the rope - Save yourself by destroying a rope.
Decoder ring - SUPER ACHIEVEMENT - Decode a journal.
Dream master - Get all the memories from Anna's dream maze.
No smoking - Discover the chemisty department's secret.
Phone tracer - Track the movements of a killer.
Quartet - Gain control of all four characters.
Quick escape - INSANE ACHIEVEMENT - Escape from the monster without locking the door.
Safe seer - INSANE ACHIEVEMENT - Open Tortoise's safe without using any "visual aids".
Safecracker - Crack Tortoise's safe.
Savior - Save Dr. Morales.
See the Wizard - Find Morales's financial information.
Just because - Ray's kind of a jerk.
Key nabber - Remove the contents of a locker without opening it.
Lesser of two evils - You sided with an enemy to stop a greater foe.
Listen to us - Play the entire game with commentary mode active.
Magnetic personality - Maneuver everyone through the super collider.
Mirror Master - Grow some eyes in the back of your head.
Teamwork - Team up to fix the lab's water system.
Technophile - Find a new location on the map using fancy technology.
That went well - Talk to that nice girl on the subway.
The new world order - You stopped a killer, but let the big fish go free.
Wired - Rewire the lab door circuit.

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