Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants Cheats - PC

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Check out these Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants Cheats
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May. 25, 2012

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Achievements (Steam)
1-Way-Weapons - Use up 4,000 handheld weapons in boarding combats.
1st ARRR!chievement - Fist time on sea.
David-versus-Goliath - Win a battle with a pinnace against at least 60 guns.
Davy Jones' Locker - Sink 1,000 vessels.
First among equals - Win a multiplayer game.
Flawless Victory - Win a battle without taking any damage.
Got ye new Ship - The first vessel purchased.
Hey Mr. Tallyman - Turn over manually a total ammount of 100,000 barrels.
Horting - Posess 250,000 barrels of goods within one game.
Hospitable - Create and finish a game with at least 2 Users.
Hunt for Booty - Loot 25,000 barrels.
Arm of the Law - Destroy 10 pirate hide-outs.
Arrr! - First time boarded a vessel successfuly.
As you wish - 10 tasks fulfilled.
Aye aye, Capt'n! - Reach the highest rank.
Beelzebub - Highest fame as 'Pirate'.
Checkmate - Reduce a nation's number of towns down to one.
Collector's desire - Possess all ship types in one game.
Conqueror - A town annexation by matial methods.
Crow's Nest - Discover 10 pirate nests in a single game.
D-Fence - Defend a town from 5 attacks.
Plundering - Ambush a trader.
Puppet Master - Occupy 15,000 employees within one game.
Shellback - Spend 50 hours in the Caribbean.
Ship Ahoy! - First naval battle.
Ship Naming - Name a convoy.
The Message is Trading, dude! - A trading route is active since 365 days.
There, I fixed it! - Perform an emergency repair.
Treasure Chest - Pile up to 4 million gold pieces within one game.
Treasure Hunter - Find a hidden treasure.
Hypocritical - Pray 10 times.
Keelhaul - Rescue 100 sailors from sharks.
Kudos! - Tutorial completed successfully.
Land Lubber - Build 250 buildings.
Lean Back - Patrol fought out 500 battles.
Lord of War - Be in possession of 5,000 guns.
Master of Benders - Visit all 60 taverns.
Peacemaker - A town take over by peaceful methods.
True Hero - Reach the highest popularity in a town.
Veni, ... - Take control over 5 towns within one game.
... vidi, ... - Take control over 15 towns within one game.
... vici! - Take control over 30 towns within one game.
Walk the Plank - Destroy a pirate convoy.
Wedding bells - Marry.
What's yours is mine - Annex a fellow player's town.
White Lamb - Highest fame as 'Trader'.
Whizz-Kid - Maximize all abilities of a captain.
Wistfulness - The first vessel sold.
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Highest fame as 'Buccaneer'.
You're Welcome - Reach the highest reputation in a nation.

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