Puzzle Pirates Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Puzzle Pirates cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
Adept Swordsman of Sprinkles - Hit an opponent with 5,000 sprinkles in the Swordfighting puzzle.
Adept Swordsman of Strikes - Hit an opponent with 1,000 strikes in the Swordfighting puzzle.
An Eye for Grain - Earn 100 grain bonuses in the Carpentry puzzle.
Atlantean Tablet - Be aboard a vessel that sinks in Atlantis.
Bashed Shield - Successfully defend 200 settlements from a Viking attack.
Battered Shield - Successfully complete 50 Imperial outpost attacks in which your ship is at risk.
Army of Darkness - Celebrate Sea Battle victories alongside 1,000 skeletons.
Astral Anchor - Complete 100 constellations in the Navigation puzzle.
Atlantean Explorer - Journey into the lost seas of Atlantis!
Bejeweled Crab - Clear 5,000 crabs in the Bilging puzzle.
Bellator's Bane - Win 5 swordfights against Atlantean saboteurs.
Beach Comber - Complete your first expedition for buried treasure.
Bejeweled Cannon - Fill 100,000 cannons in the Gunning puzzle.
Blademaster of Sprinkles - Hit an opponent with 100,000 sprinkles in the Swordfighting puzzle.
Blademaster of Strikes - Hit an opponent with 20,000 strikes in the Swordfighting puzzle.
Bone Brothers - Celebrate Sea Battle victories alongside 25 skeletons.
Boots of Bilging - Sublime or higher experience and Able standing in Bilging.
Briny Mask - Be aboard a vessel that sinks in the Cursed Isles.
Broad Carpenter - Reach Broad experience in Carpentry.
Broad Distiller - Reach Broad experience in Distilling.
Broad Drinker - Reach Broad experience in Drinking.
Broad Alchemist - Reach Broad experience in Alchemistry.
Broad Battle Navigator - Reach Broad experience in Battle Navigation.
Broad Bilger - Reach Broad experience in Bilging.
Broad Blacksmith - Reach Broad experience in Blacksmithing.
Broad Sailor - Reach Broad experience in Sailing.
Broad Shipwright - Reach Broad experience in Shipwrightery.
Broad Spades Player - Reach Broad experience in Spades.
Broad Swordfighter - Reach Broad experience in Swordfighting.
Broad Treasure Drop Player - Reach Broad experience in Treasure Drop.
Broad Forager - Reach Broad experience in Foraging.
Broad Gunner - Reach Broad experience in Gunning.
Broad Hearts Player - Reach Broad experience in Hearts.
Broad Navigator - Reach Broad experience in Navigation.
Broad Poker Player - Reach Broad experience in Poker.
Broad Rigger - Reach Broad experience in Rigging.
Broad Rumbler - Reach Broad experience in Rumble.
Broad Treasure Hauler - Reach Broad experience in Treasure Haul.
Broad Weaver - Reach Broad experience in Weaving.
Bronze Archelon - Participate in the sinking of 5 archelons in Atlantis.
Bronze Triketos - Participate in the sinking of 5 triketos in Atlantis.
Cannon of the Deep - Complete 50 expeditions to salvage sunken ships.
Celestial Sloop - Complete 2,500 constellations in the Navigation puzzle.
Champion of Sprinkles - Hit an opponent with 100,000 sprinkles in the Rumble puzzle.
Champion of Strikes - Hit an opponent with 20,000 strikes in the Rumble puzzle.
Bronze Citadel - Successfully storm an Atlantean citadel.
Bronze Ghost Brig - Participate in the sinking of 5 ghostly brigs in the Haunted Seas.
Bronze Ghost Frigate - Participate in the sinking of 5 ghostly frigates in the Haunted Seas.
Bronze Ghost Sloop - Participate in the sinking of 5 ghostly sloops in the Haunted Seas.
Bronze Gorgonyx - Participate in the sinking of 5 gorgonyxes in Atlantis.
Bronze Ship Graveyard - Exorcise the ghosts from a ship graveyard within the Haunted Seas.
Bronze Spoon - Dig up 500 kilograms worth of chests from buried treasure atolls.
Chilling Chest - Haul 1,250 chests out of the depths of the haunted seas.
Corpse Corps - Celebrate Sea Battle victories alongside 250 skeletons.
Crumpled Helm - Successfully defend 50 settlements from a Viking attack.
Cultist Crusher - Win 5 frays against cursed islanders.
Cursed Banner - Set foot ashore one of the mysterious Cursed Isles!
Cursed Forager - Forage 500 kilograms worth of chests from the cursed isles.
Diamond Cannon - Fill 250,000 cannons in the Gunning puzzle.
Diamond Crab - Clear 20,000 crabs in the Bilging puzzle.
Eerie Chest - Haul 250 chests out of the depths of the haunted seas.
Elite Swordsman of Sprinkles - Hit an opponent with 25,000 sprinkles in the Swordfighting puzzle.
Elite Swordsman of Strikes - Hit an opponent with 5,000 strikes in the Swordfighting puzzle.
Enlightened Eradicator - Win 50 frays against cursed islanders.
Enlightened Forager - Forage 50,000 kilograms worth of chests from the cursed isles.
Expert Alchemist - Reach Expert experience in Alchemistry.
Expert Battle Navigator - Reach Expert experience in Battle Navigation.
Expert Bilger - Reach Expert experience in Bilging.
Expert Blacksmith - Reach Expert experience in Blacksmithing.
Expert Carpenter - Reach Expert experience in Carpentry.
Expert Distiller - Reach Expert experience in Distilling.
Expert Drinker - Reach Expert experience in Drinking.
Expert Forager - Reach Expert experience in Foraging.
Expert Gunner - Reach Expert experience in Gunning.
Expert Hearts Player - Reach Expert experience in Hearts.
Expert Navigator - Reach Expert experience in Navigation.
Expert Poker Player - Reach Expert experience in Poker.
Expert Rigger - Reach Expert experience in Rigging.
Expert Rumbler - Reach Expert experience in Rumble.
Expert Sailor - Reach Expert experience in Sailing.
Expert Shipwright - Reach Expert experience in Shipwrightery.
Expert Spades Player - Reach Expert experience in Spades.
Expert Swordfighter - Reach Expert experience in Swordfighting.
Expert Treasure Drop Player - Reach Expert experience in Treasure Drop.
Expert Treasure Hauler - Reach Expert experience in Treasure Haul.
Expert Weaver - Reach Expert experience in Weaving.
Featherweight of Sprinkles - Hit an opponent with 1,000 sprinkles in the Rumble puzzle.
Featherweight of Strikes - Hit an opponent with 200 strikes in the Rumble puzzle.
Frenetic Forager - Earn a rating of Frenetic while Foraging in the Cursed Isles.
Full Steam Ahead - Participate in a voyage and win a Sea Battle. Welcome to Puzzle Pirates!
Ghost Fish - Be aboard a vessel that sinks in the Haunted Seas.
Glittering Chest - Haul 1,250 chests out of the depths of Atlantis.
Golden Archelon - Participate in the sinking of 1,000 archelons in Atlantis.
Golden Cannon - Fill 10,000 cannons in the Gunning puzzle.
Golden Citadel - Successfully storm 100 Atlantean citadels.
Golden Crab - Clear 1,000 crabs in the Bilging puzzle.
Golden Ghost Brig - Participate in the sinking of 1,000 ghostly brigs in the Haunted Seas.
Golden Ghost Frigate - Participate in the sinking of 1,000 ghostly frigates in the Haunted Seas.
Golden Ghost Sloop - Participate in the sinking of 1,000 ghostly sloops in the Haunted Seas.
Golden Gorgonyx - Participate in the sinking of 1,000 gorgonyxes in Atlantis.
Golden Ship Graveyard - Exorcise 500 ship graveyards within the haunted seas.
Golden Spade - Dig up 50,000 kilograms worth of chests from buried treasure atolls.
Golden Triketos - Participate in the sinking of 1,000 triketos in Atlantis.
Grain Adept - Earn 2,000 grain bonuses in the Carpentry puzzle.
Grain Guru - Earn 5,000 grain bonuses in the Carpentry puzzle.
Haunted Chest - Haul 50 chests out of the depths of the haunted seas.
Heavenly Hook - Complete 1,000 constellations in the Navigation puzzle.
Heavyweight of Sprinkles - Hit an opponent with 25,000 sprinkles in the Rumble puzzle.
Heavyweight of Strikes - Hit an opponent with 5,000 strikes in the Rumble puzzle.
Hexed Forager - Forage 5,000 kilograms worth of chests from the cursed isles.
Hijacked Load - Successfully complete 10 merchant hunt expeditions.
Homunculus Humbler - Win 500 frays against cursed islanders.
Imperial Captain Insignia - Successfully storm 50 Imperial outposts.
Imperial Colonel Insignia - Successfully storm 200 Imperial outposts.
Imperial Corporal Insignia - Successfully storm 10 Imperial outposts.
Imperial Private Insignia - Successfully storm an Imperial outpost.
Incredible Alchemist - Complete an Incredible session of Alchemistry.
Incredible Bilger - Earn a rating of Incredible while Bilging.
Incredible Sailor - Earn a rating of Incredible while Sailing.
Incredible Shipwright - Complete an Incredible session of Shipwrightery.
Incredible Treasure Hauler - Earn a rating of Incredible while Treasure Hauling.
Incredible Weaver - Complete an Incredible session of Weaving.
Incredible Blacksmith - Complete an Incredible session of Blacksmithing.
Incredible Carpenter - Earn a rating of Incredible while performing Carpentry.
Incredible Distiller - Complete an Incredible session of Distilling.
Incredible Forager - Complete an Incredible session of Foraging.
Incredible Gunner - Earn a rating of Incredible while Gunning.
Incredible Navigator - Earn a rating of Incredible while Navigating.
Incredible Rigger - Earn a rating of Incredible while Rigging.
Inner Skelly - Use an amulet to turn yourself into a skeleton.
Island Hopper - Complete 200 expeditions for buried treasure.
Jack-Tar - Complete 200 targets in the Sailing puzzle.
Longship Vanquisher - Do the maximum possible damage to an enemy longship while on a Viking expedition.
Lost Figurehead - Complete 200 expeditions to salvage sunken ships.
Masterful Sea Dog - Complete 40,000 targets in the Sailing puzzle.
Middleweight of Sprinkles - Hit an opponent with 5,000 sprinkles in the Rumble puzzle.
Middleweight of Strikes - Hit an opponent with 1,000 strikes in the Rumble puzzle.
Overflowing Chest - Haul 6,250 chests out of the depths of Atlantis.
Oyster - Pay your last respects to the Old Man from Oyster Island.
Pale Runner - Journey into the otherworldly waters of the Haunted Seas!
Pilfered Goods - Successfully complete a merchant hunt expedition.
Plundered Loot - Successfully complete 200 merchant hunt expeditions.
Radiant Jolly Roger - Complete 10,000 constellations in the Navigation puzzle.
Reef Raider - Complete 50 expeditions for buried treasure.
Sandbar Skipper - Complete 10 expeditions for buried treasure.
Savvy Sailor - Complete 4,000 targets in the Sailing puzzle.
Seasoned Old Salt - Complete 10,000 targets in the Sailing puzzle.
Shattered Swords - Successfully defend 10 settlements from a Viking attack.
Silver Archelon - Participate in the sinking of 200 archelons in Atlantis.
Silver Cannon - Fill 1,000 cannons in the Gunning puzzle.
Silver Citadel - Successfully storm 25 Atlantean citadels.
Silver Crab - Clear 100 crabs in the Bilging puzzle.
Silver Ghost Brig - Participate in the sinking of 200 ghostly brigs in the Haunted Seas.
Silver Ghost Frigate - Participate in the sinking of 200 ghostly frigates in the Haunted Seas.
Silver Ghost Sloop - Participate in the sinking of 200 ghostly sloops in the Haunted Seas.
Silver Gorgonyx - Participate in the sinking of 200 gorgonyxes in Atlantis.
Silver Pickaxe - Dig up 5,000 kilograms worth of chests from buried treasure atolls.
Silver Ship Graveyard - Exorcise 50 ship graveyards within the haunted seas.
Silver Triketos - Participate in the sinking of 200 triketos in Atlantis.
Skeleton Crew - Celebrate a Sea Battle victory alongside (or as) a skeleton.
Soggy Chest - Haul 50 chests out of the depths of Atlantis.
Splintered Axes - Successfully defend a settlement from a Viking attack.
Stomped Shako - Successfully complete an Imperial outpost attack in which your ship is at risk.
Sublime Alchemist - Reach Sublime experience in Alchemistry.
Sublime Battle Navigator - Reach Sublime experience in Battle Navigation.
Sublime Bilger - Reach Sublime experience in Bilging.
Sublime Blacksmith - Reach Sublime experience in Blacksmithing.
Sublime Carpenter - Reach Sublime experience in Carpentry.
Sublime Distiller - Reach Sublime experience in Distilling.
Sublime Drinker - Reach Sublime experience in Drinking.
Sublime Forager - Reach Sublime experience in Foraging.
Sublime Gunner - Reach Sublime experience in Gunning.
Sublime Hearts Player - Reach Sublime experience in Hearts.
Sublime Navigator - Reach Sublime experience in Navigation.
Sublime Poker Player - Reach Sublime experience in Poker.
Sublime Rigger - Reach Sublime experience in Rigging.
Sublime Rumbler - Reach Sublime experience in Rumble.
Sublime Sailor - Reach Sublime experience in Sailing.
Sublime Shipwright - Reach Sublime experience in Shipwrightery.
Sublime Spades Player - Reach Sublime experience in Spades.
Sublime Swordfighter - Reach Sublime experience in Swordfighting.
Sublime Treasure Drop Player - Reach Sublime experience in Treasure Drop.
Sublime Treasure Hauler - Reach Sublime experience in Treasure Haul.
Sublime Weaver - Reach Sublime experience in Weaving.
Sunken Ship's Bell - Complete 10 expeditions to salvage sunken ships.
Swiped Cargo - Successfully complete 50 merchant hunt expeditions.
Swordsman of Sprinkles - Hit an opponent with 1,000 sprinkles in the Swordfighting puzzle.
Swordsman of Strikes - Hit an opponent with 200 strikes in the Swordfighting puzzle.
Tattered Flag - Successfully complete 10 Imperial outpost attacks in which your ship is at risk.
Toppled Crown - Successfully complete 50 Imperial outpost attacks in which your ship is at risk.
Ultimate Alchemist - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Alchemistry.
Ultimate Battle Navigator - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Battle Navigation.
Ultimate Bilger - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Bilging.
Ultimate Blacksmith - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Blacksmithing.
Ultimate Carouser - Earn the Ultimate achievement for every Carousing puzzle.
Ultimate Carpenter - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Carpentry.
Ultimate Crafter - Earn the Ultimate achievement for every Crafting puzzle.
Ultimate Distiller - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Distilling.
Ultimate Drinker - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Drinking.
Ultimate Forager - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Foraging.
Ultimate Gunner - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Gunning.
Ultimate Hearts Player - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Hearts.
Ultimate Navigator - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Navigation.
Ultimate of Ultimates - Earn the Ultimate Pirate, Ultimate Carouser and Ultimate Crafter achievements.
Ultimate Pirate - Earn the Ultimate achievement for every Piracy puzzle.
Ultimate Poker Player - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Poker.
Ultimate Rigger - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Rigging.
Ultimate Rumbler - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Rumble.
Ultimate Sailor - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Sailing.
Ultimate Shipwright - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Shipwrightery.
Ultimate Spades Player - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Spades.
Ultimate Swordfighter - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Swordfighting.
Ultimate Treasure Drop Player - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Treasure Drop.
Ultimate Treasure Hauler - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Treasure Haul.
Ultimate Weaver - Achieve ocean-wide Ultimate standing in Weaving.
Unearthly Chest - Haul 6,250 chests out of the depths of the haunted seas.
Valuable Chest - Haul 250 chests out of the depths of Atlantis.
Vargas Vanquisher - Defeat Vargas the Mad while ashore in the Cursed Isles.
Waterlogged Spyglass - Complete your first expedition to salvage a sunken ship.
Wizard of Woodgrain - Earn 20,000 grain bonuses in the Carpentry puzzle.

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